Runs just a headless Bitcoin server.
You can then interact with it via the Bitcoin CLI client.
High level simulation only, no way to get from DNA to worm! :-) Includes:
- nervous system
- muscle system
3D body viewer at: TODO can you click on a cell to get its name?
This is our primary data source, the first article that pointed out a few specific CIA websites which then served as the basis for all of our research.
We take the truth of this article as an axiom. And then all we claim is that all other websites found were made by the same people due to strong shared design principles of the such websites.
But to be serious. The Wayback Machine contains a very large proportion of all sites. It is the most complete database we have found so far. Some archives are very broken. But those are rares.
The only problem with the Wayback Machine is that there is no known efficient way to query its archives across domains. You have to have a domain in hand for CDX queries: Wayback Machine CDX scanning.
The Common Crawl project attempts in part to address this lack of querriability, but we haven't managed to extract any hits from it.
CDX + 2013 DNS Census + heuristics however has been fruitful however.
We will sometimes just write them without superscript, as it saves typing and is useless.
Officially supported installation method on Ubuntu 23.10.
Bibliography:Monday, January 29, 2024
- notably provides the amazing
They appear to be included, with rationale that you can already include syntactically valid crap in an unprovable way: Better then have syntactically invalid crap that is provable.
The outputs of this transaction seem to be the first syntactically incorrect scripts of the blockchain:, found by parsing everything locally. The transaction was made in 2013 for 0.1 BTC, which then became unspendable.
The first invalid script is just e.g. "script":"01", which says will push one byte into the stack, but then ends prematurely.
Exactly 1033 somatic cells on male, 959 on hermaphrodite, every time, counted as of 2020. A beauty.
Exactly 131 commit apoptosis in the hermaphrodite. contains the full lineage as some huge and impossible to view images. This image was taken directly from The embryonic cell lineage of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans where it is split across many pages, it is a thing of beauty on the PDF. contains a non-hierarchical table with the cells and their names.
There are unlisted articles, also show them or only show them.