Bicycle tire sizes Updated +Created
Yes, Sheldon he has separate American and British English versions of pages!!!
For example, Kross bicycle (2017) had a Schwalbe tyre with markings:
42-622 (28 x 1.60, 700x40C)
When inflated, the tires were about 3.5cm wide as measured with a ruler.
And the Mavic A319 rim had markings:
In this:
Ciro Santilli's cycling Updated +Created
At first, Ciro Santilli was just cycling to work with an extremely shitty bike he bought on a second hand shop. He knew nothing about bicycles, and the seat was way, way too low, the seller should be prosecuted for selling that to him. Ciro later understood that this was even a woman's bicycle with a low top tube! That's what you get for being so cheap.
But then at some point he bought another slightly less cheap touring bicycle, but this time from a much more trustworthy source: a colleague who was leaving the company and moving out, and this one was actually reasonable. It was the right size to start with!!! And so at some point, out of boredom, Ciro started to adventure out of town on weekends to neighbouring villages, and it just felt so good.
Ciro had started by taking his laptop-computer on his backpack, and stopping at a cafe on some nearby town where he would do some coding over the weekends. Especially during winter, drinking tea with a cake as a break during bicycle ride was the best thing ever. In one place, there was even an electric heater that you could sit in front of. But at some point, those rides start being too short, and you start doing longer real rides without your computer. And since those take more time, you generally don't feel like staying on a far place for a very long time. So you end up creating the "real ride" category and "a small ride to get somewhere nice to code" category clearly split.
He had had the "cyclists high" version of "runner's high". A light euphoria in your head, or a pulsating feeling of pleasure in your legs and lower torso. This reminded Ciro of:
except that it is not as intense, and does not destroy your life.
Like other drugs:
  • it is addictive
  • you will have some bad trips, e.g. went the wrong way on a highway and are afraid you are going to die crushed by fast cars, got flat tire on 1 hour ride and have no repair kit, destination cafe is closed and you are hungry, wind got so strong you can barely ride, half an hour in you find out that it is way colder than what you expected.
    But for every such experience you survive, you learn something to reduce the chances it will happen, and it later feels great to completely master a situation you had suffered previously with.
    Ciro has also come to crave the need to go back to every bad trip spot, with better planning and circumstances, and make it feel amazing, to get the feeling that he has mastered the spot.
  • you will have hangover after a long amazing ride
  • the high become less intense the more you ride, and turns into something you have to do to just to feel normal. And that keeps you fit forever :)
Cycling just gives you an amazing sense of freedom! Ciro likes to imagine himself as a migratory duck when he is riding his bike on cold or wet days.
The prospect of being able to reach nice new places keeps the experience fresh for a very long time.
Ciro likes to decide location on a whim on the day prior. He checks the wind to try and ride parallel to it, and then let's his mind wonder, until an image comes up, some some nice place Ciro was to once. And so the next day, he goes in that general direction again.
Each time you try to find a new cool location, and sometimes you just stumble into amazing stuff without knowing about it. Ciro likes to keep open to new experiences. Keep your eyes open, and if something looks curious, just check it out! Talking to locals for tips is also a great way to find new stuff.
One thing that Ciro often feels is rather excited on the way out, and lightly afraid of going futher at each step because of the return. And during the return, there is a greater feeling of worry and resignation, as you are more tired, you've seen what you wanted to, and you just have to get yourself homehow, often going back through paths that you know better. This reminds Ciro of the ending of the film In the Realm of the Senses (1976), in which the sex obsessed couple plays a strangling sex game, and the man says that it hurts too much when she stops strangling him, and so she strangles him to death. She also cut his penis and carried it around in a bag afterwards, but that not relevant to the cycling analogy.
It is funny, but sometimes this gives Ciro the same feeling that he had as a child playing 2D exploration RPGs such Pokemon and Final Fantasy VI as you explore the wild: Ciro can often hear the FF VI overworld soundtrack, or imagine that a Charmeleon is hidden just around the corner of this new towns he's never been to before. Because in the places you live and have walked a million times, you know there is no magic. But in a new place that you're visiting for the first time? Anything is possible there.
The main difference from video games is that the real world is much much more detailed and diverse, and the freedom is much more real. Also you can't just walk into any house or field like in the games, and there are more empty or repetitive areas that can sometimes get boring since they weren't hand designed. And if you die on a car crash there are no continues.
Another type of game that comes to mind are survival games and roguelikes, where it feels amazing to learn things that actually mean the difference between life and death, and conquering the environment. But also permadeath.
