Richard Bates (Silk Road advisor and Ross' friend) Updated +Created claims to contain a photo of him without source. He has no easy to find online profiles.
Variety Jones: IRL, is there anyone with a clue at all? A girlfriend, boyfriend, buddy you talk to, etc?
myself: Unfortunately yes, there are two but they think I sold the site and got out, and they're quite convinced of it.
His email was published: They actaully talked on Google Chat. OMG.
Andrew Dotson Updated +Created
List of religions Updated +Created
Convolution Updated +Created
Brain scanning Updated +Created
Likely implies whole brain emulation and therefore AGI.
Brainwashing Updated +Created
E. Coli strain Updated +Created
Internationalism Updated +Created
Solvay Conference Updated +Created
Egg Updated +Created
Sexual reproduction Updated +Created
Arm on tracks Updated +Created
Angle Updated +Created
Fundação Estudar Updated +Created
Video 1.
What I learned in Harvard part 1 by Jorge Paulo Lemann (2012)
Source. Portuguese talk about his experiences. A bit bably, but has a few good comments:
  • You don't learn the Harvard experience, you absorb it.
  • Being amongst excellent people makes you learn what excelent people are like, just like only by tasting many different types of wine can you know what good wine is like.
    This one does have bias danger though. But detecting greatness, is as type of bias arguably.
Phase transition Updated +Created
TODO can anything interesting and deep be said about "why phase transition happens?" on Physics Stack Exchange
Television Updated +Created
Overfitting Updated +Created
Where 2 Technologies Updated +Created
Superconducting quantum computing Updated +Created
Based on the Josephson effect. Yet another application of that phenomenal phenomena!
It is fun to see that the representation of information in the QC basically uses an LC circuit, which is a very classical resonator circuit.
As mentioned at there are actually a few different types of superconducting qubits:
  • flux
  • charge
  • phase
and hybridizations of those such as:
  • microwave radiation to excite circuit, or do nothing and wait for it to fall to 0 spontaneously
  • interaction: TODO
  • readout: TODO
Video 2.
Quantum Transport, Lecture 16: Superconducting qubits by Sergey Frolov (2013)
Source. describes several possible realizations: charge, flux, charge/flux and phase.
Video 3.
Building a quantum computer with superconducting qubits by Daniel Sank (2019)
Source. Daniel wears a "Google SB" t-shirt, which either means shabi in Chinese, or Santa Barbara. Google Quantum AI is based in Santa Barbara, with links to UCSB.
Video 5.
Superconducting Qubits I Part 1 by Zlatko Minev (2020)
The Q&A in the middle of talking is a bit annoying.
Video 6.
Superconducting Qubits I Part 2 by Zlatko Minev (2020)
Video 7.
How to Turn Superconductors Into A Quantum Computer by Lukas's Lab (2023)
Source. This video is just the introduction, too basic. But if he goes through with the followups he promisses, then something might actually come out of it.

There are unlisted articles, also show them or only show them.