However it won't remain like that for long, because it will be migrated to, and therefore become a brain dump of society itself.
Deep psychological analyses:
- Hacker News user MichaelZuo comments on a post about CIA 2010 covert communication websites:
Yeah [the website] seems a bit odd, as if the author is intentionally trolling in some areas, or is easily susceptible to being trolled by random folks, and thus displaying some kind of compensation dynamic.
- user
comments:Can your kid be the next Fields Medalist or Nobel Prize winner? I'm here to help, especially if you are filthy rich!
三西猴老哥这一张嘴⏰味拉满,可以封为荣誉中国人Brother Sanxihou’s mouth is so full of flavor that he can be named an honorary Chinese. - from 1000 Monero donation user
:;It reads like an ode to himself, very strange in my opinion. I don't really know what's up with the black-green text scheme, I can barely read any of it.
- originally on 4chan:
a based retard
Is that his own personal site where he has just listed everything he has ever done? Based.
He refers to himself in the third person, because gender has non place in the Sciences. Based autismo.
Holy based. Keep up the good work my man.
It is interesting to see how your own ideas shift with time, and Ciro Santilli doesn't think the following are very important anymore, so he was lazy to migrate them.
When he did the original website Ciro was in a "I must show off my skills to get a job mindset", but then after he landed a few jobs he moved to a "CV websites are useless, just do amazing projects and showcase them on your website to help them succeed" mindset.
The key content previously on this page was moved to the following sections:
Non-technical skills were moved to: Ciro Santilli's skills.
This has not been updated since 2016 after Ciro got a job, because it is too hard to put a number on any skill.
What really matters are the most important projects done by Ciro Santilli.
10 | You literally have written a book. |
7 - 9 | Expert, go-to person on this technology. |
5 - 6 | Solid daily working knowledge. Highly proficient. |
3 - 4 | Comfortable working with this, have to check manual on some things. |
1 - 2 | Have worked with it previously but either not much, or rusty. |
I copied this grading scale mechanism from a failed Google interview ;-)
One problem with it is that I am always very hesitant to put a 5 on anything, who can not look at the documentation?
It is also hard to scope things right. Who can claim to be a C++ or Linux kernel expert, even if you wrote a book about it, since those are such humongous topics?
As a result, I haven't updated this in a while, and things may be out of date.
If your project does something that interests me, I can what it takes to contribute. Tell me what I must know, how long I have to learn it, and I'll call you back when I've mastered it.
Grade | Name | Notes |
4 | C / C++ | Cheatsheets: C, C++, POSIX C API |
3 | x86 assembly, ELF | Cheatsheet, x86 Paging Tutorial, Bare Metal |
4 | Python | Cheatsheet |
4 | Bash | Cheatsheets: language, POSIX / GNU utils |
4 | HTML, CSS, JavaScript | web technology, Node.js, CoffeScript |
4 | Java | Cheatsheet, school projects |
3 | Ruby, Rails | GitLab contributions, cheatsheets: Ruby, rails-cheat |
3 | GDB | Cheatsheet |
2 | MySQL | Tutorial |
3 | LaTeX, Markdown | LaTeX cheatsheet, Markdown style guide, Markdown Testsuite contributions, Jekyll cheatsheet |
Grade | Name | Notes |
3 | Algorithms | Cheatsheet and implementations |
3 | Linux internals | Linux Kernel Module Cheat |
5 | Git | Tutorial |
4 | Buildroot | Some .configs, Linux Kernel Module Cheat uses it a lot |
3 | OpenGL | Cheatsheet and mini projects |
3 | Vim | .vimrc + cheatsheet at end |
3 | Django | Cheatsheet and mini project |
2 | Android | Cheatsheet |
2 | OpenCL | Cheatsheet |
3 | QEMU | QEMU recipes, basic devices |
1 | Chef | For GitLab Contributions |
1 | AWS, Heroku | EC2, SES |
1 | Media formats | Video, Images, FFmpeg |
1 | Networking | Cheatsheet, basic POSIX networking |
As Ciro started getting a lot of comments on his home page about China, he decided that Disqus does not scale, and that it would be more productive long term to remove it and point people to GitHub issues instead.
Upsides of removal:
- Disqus discoverability is bad:
- there is no decent way to search existing issues, you have to do JavaScript infinite loading + Ctrl + F. So every reply that he wrote is a waste of time, as it will never be seen again.
- comments don't have: decent URLs, titles, metadata like tags or open / close
- Disqus archival is bad: does not work, and no one knows how to export the issues:
- before, there were two places where people could comment, Disqus and GitHub issues. Now there is just one.
- Disqus has ads if you ever reach enough traffic, which unacceptable, especially if the website owner don't get paid for them! It also makes page loads slower, although that likely does not matter much.
- people are more likely to comment on Disqus than to create an issue on GitHub, especially because most people use GitHub professionally. But this has the upside that there will be less shitposts as well.
- with Disqus you can see all issues attached to a page automatically, which is nice. But for as long as Ciro is alive, he intends to just solve the issues, cross link between content and issues and tag things appropriately.
Ciro's stance towards China hasn't changed, and China comments and corrections about his website are still welcome as always.