It also gives Ciro the magic feeling of awe that he had as a child when walking around his beloved hometown of Santos, São Paulo, Brazil in the sunshine. And sometimes the feeling of excitement that he had as a child before getting gifts for Christmas. Ciro then once watched a YouTube video where ex-heroin addicts describe the feeling of taking heroin (orally, TODO can't find the video anymore, I think it was this guy) exactly like that: the anticipation of getting Christmas gifts, and he instantly understood.
Ciro also likes to pick random gravel from time to time. He believes that his style of route choice reflects Ciro Santilli's self perceived creative personality: Ciro likes to go where few other people go. And he only needs to go there once to be satisfied, not master and speedrun it afterwards.
Ciro avoids riding at night of course. But when it happens and you are prepared with the safety lights and the route knowledge, it makes for some of the most memorable rides of your life.
As you start cycling, you can feel the endorphins levels rise little by little, and your mind go deeper and deeper into slumber, getting close and closer to the ground, until you reach a point where you feel like you are part of the road. Trainspotting (1996)'s overdose scene comes to mind:
It is amazing how you feel much less cold and hunger when cycling, to the point of being dangerous: always carry some chocolate bars in case you hit the wall! This is especially true at the beginning of the addiction, but with increased drug tolerance and knowledge/awareness/preparation, this starts to feel more normal.
As a friend of Ciro once said: you start to become like a wolf, who knows every cyclable little road in a 30km radius around your home.
As of 2020, Ciro is at that "should I buy a more reasonable road bike" moment. Let's see how it goes. If he does, cycling trips with the bike on a plane are likely.
As a software engineer, trying to repair a mechanical system like his bike reminds Ciro very strongly of how the physical engineering is brutal. Millimetric changes can make huge differences, it is mind blowing! Good lesson to have in mind.
Another thought that often comes to Ciro's mind is that bicycles are not regular possessions because they break a lot. Rather, they must be seen as a kind of transportation tax that you have to pay to feel amazing riding them rather than feel crappy riding a bus or train.
One interesting feeling that Ciro gets from cycling is that it is an intermediate between walking and riding a car. Ciro felt this especially strongly when he lived near work, at a distance that you could either walk or cycle. When you walk, you can just see so much more of the surroundings, it is astonishing. When you cycle, you just go much faster, and you attention is much more towards the front, so you feel surroundings much less. On the other side, cycling allows you to feel different things. E.g. in wider open areas, there isn't much detail to see anyway, so you can better feel those areas on the faster speed of the bike. A similar feeling applies to how pedestrians feel like flies when you are on a bike, just like you must feel like a fly to car drivers. Ciro later learnt that a person of similar literary ability to his, Ernest Hemingway, had a famous related similar quote:
It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best, since you have to sweat up the hills and can coast down them.... Thus you remember them as they actually are, while in a motorcar only a high hill impresses you, and you have no such accurate remembrance of country you have driven through as you gain by riding a bicycle.
Although Ciro does not run because of his itchy legs issue, he finds it interest to contrast cycling with running, notably:
  • cycling has a much higher setup time or wearing appropriate clothes, unlocking your bike, and of course, bike maintenance
  • running allows you to go into many more small paths that are not accessible by bike, thus offering a different sense of freedom. You can't go as far however.
So maybe the ultimate sport would be to cycle to a good cross-country running location and then run over there?
Ciro's natural work-time rhythm as of 2020 in his shitty Kross bicycle (2017) was a 60/70km ride every 3 days. Or a 35/40km ride every 2 days. Or one longer 100/120km ride every 4 days. Less than 35km does not count as a ride. His average speed on anything above 70km and relatively flat is always 20km. Always. Ciro once read that that one hunt every three days was a common Paleolithic practice. Cycling is obviously a substitute for hunting. Perhaps the imminent danger of being crashed by a car at all times also has the positive side of playing the "danger" part of the hunt: Video "Why football is the most popular sport in the world by Desmond Morris"
Apocryphally attributed to H. G. Wells as per Quote Investigator
Every Time I See an Adult on a Bicycle, I No Longer Despair for the Future of the Human Race
Video 1.
Running Vs. Cycling | Who Is Faster - GCN Or GTN? by GCN (2017)
Source. Talks about the interesting Bingley Harriers & AC "harriers vs cyclists" race held annually in the UK, in which you can either run or cycle! The course attempts to balance rough uphill terrain where runners get an advantage, with less rough downhill where cyclists have an advantage.
Video 2.
