Oxford Nanopore SQK-LSK109 Ligation Sequencing Kit Updated +Created
Repairs the ends of DNA, and also attaches an adapter protein to the DNA that makes them go through the pores of e.g. an Oxford Nanopore MinION.
Existential quantification Updated +Created
Existence and uniqueness of solutions of partial differential equations Updated +Created
If you have a PDE that models physical phenomena, it is fundamental that:
  • there must exist a solution for every physically valid initial condition, otherwise it means that the equation does not describe certain cases of reality
  • the solution must be unique, otherwise how are we to choose between the multiple solutions?
Unlike for ordinary differential equations which have the Picard–Lindelöf theorem, the existence and uniqueness of solution is not well solved for PDEs.
University of São Carlos Updated +Created
Inverse of the transpose Updated +Created
The transpose and matrix inverse commute:
IP address Updated +Created
Video 1.
The Internet Protocol by Ben Eater (2014)
One-to-many Updated +Created
Many-to-many Updated +Created
Laziness Driven Development Updated +Created
Ciro's nc HTTP test server Updated +Created
As per stackoverflow.com/a/52351480/895245 our standard test setup is:
while true; do
  resp=$"$(date): hello\n"
  len="$(printf '%s' "$resp" | wc -c)"
  printf "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: $len\r\n\r\n${resp}\n" | nc -Nl 8000
Country in North America Updated +Created
fast.ai Updated +Created
A pair of Austrailan deep learning training provider/consuntants that have produced a lot of good free learning materials:Authors:
Irreducible representation Updated +Created
Laptop Updated +Created
iPod Updated +Created
Was a direct tech predecessor to the iPhone.
Isolation (database systems) Updated +Created
Determines what can or cannot happen when multiple queries are running in parallel.
See Section "SQL transaction isolation level" for the most common context under which this is discussed: SQL.
Isomers suggest that atoms exist Updated +Created
Subtle is the Lord by Abraham Pais (1982) page 85:
However, it became increasingly difficult in chemical circles to deny the reality of molecules after 1874, the year in which Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff and Joseph Achille Le Bel independently explained the isomerism of certain organic substances in terms of stereochemical properties of carbon compounds.
so it is quite cool to see that organic chemistry is one of the things that pushed atomic theory forward. Because when you start to observe that isomers has different characteristics, despite identical proportions of atoms, this is really hard to explain without talking about the relative positions of the atoms within molecules!
TODO: is there anything even more precise that points to atoms in stereoisomers besides just the "two isomers with different properties" thing?
Islamic sect Updated +Created
Battle of Algiers (1966) Updated +Created
There's nothing like seeing the hypocrisy of the "Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité" people destroyed.
Interesting how Algeria now supports China's Xinjiang policy in 2019. But of course, dictatorships tend to work together
Ciro Santilli's father, an avid history reader, and in particular interested in the military dictatorship in Brazil through which he lived, once told Ciro how the French torture doctrine was directly adopted by Brazillian military, e.g. then even invited general Paul Aussaresses who had served in Algeria, to help them out with intelligence operations and give courses. Bro, fuck that.
Federal University of São Carlos Updated +Created

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