Related issue:
AKA how this GitHub page gets served under the domain:
Ciro only touches this very rarely, and always forgets and go into great pain whenever a change needs to done, so it is important to document it.
The last change was of 2019-07-07, when Ciro moved from the www subdomain to the APEX A redirect is setup from the www subdomain to APEX.
GoDaddy DNS entries:
Type Name Value TTL
A @ 1 Hour
A @ 1 Hour
A @ 1 Hour
A @ 1 Hour
CNAME www 1 Hour
Moved to Porkbun 2022-02, unfortunatly records were not automatically updated and domain went down for a bit, upadded to new entries for IPv6 as well which are not documented by GitHub:
A 600
A 600
A 600
A 600
AAAA 2606:50c0:8000::153 600
AAAA 2606:50c0:8001::153 600
AAAA 2606:50c0:8002::153 600
AAAA 2606:50c0:8003::153 600
where the IPs are obtained from: (archive).
- Custom domain:
- Enforce HTTPS: checked
And the CNAME file is tracked in this repository: CNAME.
That which does not exist, cannot be broken.
And of course:
People love green on black mostly. about Section "CIA 2010 covert communication websites":
- user
:Nothing like finding a webpage you can read from Lynx.
- user
:Based on the choice of fonts and colors, you know this is a serious hacker website ;p
At Reddit user
:Jesus that is an interesting choice of colors from 1000 Monero donation:
- user
:Anyone mind to explain wtf this ugly piece of webpage reminding me of geocities from the 90s is about? I'd read it myself but I can't because it already gave me eye cancer.
- user
:It's all quite strange. Never mind the 90s design, people built good websites already back then with the tools at hand, but even their "About" isn't very clear. If you need 5 minutes to be reasonably sure what it is all about they are still doing it wrong.
I'd rather take a look at the welding
True art cannot be consumed in mobile format.
KaTeX is automatically used in OurBigBook Markup.
It is true that one image is worth a thousand words, but unfortunately it is also true that one image takes up at least as much bytes as a thousand words!
Having one single page to rule them all is of course the ideal setup for a website, as you can Ctrl + F one ToC and quickly find what you want.
And, with Linux Kernel Module Cheat Ciro noticed that it is very hard to write so much intelligent prose that becomes larger than reasonable to load on a single webpage.
He then started using this technique for everything he writes, including this page and Chinese government.
However, if there are too many images on the page, the loading of the last images would take forever in case users want to view the last sections.
There are two solutions to that:
- be traditional and create separate web pages
- be bold and load images as they appear on the viewport: OK, it was standardized with
, without need JavaScript!Now the last awesome thing would be a method that loads first images in viewport, then those below, and then those above, that would be the ultimate solution.This question comes close:
Ciro is still deciding between those two. The traditional approach works for sure but loses the one page to rule them all benefits.
The innovative approach will work for interactive viewing, but will fail to load the images for example, and there may be other unforseen consequences.
Wikimedia Commons is awesome and automatically converts and serves smaller versions of images, so always choose the smallest images size needed by the output document. Readers can then find the higher resolution versions by following the page source.
This also comes to mind: from zettelkasten:
How many Zettelkästen should I have? The answer is, most likely, only one for the duration of your life. But there are exceptions to this rule.
Since images are large, they bring the following challenges:
- keeping images in the main Git repository with text content makes the repository huge and slow to clone, and should not be done
- storing and serving images could cost us, which we want to avoid
To solve those problems, the following alternatives appear to be stable enough and should be used decreasing preference:
- for all images, use the separate GitHub repository: way, the entire website is relies on a single third party: GitHub, so we have a simple single point of failure.We are at the mercy of GitHub's 1GB size policy:, but it will take a while to hit that.GitLab however has a 10Gb maximum size: so we could move there is we ever blow up 1Gb on GitHub.Both GitLab and GitHub allow uploading files through the web UI, so downloading a large repo is never needed to contribute.GitHub does not serve videos like it does images however as of 2019.
- Wikimedia Commons for videos if the following conditions are met:
- in scope: "educational material in a broad sense", but not e.g. "Private image collections, e.g. private party photos, photos of yourself and your friends, your collection of holiday snaps and so on.". I don't think they will be too picky even with low quality photos.
- allowed format, e.g. images or videos, but not ZIPs
- allowed license: CC BY SA, but no fair use
Since Wikimedia Commons has a higher level of curation and is an educational not-for-profit, it is the method most likely to remain available for the longest time.For this reason, we highly recommend uploading any acceptable files there as well as an additional backup.The downside is that its tooling is not as good, e.g. there are a bunch of messy unofficial tools for batch operations, and upload takes more effort.Another downside of Wikimedia Commons is that while we can choose the basename of files, it also adds some extra SHA crap to the beginning of URLs, making them harder to predict.Another serious downside is that they randomly rename images without redirects... e.g. they renamed to "downside" is that they are extremely strict about copyright compliance. This is good because you can be pretty sure that they are correct in general, but it also means that they are very conservative, and delete things where fair use would be OK. And if those fair uses have no Wikipedia page, they won't show up anywhere. - for anything else, e.g. videos that Wikimedia commons does not accept.All content will be tracked under the
collection: has a very convenient upload and lax requirements. The generated URLs are predictable (single SHA prefix for the entire collection).Never trust a website that is not on GitHub Pages, for-profit companies will take down everything immediately as soon as it stops making them money.Every external link to non-GitHub pages must be archived. And GitHub links must be forked.We should also backup images that Wikimedia Commons does not accept here in addition to the repository.