Final Fantasy VI (SNES) Overworld theme
. Source. This is what cycling feels like!!! The song is known in the West as "Terra's Theme" and it was composed by Nobuo Uematsu, who composed the entire game, and other entries of the Final Fantasy series.
2020-04 DECARETA Pedal Spanner Updated +Created DECARETA Pedal Spanner Bike Pedal Wrench Three-in-one Function Bicycle Pedal Spanner 24mm Front and Rear Axle Spanner Pedal Install Spanner Repair Tool with Anti-Skidding Long Handle (Silver) £10.99.
Got dented the first time I tried to use it in the Kross bicycle (2017). All Amazon reviews say the same thing, should have read first, and bought instead known brand like Park And Tool which is the same price. Material advertized on Amazon: "Steel alloy and rubber".
2020-04 Park Tool CCP-2.2 Cotterless Crank Puller Tool Updated +Created
Worked with Kross bicycle (2017) Shimano FC-M311, I managed to remove the crank arm.
Bicycle products Updated +Created
2022-02: lost my Karrimor REFLEKT, must have fallen off from trouses somewhere.
2022-02: bought Burg Wachter Sold Secure Bike Chain, Lock and Ground Anchor Kit 1m, 10mm chain width:
2022-02 bought Kryptonite Kryptoflex double loop cable 1.2m length 10mm diameter braided steel cable:
2022-02: bought a Trelock BC 115/110/4 chain white for my saddle after Liv Flourish 2 (2018) the saddle of was stolen at home. Same as this but white: The keys are a bit larger than I'd like.
2021-11: buying a Cateye ViZ450 51 dollars after CatEye RAPID X2 was stolen. Unfortunately, it is not very compatible with my Topeak saddle bag... the attachment is to wide to fit the saddble bag, and even if it did it is slanted to account for seat tube slant so it would not be very verfical. Arghh, they have futher options on the website: that is the one I need, Clip C-2 or Clip C-1N. On Amazon it didn't have clear choices for that... mine came with the BracketSP-15. Ah, can buy on Amazon for 3 dollars, OK then.
2021-11: COZYROOMY multitool broke apart already, like before, but much sooner this time. What a piece of junk!!! Buying the Topeak Mini 18+ Bike Multitool Has a spoke wrench.
2021-09: COZYROOMY multitool stolen, even though it was completely in pieces already. 2021-09-21 12:30PM discovered, seat bag open, one tool on floor, and some leftovers inside, but black bag gone. Bicycle last seen 2021-09-20 6PM. Would likely have spotted it if it had happened before. Bicycle last used: 2021-09-19 6PM. Would almost for sure have seen it if it had happened by then. Rebought it.
2021-07 Topeak MTS Trunkbag EX Strap Type Fit nicely on the back of the Kross bicycle (2017). 8L. Originally to carry some extra food and water on a long summer trip. 36 pounds.
2020-11-30: Bought more "Finish Line DRY Teflon Bicycle Chain Lube" 8oz/240ml after previous disaster with the bottle because lock is a bit hard to open.
2020-11-30 WD-40 Bike, All Conditions Lube Bicycle Lubricant, 250ml. Markings: "Contains PTFE". Sprays out of bottle, so very thin.
2020-11: Park Tool CC-2 Chain Checker Tool 24 pounds
2020-02: CatEye AMPP500 45 pounds High mode 500 lumens: 1.5hrs, Daytime HyperConstant mode 500/250 lumens: 5hrs. 2020-11: noticed it was cracked on top front between button and light, I think I dropped it the other day from waist height.
2020-02: Karrimor REFLEKT Band 2 pounds from Sports Direct to replace old that I destroyed by playing with it with hands on work desk
2020-01: Halfords Microfibre Heavy Duty Cloths (archive) 87% polyester, 13% polyamide.
2019-12: SENZEAL Bicycle Spoke Wrench Tool Spoke Key Spanner 6 in 1 for Bike Wheel Cycle Wrench 10-15 Gauge. TODO 2024: can't find those for the life in me.
2019-12: Halford's Bike Hut Chain Cleaning Kit: 18 pounds. GCN video using it: Review video saying it is useless:
2019-11: Multitool: "COZYROOMY Bike Repair Kits - Bicycle tool kit with 10 in 1 Multi-Function Bike Tool, multi-purpose bone wrench And related spare tools, 1 Portable tool bag, 6 Month Warranty". No spoke wrench unfortunately. But does have 15mm bone wrench, which opens Kross front wheel. Some months later, the thing came apart, quality was a bit shit. But I kept it in the saddle bag anyways for a long time, and just used it by putting part of it manually together.
2019-11: "CatEye RAPID X2" real lights, 40 dollars. Hopefully to increase side visibility at night, and day visibility on fast roads when cycling further on weekends. (archive) USB rechargeable. 80 lumens in high mode lasting 1 hour, 5 hours in low mode, 30 hours flashing, 16 hours rapid/pulse. Lost 2021-11 in a big city, didn't know the path well, had to cross a bunch of streets, was on back of back bag, likely stolen.
2019-10 WD-40 Smart Straw 450ml (archive)
2019-10 Finish Line Dry Teflon Tube (archive) Tube broke while opening the first day. I glued it with some superglue, but two months later found it leaked into my "oils bag", so I threw it away... it must have penetrated through the super glue.
2019-08: "CatEye CA475RAPMIN Rapid Mini Rear Lights and Reflectors, Black" stolen: (archive). Very good quality. Those USB rechargeable lights you just have got to take off with you whenever parked in town or else drug addicts will steal them because they are easy to remove for recharging. Tempted to just stick to dynamo ones that are screwed in. Re-bought original back light: AXA Basta, was a bit different from previous one, cannot take in lamps anymore, even though there is the plastic casing for them! Just not metal / wires.
Trek FX 3 2021 Updated +Created XL color Dnister Black. £675.00 plus £35.00 delivery. Disc breaks, 2x9 gears. Bought 2023 on a bit of a sale.
Specs upon buying:
Weight after bought measured differentially on bathroom scale: 13.5 kg
Gears: 11-36T on back, 46-30T on front. So min speed is 30/36 = 0.83 and max is 46/11 = 4.18, so range is 4.18 / 0.83 ~= 5. Compared to Kross which was 11-32 on back vs 48-28 on front, so min 28/32 = 0.875 and max 48/11 = 4.36. So the ranges are very comparable! This confirms Ciro's suspicion that 3 speeds on cranckset is just useless.
I was sized just at the lower limit of XL, but decided to go for it. The seatpost goes all the way into the tube, which is a good thing, might help with noises?
Frame serial under bottom bracket: WTU173C0374S. Registered at:
Initial impressions:
I'm unable to place a U-lock carrier on this bike in a way that doesn't block one of the two bottles inside frame, or hits leg on if on side. Tried both Kryptonite and Abus ones I have lying around. Shame. Also the Topeak MTS Trunkbag does not fit well on the pannier rack, it is not wide enough to strap: 11cm outer width, 9cm inner width, same geometry as that of the Liv bike.
2024-09: buying CHUMXINY Brake Bleed Kit: I hope I don't regret this. But I can't find an original one on Amazon either so... £12.74. Quality is a bit crap but seems to work. The 7mm wrench however is so bad that it can't unscrew a 7mm nut.
2024-09: chain reached 0.75, rebuying KMC X9. x9 9 speed chain 114 links.
2024-09: when going down a hill in intense breaking, noise started coming from back disk brake. Tried to adjust, but made it worse, had to bail out on nearby bike shop. Readjusted, told me to replace back pads and likely bleed. Bought two Shimano B05S brake pads to replace the B01S that came with the bike, Internet says compatible. Brake maintenance finally caught up with me, it was a great summer and I kept putting it off. Changed just the back one for now, front still has life it seems.
2024-06: noticed a sideways lump on back tyre between spoke 23 and 24 when washing. The only sign of damage was internal near grip part, I could see some clear shearing... God those tyres are crap, or at least crap to what I've subjected them. Inner tube and outside seem perfect, so weird. If only the Schawlbe had worked! But OK now I'm forced to get something new and better, thinking:They had a Schwalbe Marathon Plus 700x35c (non-Tour, as that one didn't fit as per previous experiment) on the shop and I went for it. They said 35c was the maximum recommended for that mudgard which is a bit of a shame, but good to know. Also getting one from Amazon to match on front as shop only had one.
2024-04: micropuncture on front tube? Could not identify during ride, refilled and was OK to get home. Almost no pressure in middle of ride. Passed through some deep water which may have made things worse? Had a small pice of glass-like material stuck in tyre, but didn't seem to penetrate? One day and a half later, was full empty again after full fill without riding, so confirming micropuncture theory. Buying 2x Conti Tube Cross 28 (700C) presta inner tubes.
Tried to put a spare Schwalbe Men's Marathon Plus Tour 700x40C on the bike to get better stability. It seemed to fit the wheel quite well, but unfortunately failed to go well in the fork because it was too tall and hit the mudgard. Without mudgard it might work. Measured height was 6cm for Schwalbe vs 5.3cm for the stock one.
