The term and idea was first introduced initialized by Hermann Weyl when he was working on combining electromagnetism and general relativity to formulate Maxwell's equations in curved spacetime in 1918 and published as Gravity and electricity by Hermann Weyl (1918). Based on perception that symmetry implies charge conservation. The same idea was later adapted for quantum electrodynamics, a context in which is has even more impact.
In 2020 physics, best explained by general relativity.
TODO: does old Newtonian gravity give different force results than general relativity?
Subtle is the Lord by Abraham Pais (1982) chapter III "Relativity, the special theory" mentions that this fact and its importance (we want the laws of physics to look the same on all inertial frames, AKA Lorentz covariance) was first fully relized by poincaré in 1905.
And at that same time poincaré also immediately started to think about the other fundamental force then known: gravity, and off the bat realized that gravitational waves must exist. general relativities is probably just "the simplest way to make gravity Lorentz covariant".
Combination of electromagnetism and general relativity. Unlike combining quantum mechanics and general relativity, this combination was easier.
TODO any experiments of interest at all?
Physics (like all well done science) is the art of predicting the future by modelling the world with mathematics.
And predicting the future is the first step towards controlling it, i.e.: engineering.
Ciro Santilli doesn't know physics. He writes about it partly to start playing with some scientific content for:, partly because this stuff is just amazingly beautiful.
Ciro's main intellectual physics fetishes are to learn quantum electrodynamics (understanding the point of Lie groups being a subpart of that) and condensed matter physics.
Every science is Physics in disguise, but the number of objects in the real world is so large that we can't solve the real equations in practice.
Luckily, due to emergence, we can use uglier higher level approximations of the world to solve many problems, with the complex limits of applicability of those approximations.
Therefore, such higher level approximations are highly specialized, and given different names such as:
As of 2019, all known physics can be described by two theories:
Unifying those two into the theory of everything one of the major goals of modern physics.
xkcd 435: Fields arranged by purity
. Source. Reductionism comes to mind.Physically accurate genie by Psychomic
. Source. This sane square composition from: how it is possible that everyone observes the same speed of light, even if they are moving towards or opposite to the light!!!
This was first best observed by the Michelson-Morley experiment, which uses the movement of the Earth at different times of the year to try and detect differences in the speed of light.
This leads leads to the following conclusions:
- to length contraction and time dilation
- the speed of light is the maximum speed anything can reach
All of this goes of course completely against our daily Physics intuition.
The "special" in the name refers to the fact that it is a superset of general relativity, which also explains gravity in a single framework.
Since time and space get all messed up together, you have to be very careful to understand what it means to say "I observed this to happen over there at that time", otherwise you will go crazy. A good way to think about is this:
- use Einstein synchronization to setup a bunch of clocks for every position in your frame of reference
- on every point of space, you put a little detector which records events and the time of the event
- each detector can only detect events locally, i.e. events that happen very close to the detector
- then, after the event, the detectors can send a signal to you, who is sitting at the origin, telling you what they detected
As of 2019, the more formal name for particle physics, which is notably missing general relativity to achieve the theory of everything. The Making of the Standard Model by Steven Weinberg mentions three crucial elements that made up the standard model post earlier less generalized quantum electrodynamics understandings
As of 2019, the Standard Model and general relativity are incompatible. Once those are unified, we will have one equation to describe the entirety of physics.
There are also however also unsolved problems in electroweak interaction + strong interaction, which if achieved is referred to as a Grand Unified Theory. Reaching a GUT is considered a sensible intermediate step before TOE.
The current state of Physics has been the result of several previous unifications as shown at: so it is expected that this last missing unification is likely to happen one day, potentially conditional on humanity having enough energy to observe new phenomena.
What does it mean that photons are force carriers for electromagnetism? Updated 2025-03-25 +Created 1970-01-01
TODO find/create decent answer.
I think the best answer is something along:
- local symmetries of the Lagrangian imply conserved currents. gives conserved charges.
- OK now. We want a local symmetry. And we also want:Given all of that, the most obvious and direct thing we reach a guess at the quantum electrodynamics Lagrangian is Video "Deriving the qED Lagrangian by Dietterich Labs (2018)"
- Dirac equation: quantum relativistic Newton's laws that specify what forces do to the fields
- electromagnetism: specifies what causes forces based on currents. But not what it does to masses.
A basic non-precise intuition is that a good model of reality is that electrons do not "interact with one another directly via the electromagnetic field".
A better model happens to be the quantum field theory view that the electromagnetic field interacts with the photon field but not directly with itself, and then the photon field interacts with parts of the electromagnetic field further away.
The more precise statement is that the photon field is a gauge field of the electromagnetic force under local U(1) symmetry, which is described by a Lie group. TODO understand.
This idea was first applied in general relativity, where Einstein understood that the "force of gravity" can be understood just in terms of symmetry and curvature of space. This was later applied o quantum electrodynamics and the entire Standard Model.
From Video "Lorenzo Sadun on the "Yang-Mills and Mass Gap" Millennium problem":
- mentions this idea first came about from Hermann Weyl.
- mentions that in that case the curvature is given by the electromagnetic tensor.
- Symmetry and Quantum Electrodynamics (The Standard Model Part 1) by ZAP Physics (2021)
- The Symmetry and Simplicity of the Laws of Nature and the Higgs Boson by Juan Maldacena (2012). Meh, also too basic.
- Unsolved: Yang-Mills existence and mass gap by J Knudsen (2019). Gives 10 key points, but the truly hard ones are too quick. He knows the thing though.
Yang-Mills 1 by David Metzler (2011)
Source. A bit disappointing, too high level, with very few nuggests that are not Googleable withing 5 minutes.
- 1 too basic
- 2 mentions groups of Lie type in the context of classification of finite simple groups. Each group has a little diagram.
- 3 the original example of a local symmetry was general relativity, and that in that context it can be clearly seen that the local symmetry is what causes "forces" to appear
- local symmetry gives a conserved current. In the case of electromagnetism, this is electrical current. This was the only worthwhile thing he sad to 2021 Ciro. Summarized at: local symmetries of the Lagrangian imply conserved currents.
- 4 electromagnetism has both a global symmetry (special relativity) but also local symmetry, which leads to the conservation of charge current and forces.lecture 3 properly defines a local symmetry in terms of the context of the lagrangian density, and explains that the conservation of currents there is basically the statement of Noether's theorem in that context.
Millennium Prize Problem: Yang Mills Theory by David Gross (2018)
Source. 2 hour talk at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics. Too mathematical, 2021 Ciro can't make much out of it.Lorenzo Sadun on the "Yang-Mills and Mass Gap" Millennium problem
. Source. Unknown year. He almost gets there, he's good. Just needed to be a little bit deeper.