The following alternatives seem impossible because Ciro could not find if they expose direct links to the images:
The following do have direct links:
- e.g. documented at Also does automatic image size conversion. But only provides ugly autogenerated URLs.
- Instagram does not support upload from computer? Lol?
For videos, YouTube does not allow download, even of Creative Commons videos so uploading only there is not acceptable as it prevents reuse:
First install NVM/NPM as shown at and then:
git clone
npm install
ourbigbook .
xdg-open index.html
Because when this gets converted to a page, it will be easier for people to copy paragraphs/fork and write a canonical page about Ciro.
What do you do when creating a pull request? Do you say "I", which is not true because Ciro did not say that, or do you say "John Doe thinks" bla bla?
And because his name is awesome! :-) Just kidding.
This became a micro-meme in 4chan:Correction: is not Ciro Santili's resume. It is your life.
- 2020-09-21 (original) "ITT: weird sites you found by accident" a comment reads: this is some guys resume who repeats his own name well over 1,000 times.
- 2020-04-30 (original) "Interesting Website thread" a comment What is even this?"a guy who says his name over 500 times in his resume."
The website moved from AsciiDoctor to OurBigBook Markup in 2020, making this section mostly useless. But hey, history!
Ciro's website is powered by GitHub Pages and Jekyll Asciidoc.
The source code is located at:
Build locally, watch for changes and rebuild automatically, and start a local server with:
git clone --recursive
bundle install
npm install
.The website will be visible at: localhost:4000.
Tested on the latest Ubuntu.
Publish changes to GitHub Pages:
git add -u
git commit -m 'make yourself look sillier'
.GitHub forces us to use the master branch for the build output... so the actual source is in the branch
.Update the gems with:
bundle update
git add Gemfile.lock
git commit -m 'update gems'
His website was originally written in markdown, however those were deprecated in favour of AsciiDoctor when Ciro saw the light, rationale shown at: markdown-style-guideuse-asciidoc
GitHub pages is chosen instead of a single page GitHub README.adoc for the following reasons:
- Ciro will want some unsupported extensions, notably mathematics, likely with KaTeX server side:
- when GitHub dies, Ciro's website URL still lives and retains the PageRank!
Ciro was trying to make his face fit on the banner. But it is hard because faces are square and text is long.
Then at one point, the CSS was a bit broken and the eye stuck out just left of Ciro Santilli.
At this moment, Ciro knew what to do.
This produced a "continuous image symbol to text" effect that felt so right.
The concept, like any other, is not in itself new and has been used by others, Ciro just independently rediscovered it again:
These can be incredibly flattering if you only ignore all of their obscure default hatelingo:
- 2024-08-21 to x86 bare metal examples
- "Any schizo websites" quick link by anon, but no further comments. Meh. Most of the sites are boring as well, they seem to think that dark background with non white color or lots of content means schizo.
- 2020-09-21 "ITT: weird sites you found by accident" on a comment. (original). See also Section "Why Ciro Santilli refers to himself in the third person"
- 2020-04-30 "Interesting Website thread" on a comment. (original). See also Section "Why Ciro Santilli refers to himself in the third person"
Mentions without link:
Title reply because they can't Ctrl+F: How Ciro Santilli manages to write so much
Most of the thread went into pro/anti gay trashtalk due to Ciro using Gay Putin at the time on his Stack Overflow profile as a useless way to protest the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Some comments:
How does this guy manage to be so active on Stack Overflow? I feel like this disgusting avatar is on at least a quarter of all the active posts.
The answers are always pretty good though.
I came across this schizo's github once, but I had forgotten his name
Reply: it is publicly known that Putin is homophobic as fuck and hates that picture. Therefore we use it. If Putin were heterophobic, we'd post him as hetero.
The only new information:
Reminds me of Xah Lee. describes him well:
Outsider, formerly homeless, extreme person interested in CS and culture. Self-publishes a website with thousands of tutorial / opinion pages. Possibly similar to Sam Sloan - extremely productive, wide interests, obsessive, and pretty disagreeable.
Homepage says:Nice Second brain vibe.
Siphon my knowledge into your brain. Assimilate my sensibilities to your spine.
Let's see:
- LinkedIn:
- OMG he also uses a Kinesis Advantage 2 keyboard-like keyboard! Maybe there is something here after all.
- he's also a mad tutorial writer: like Ciro's Stack Overflow
- £835.2/month from ony 27 members as of 2023, holy crap not bad!
- he was in a bad spot as of 2014:
i live on $3 per day for food in past 3 years. Eating noodles and oats with salt
One is reminded of Chill and eat your bread in peace and Quote "Omar Khayyam's chill out quote". autobiography is also of interest.
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