2024-02: another broken spoke... what crappy weak wheels!!! Bought Bavel 290 mm spokes 36pcs 14G J Bend Silver. Broken position was 22nd clockwise from inner tube valve hole.
2023-12: chain reached 0.75, rebuying KMC X9. x9 9 speed chain 114 links.
2023-12: broken spoke! Also had to replace nipple because broke inside nipple. At least learned how to change tire at last.
2023-05: buying another pair of Shimano 324 combination pedals for it:
2023-05: rebuying another Topeak Aero Wedge saddle bag for this new bike
2023-05: 2x Elite custom race cage water bottle frame cages, felt great, much better than those on the Kross!
2023-05: ParkTool TR1 tyre levers + GP-2 super patch kit
2023-05: Kask Rapido Medium Black/Yellow fluo helmet, got a more racy helmet too! 69 pounds, way more any previous helmet I've owned:
2023-05: Lezyne hand pump, I think Sport Drive HP?
2023-05: Lezyne V-Pro 10 multi-tool No spoke wrench unfortunately.
Initial equipment:
Annotated copypasta:
  • Frame: Alpha Gold Aluminium, DuoTrap S-compatible, internal cable routing, flat-mount disc, rack and mudguard mounts, 135x5 mm QR
  • Mudguard/rack mounts: Alloy
  • Hub front: Formula DC-20, alloy, 6-bolt, 5x100 mm QR
  • Hub rear: Formula DC-22, alloy, 6-bolt, Shimano 8/9/10 freehub, 135x5 mm QR
  • Rim: Bontrager Tubeless Ready Disc, 32-hole, Presta valve. TODO identify precisely. But presumably something like: which says: Alloy double-wall rim with 21mm internal, 26mm external width
  • Spokes: 14 g stainless steel. Not documented, but measured in store: 290mm.
  • Tyre: Bontrager H2 Comp, wire bead, 30 tpi, 700x32c. Link was: but they don't sell that crap anymore? A bit weak. At shop said 35c is max recommended width.
  • Shifter: Size: M, L, XL - Shimano Acera M3000, 9-speed | Size: M, L, XL - Shimano Acera M3000, 2 -speed
  • Front derailleur: Shimano Acera T3000, 34.9 mm clamp, top swing, dual pull
  • Rear derailleur: Shimano Alivio M3100, long cage
  • Crank: Size: M - Shimano MT210, 46/30, chain guard, 170 mm length | Size: L, XL - Shimano MT210, 46/30, chain guard, 175 mm length
  • Cassette: Shimano HG200, 11-36, 9-speed
  • Chain: KMC X9. x9 9 speed chain. Official page: so crappy does not say link count! But presumably the 114 that is most common on most sites.
  • Pedal: Bontrager City pedals. Bontrager City Pedal Set 9/16-inch (15 mm). Installs with a 6 mm hex key or flat 15 mm pedal wrench.
  • Saddle: Bontrager H1
  • Seatpost: Bontrager alloy, 27.2 mm, 12 mm offset, 330 mm length
  • Handlebar: Size: M - Bontrager Satellite Plus IsoZone, alloy, 31.8 mm, 15 mm rise, 600 mm width | Size: L, XL - Bontrager Satellite Plus IsoZone, alloy, 31.8 mm, 15 mm rise, 660 mm width
  • Grips: Bontrager Satellite IsoZone Plus, lock-on, ergonomic
  • Stem: Size: M, L - Bontrager Elite, 31.8 mm clamp, Blendr-compatible, 7-degree, 100 mm length | Size: XL - Bontrager Elite, 31.8 mm clamp, Blendr-compatible, 7-degree, 110 mm length
  • Headset: 1-1/8" threadless, sealed cartridge bearings
  • Brake: Shimano MT201 hydraulic disc, flat-mount, 160 mm rotor
  • Brake rotor: Shimano RT26, 6-bolt,160 mm
  • Brake pad: Brake Pad Shimano Resin Disc Pad B01S RESIN
  • Light: Size: M, L, XL - Spanninga Duxo XB, battery-powered | Size: M, L, XL - AXA Greenline 35, USB rechargeable
  • Kickstand: Alloy, rear-mount kickstand
  • Cargo rack: Alloy rear rack
  • Mudguard: Eurofender Snello. Looks like this one:
  • Approx. Weight: L - 13.17 kg / 29.04 lbs
Weight limit: This bike has a maximum total weight limit (combined weight of bicycle, rider and cargo) of 136 kg (300 lb)