Linear map of two variables.
More formally, given 3 vector spaces X, Y, Z over a single field, a bilinear map is a function from:that is linear on the first two arguments from X and Y, i.e.:Note that the definition only makes sense if all three vector spaces are over the same field, because linearity can mix up each of them.
The most important example by far is the dot product from , which is more specifically also a symmetric bilinear form.
Two ways to see it:
- a ring that is commutative
- a field where inverses might not exist
An ordered pair of two real numbers with the complex addition and multiplication defined.
Forms both a:
- division algebra if thought of with complex multiplication as the bilinear map of the algebra
- field
One of the defining properties of algebraic structure with two operations such as ring and field:This property shows how the two operations interact.
Two ways to see it:
- a ring where inverses exist
- a field where multiplication is not necessarily commutative
An elliptic curve is defined by numbers and . The curve is the set of all points of the real plane that satisfy the Equation 1. "Definition of the elliptic curves"
Equation 1.
Definition of the elliptic curves
. Equation 1. "Definition of the elliptic curves" definies elliptic curves over any field, it doesn't have to the real numbers. Notably, the definition also works for finite fields, leading to elliptic curve over a finite fields, which are the ones used in Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman cyprotgraphy.
Elliptic curve point addition is the group operation of an elliptic curve group, i.e. it is a function that takes two points of an elliptic curve as input, and returns a third point of the elliptic curve as its output, while obeying the group axioms.
The operation is defined e.g. at For example, consider the most common case for two different points different. If the two points are given in coordinates:then the addition is defined in the general case as:with some slightly different definitions for point doubling and the identity point.
This definition relies only on operations that we know how to do on arbitrary fields:and it therefore works for elliptic curves defined over any field.
Just remember that:means:and that always exists because it is the inverse element, which is guaranteed to exist for multiplication due to the group axioms it obeys.
The group function is usually called elliptic curve point addition, and repeated addition as done for DHKE is called elliptic curve point multiplication.
Visualisation of elliptic curve point addition
. Source. Invertible matrices. Or if you think a bit more generally, an invertible linear map.
Non-invertible are excluded "because" otherwise it would not form a group (every element must have an inverse). This is therefore the largest possible group under matrix multiplication, other matrix multiplication groups being subgroups of it.
Something analogous to a group isomorphism, but that preserves whatever properties the given algebraic object has. E.g. for a field, we also have to preserve multiplication in addition to addition.
Other common examples include isomorphisms of vector spaces and field. But since both of those two are much simpler than groups in classification, as they are both determined by number of elements/dimension alone, see:we tend to not talk about isomorphisms so much in those contexts.
In the case of field however, we can expand the Lagrangian out further, to also integrate over the space coordinates and their derivatives.
Since we are now working with something that gets integrated over space to obtain the total action, much like density would be integrated over space to obtain a total mass, the name "Lagrangian density" is fitting.
E.g. for a 2-dimensional field :
Of course, if we were to write it like that all the time we would go mad, so we can just write a much more condensed vectorized version using the gradient with :
And in the context of special relativity, people condense that even further by adding to the spacetime Four-vector as well, so you don't even need to write that separate pesky .
The main point of talking about the Lagrangian density instead of a Lagrangian for fields is likely that it treats space and time in a more uniform way, which is a basic requirement of special relativity: we have to be able to mix them up somehow to do Lorentz transformations. Notably, this is a key ingredient in a/the formulation of quantum field theory.
Not every belongs to the elliptic curve over a non quadratically closed field Updated 2025-03-25 +Created 1970-01-01
One major difference between the elliptic curve over a finite field or the elliptic curve over the rational numbers the elliptic curve over the real numbers is that not every possible generates a member of the curve.
This is because on the Equation "Definition of the elliptic curves" we see that given an , we calculate , which always produces an element .
But then we are not necessarily able to find an for the , because not all fields are not quadratically closed fields.
For example: with and , taking gives:and therefore there is no that satisfies the equation. So is not on the curve if we consider this elliptic curve over the rational numbers.
That would also not belong to Elliptic curve over the finite field , because doing everything we have:Therefore, there is no element such that or , i.e. and don't have a multiplicative inverse.
For the real numbers, it would work however, because the real numbers are a quadratically closed field, and .
For this reason, it is not necessarily trivial to determine the number of elements of an elliptic curve.
However, there is nothing in the immediate definition that prevents us from having a ring instead, i.e. a field but without the commutative property and inverse elements.
The only thing is that then we would need to differentiate between different orderings of the terms of multivariate polynomial, e.g. the following would all be potentially different terms:while for a field they would all go into a single term:so when considering a polynomial over a ring we end up with a lot more more possible terms.
If the ring is a commutative ring however, polynomials do look like proper polynomials: Section "Polynomial over a commutative ring".
A Ring can be seen as a generalization of a field where:
- multiplication is not necessarily commutative. If this is satisfied, we can call it a commutative ring.
- multiplication may not have inverse elements. If this is satisfied, we can call it a division ring.
Addition however has to be commutative and have inverses, i.e. it is an Abelian group.
The simplest example of a ring which is not a full fledged field and with commutative multiplication are the integers. Notably, no inverses exist except for the identity itself and -1. E.g. the inverse of 2 would be 1/2 which is not in the set. More specifically, the integers are a commutative ring.
A polynomial ring is another example with the same properties as the integers.
The simplest non-commutative, non-division is is the set of all 2x2 matrices of real numbers:Note that is not a ring because you can by addition reach the zero matrix.
- we know that 2x2 matrix multiplication is non-commutative in general
- some 2x2 matrices have a multiplicative inverse, but others don't
Every vector space is defined over a field.
E.g. in , the underlying field is , the real numbers. And in the underlying field is , the complex numbers.
Any field can be used, including finite field. But the underlying thing has to be a field, because the definitions of a vector need all field properties to hold to make sense.
Elements of the underlying field of a vector space are known as scalar.