Fiber optical amplifier Updated +Created
These are pretty cool, they are basically a laser
IonQ Updated +Created
Video 1.
Quantum Simulation and Computation with Trapped Ions by Christopher Monroe (2021)
Video 2.
Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions by Christopher Monroe (2018)
Source. Co-founder of IonQ. Cool dude. Starts with basic background we already know now. Mentions that there is some relationship between atomic clocks and trapped ion quantum computers, which is interesting. Then he goes into turbo mode, and you get lost unless you're an expert! Video 1. "Quantum Simulation and Computation with Trapped Ions by Christopher Monroe (2021)" is perhaps a better watch.
It is OK to treat things as black boxes Updated +Created
You don't need to understand the from first principles derivation of every single phenomena.
And most important of all: you should not start learning phenomena by reading the from first principles derivation.
Instead, you should see what happens in experiments, and how matches some known formula (which hopefully has been derived from first principles).
Only open the boxes (understand from first principles derivation) if the need is felt!
  • you don't need to understand everything about why SQUID devices have their specific I-V curve curve. You have to first of all learn what the I-V curve would be in an experiment!
  • you don't need to understand the fine details of how cavity magnetrons work. What you need to understand first is what kind of microwave you get from what kind of input (DC current), and how that compares to other sources of microwaves
  • lasers: same
Physics is all about predicting the future. If you can predict the future with an end result, that's already predicting the future, and valid.
Laser diode Updated +Created
This is by far the most important type of laser commercially, as it can be made relatively cheaply, and it doesn't break easily as it ends up being a single crystal.
Compare them for example to the earlier gas lasers.
This is the type of laser that you would get in a simple laser pointer.
But the real mega aplications are:
Laser spectrum Updated +Created
Lasers vs other light sources Updated +Created
The key advantages of lasers over other light sources are:
One cool thing about lasers is that they rely on one specific atomic energy level transition to produce light. This is why they are able to to be so monchromatic. Compare this to:
  • incandescent bulbs: wide black-body radiation spectrum
  • LED: has a wider spectrum fundamentally related to an energy distribution, related: Why aren't LEDs monochromatic
  • TODO think a bit about fluorescent lamps. These also rely on atomic energy transitions, but many of them are present at once, which makes the spectrum very noisy. But would individual lines be very narrow?
As such, lasers manage to largely overcome "temperature distribution-like" effects that create wider wave spectrum
Video 1.
Crazy difference between 5W laser and 5W LED by Brainiac75
. Source. Baseic but good. Uses a laser photometer.
Optical amplifier Updated +Created
These are closely related to lasers, as they do a similar basic job: take a DC source as input and amplify light. Lasers just happen to use the input voltage to also generate the incoming light.
Single-mode and multi-mode optical fiber Updated +Created
From a practical point of view single-mode:
  • upside: can go further without a repeater. In multi-mode optical fiber, different modes travel at different speeds, and start interfering with each other at some point
  • downside: lower bandwitdh, because we can fit less modes into it
As such, typical applications are:
From a mathematical point of view:
Speed of light experiment Updated +Created
Video 1.
Replicating the Fizeau Apparatus by AlphaPhoenix (2018)
Source. Modern reconstruction with a laser and digital camera.
Video 2.
Visualizing video at the speed of light - one trillion frames per second by MIT (2011)
Source. Fast cameras. OK, this takes it to the next level.
Spontaneous emission Updated +Created
Do electrons spontaneously jump from high orbitals to lower ones emitting photons?
Explaining this was was one of the key initial achievements of the Dirac equation.
Yes, but this is not predicted by the Schrödinger equation, you need to go to the Dirac equation.
A critical application of this phenomena is laser.
Stimulated emission Updated +Created
Photon hits excited electron, makes that electron go down, and generates a new identical photon in the process, with the exact same:This is the basis of lasers.
Trapped ion quantum computer Updated +Created
TODO understand.
Video 1.
Trapping Ions for Quantum Computing by Diana Craik (2019)
A basic introduction, but very concrete, with only a bit of math it might be amazing:
Sounds complicated, several technologies need to work together for that to work! Videos of ions moving are from
A major flaw of this presentation is not explaining the readout process.
Video 2.
How To Trap Particles in a Particle Accelerator by the Royal Institution (2016)
Source. Demonstrates trapping pollen particles in an alternating field.
Video 3.
Ion trapping and quantum gates by Wolfgang Ketterle (2013)
Video 4.
Introduction to quantum optics by Peter Zoller (2018)
Source. THE Zoller from Cirac–Zoller CNOT gate talks about his gate.
Universal Quantum Updated +Created
As of 2021, their location is a small business park in Haywards Heath, about 15 minutes north of Brighton[ref]
Funding rounds:
Homepage says only needs cooling to 70 K. So it doesn't work with liquid nitrogen which is 77 K?
Homepage points to foundational paper:
Video 1.
Universal Quantum emerges out of stealth by University of Sussex (2020)
Source. Explains that a more "traditional" trapped ion quantum computer would user "pairs of lasers", which would require a lot of lasers. Their approach is to try and do it by applying voltages to a microchip instead.
Video 2.
Quantum Computing webinar with Sebastian Weidt by Green Lemon Company (2020)
Source. The sound quality is to bad to stop and listen to, but it presumaby shows the coding office in the background.
Video 3.
Fireside Chat with with Sebastian Weidt by Startup Grind Brighton (2022)
Source. Very basic target audience: