Polonium-210 Updated +Created
The only isotope found on Earth because it occurs as part of the uranium 238 decay chain, i.e., it is not a primordial nuclide.
Interestingly it is a bit less stable than other isotopesL such as Polonium-208 (3 y) and Polonium-209 (124 y), but those aren't in any Earthly radioactive chain so they don't show up on Earth.
Uranium-235 Updated +Created
Wikimedia Commons Updated +Created
A really good option to store educational media such as images and video!
Shame that like the rest of Wikimedia, their interface is so clunky and lacking obvious features.
Gun-type fission weapon Updated +Created
Gun-type fission weapons are the simplest approach and they work with Uranium-235 bombs as you can ignite it with just one explosion.
Phosphorescence Updated +Created
Silicon Updated +Created
Radioactive decay Updated +Created
Ciro Santilli finds it interesting that radioactive decay basically kickstarted the domain of nuclear physics by essentially providing a natural particle accelerator from a chunk of radioactive element.
The discovery process was particularly interesting, including Henri Becquerel's luck while observing phosphorescence, and Marie Curie's observation that the uranium ore were more radioactive than pure uranium, and must therefore contain other even more radioactive substances, which lead to the discovery of polonium (half-life 138 days) and radium (half-life 1600 years).
Josephson voltage standard Updated +Created
The most practical/precise volt standard.
It motivated the definition of the ampere in the 2019 redefinition of the SI base units
The wiki page en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josephson_voltage_standard contains amazing schematics of the device, apparently made by the US Government.
Figure 1.
Schematic of a typical Josephson voltage standard chip
. Source.
Figure 2.
Sam Benz demonstrating the equipment required the voltage standard
. Source.
Video 1.
The evolution of voltage metrology to the latest generation of JVSs by Alain Rüfenacht
. Source. Talk given in 2023. The speaker is from NIST, and the talk was hosted by the BIPM. Fantastic talk.
Video 2.
Technical aspects of realizing the DC volt in the laboratory with a JVS by Stéphane Solve
. Source. Talk given in 2023. The speaker is from BIPM, and the talk was hosted by the BIPM. Fantastic talk.
Allen Wu Updated +Created
This situation is the most bizarre thing ever. The dude was fired in 2020, but he refused to be fired, and because he has the company seal, they can't fire him. He is still going to the office as of 2022. It makes one wonder what are the true political causes for this situation. A big warning sign to all companies tring to setup joint ventures in China!
Video 1.
ARM Fired ARM China’s CEO But He Won’t Go by Asianometry (2021)
Radium Updated +Created
Discovered by Marie Curie when she noticed that there was some yet unknown more radioactive element in their raw samples, after uranium and polonium, which she published 6 months prior, had already been separated. Published on December 1989 as: Section "Sur une nouvelle substance fortement radio-active, contenue dans la pechblende".
The uranium 238 decay chain is the main source of naturally occurring radium.
Video 1.
The epic story of radium by Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (2013)
Cambridge Updated +Created
Contains the University of Cambridge, that's about it really, from that everything follows.
The city appear to exist there because it was a convenient crossing of the Cam. It also lies near the start of the ancient navigable section TODO towards north or south? Castle hill also offered a convenient fortification location near the river, and is part of the reason for the early Roman settlement. The original bridge was presumably in the current Magnalene bridge, just under the castle hill.
TODO why did the University of Oxford scholars flee to after the The hanging of the clerks in 1209? Why not anywhere else?
David Goodsell Updated +Created
Cosmic ray Updated +Created
Video 1.
CosmicPI: Detecting Cosmic Rays with a Raspberry Pi by Marco Reps (2021)
Elliptic curve Updated +Created
An elliptic curve is defined by numbers and . The curve is the set of all points of the real plane that satisfy the Equation 1. "Definition of the elliptic curves"
Equation 1.
Definition of the elliptic curves
Figure 1.
Plots of real elliptic curves for various values of and
. Source.
Equation 1. "Definition of the elliptic curves" definies elliptic curves over any field, it doesn't have to the real numbers. Notably, the definition also works for finite fields, leading to elliptic curve over a finite fields, which are the ones used in Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman cyprotgraphy.
United States Department of Energy Updated +Created
How to make animations of molecular biology processes Updated +Created
Drew Berry recommends having a look at clarafi.
Planet Updated +Created

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