Electroweak interaction by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Video 1.
Electroweak Theory and the Origin of the Fundamental Forces by PBS Space Time (2020)
Source. Unsatisfactory, as usual.
Interpretations of quantum mechanics by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
New International Version by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Direct translation from oldest documents deemed reliable, originally in a mixture of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Interesting project.
This is notably opposed to the approach taken by many versions which were based on the Septuagint, which was a much earlier full-Greek translation.
Sequoia Capital by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Video 1.
Target Big Markets by Don Valentine (2010)
São Remo, the favela next to USP by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
While in Brazil, Ciro Santilli used to walk through the outskirts of a small favela to get to university every day, the Favela de São Remo.
To the left, the outer walls of a large police station, with concertina wire on top and all.
To the right, dudes selling drugs on the entry of a small corridor street, presumably to which they could easily escape to in case of need.
The cops could have identified the dealers with binoculars if they actually wanted to!!!
The drug sellers did keep the peace in their business area, and Ciro never got robbed, and would come back from university parties on foot late through the favela.
But Ciro's friends did say that things got much worse after Ciro left, for example a flash kidnapping was reported in 2015.
Wikipedia says that this favela started in the 60s and 70s as settlements of the builders of the University, and that many of the people there still work for the University.
This is consistent with the terribly old buildings Ciro saw when he was at university. They even had the building skills to build their own homes.
The state just has to either legalize those people, or give them houses somewhere else nearby. A world class University is the most important thing a poor country can have, and its image cannot be jeopardized like that.
The existence of that favela, right next to one of the most important universities in Latin America, puts Brazil's surreal social inequality into perspective. Especially considering that before extremely heavy university entry quotas were added, basically all students of the university (or at least of the courses that lead to high paying jobs) had attended private schools, and therefore were not of the poorer classes (see passage about 10 out 500 passage from Section "Free gifted education").
The janitors of the apartment block Ciro lived all lived in the favela. Yes, in poor countries lives are worth nothing, and some poorer people work by watching the entrance of buildings of less poor people 24/7 to guard it from other even more desperate poor people who might want to rob the not so poor inhabitants. They also do janitor jobs like cleaning common areas in parallel.
They were incredibly nice hard-working people, and Ciro spoke often with them. If only given the opportunity, those people could be amazing engineers or scientists obviously. Ciro was also glad to be their friends, and sat down with them quite a few times for several minutes after coming back from University parties, partly because he felt bad about them having to work at that time, but also partly because he just liked them. And they were always up to date on who had come back with a girl to the apartment or not. Ciro imagines that if it had been him, it would have been a perfect bragging opportunity ;)
They had "nothing" but were still happy. This is true wisdom, and a good reminder that all our non-transhumanist technical goals are nothing.
We must destroy social inequality.
Year by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Computable number by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
There are only boring examples of taking an uncomputable language and converting it into a number?
Angular momentum operator by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Basically the operators are just analogous to the classical ones e.g. the classical:
Besides the angular momentum in each direction, we also have the total angular momentum:
Then you have to understand what each one of those does to the each atomic orbital:
There is an uncertainty principle between the x, y and z angular momentums, we can only measure one of them with certainty at a time. Video 1. "Quantum Mechanics 7a - Angular Momentum I by ViaScience (2013)" justifies this intuitively by mentioning that this is analogous to precession: if you try to measure electrons e.g. with the Zeeman effect the precess on the other directions which you end up modifing.
TODO experiment. Likely Zeeman effect.
Video 1.
Quantum Mechanics 7a - Angular Momentum I by ViaScience (2013)
Transmembrane domain by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Promoter (genetics) by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
A DNA sequence that marks the start of a transcription area.
Training data set by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Training (ML) by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Arrow of time by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Transverse Doppler effect by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Once upon a time in the west (1968) by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Has the best opening scene of all time.
Top quotes:
The Criterion Collection by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Respect, big respect to those people.
Video 1.
The Cult of the Criterion Collection by The Royal Ocean Film Society (2020)
Source. One American culture thing this clarified to Ciro Santilli is that they are known for is being part of the 50% off sale at Barnes & Noble.
Video 2.
The Entire Criterion Collection Supercut by Reckoned Opinions
. Source. Featured at: www.reddit.com/r/criterion/comments/13x14he/the_entire_criterion_collection_all_1190_spine/ Holy crap, how!
Provably secure symmetric-key algorithm by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
There aren't any 2020, except in the trivial one-time pad case where the key is as large as the message: crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/10815/how-do-we-prove-that-aes-des-etc-are-secure
Rich people who create charitable prizes are often crooked by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
A friend of mine who's a rich man - he invented some kind of simple digital switch - tells me about these people who contribute money to make prizes or give lectures: "You always look at them carefully to find out what crookery they're trying to absolve their conscience of."
But do you know what, Cirism is totally fine with taking indulgences to absolve someone from their past sins, so long as they have repented. Everyone deserves a second chance.
IBM Generalized Markup Language by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
SGML predecessor.

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