Oil drop experiment Updated +Created
Clear experiment diagram which explains that the droplet mass determined with Stoke's law:
Video 1.
Quantum Mechanics 4a - Atoms I by ViaScience (2013)
American Scientific, LLC sells a ready made educational kit for this: www.youtube.com/watch?v=EV3BtoMGA9c
Here's some actual footage of a droplet on a well described more one-off setup:
Video 2.
Millikan's Experiment, Part 2: The Experiment by Phil Furneaux (2017)
Source. From Lancaster University
This American video likely from the 60's shows it with amazing contrast: www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UDT2FcyeA4
List of Nobel Prizes in Chemistry Updated +Created
Turbo code Updated +Created
TODO how close does it get to Shannon's limit?
Nuclear site Updated +Created
Salted bomb Updated +Created
Human essential fatty acid Updated +Created
Physical layer Updated +Created
This one is not generally seen by software, which mostly operates starting from OSI layer 2.
Marsupial Updated +Created
They split up from the rest of the mammals after the monotremes.
Every other mammal has a placenta.
This baby in pouch thing just feels like a pre-placenta stage.
Multicellularity is polyphyletic Updated +Created
From Wikipedia:
Multicellularity has evolved independently at least 25 times in eukaryotes
Complex multicellular organisms evolved only in six eukaryotic groups: animals, symbiomycotan fungi, brown algae, red algae, green algae, and land plants.
Diagonal matrix Updated +Created
Symmetric matrix Updated +Created
Networking hardware company Updated +Created
Schrödinger equation Updated +Created
Experiments explained:
Experiments not explained: those that the Dirac equation explains like:
To get some intuition on the equation on the consequences of the equation, have a look at:
The easiest to understand case of the equation which you must have in mind initially that of the Schrödinger equation for a free one dimensional particle.
Then, with that in mind, the general form of the Schrödinger equation is:
Equation 1.
Schrodinger equation
  • is the reduced Planck constant
  • is the wave function
  • is the time
  • is a linear operator called the Hamiltonian. It takes as input a function , and returns another function. This plays a role analogous to the Hamiltonian in classical mechanics: determining it determines what the physical system looks like, and how the system evolves in time, because we can just plug it into the equation and solve it. It basically encodes the total energy and forces of the system.
The argument of could be anything, e.g.:
Note however that there is always a single magical time variable. This is needed in particular because there is a time partial derivative in the equation, so there must be a corresponding time variable in the function. This makes the equation explicitly non-relativistic.
The general Schrödinger equation can be broken up into a trivial time-dependent and a time-independent Schrödinger equation by separation of variables. So in practice, all we need to solve is the slightly simpler time-independent Schrödinger equation, and the full equation comes out as a result.
Thermonuclear weapon Updated +Created
Nuclear weapons testing Updated +Created
Simian Updated +Created
Physics YouTube channel Updated +Created
ImageMagick Updated +Created
Crop 20 pixels from the bottom of the image:
convert image.png -gravity East -chop 20x0 result.png
Triangular matrix Updated +Created
Router (computing) Updated +Created

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