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Derived from classical first principles, matches Planck's law for low frequencies, but diverges at higher frequencies.
Used to explain the black-body radiation experiment.
Published as: On the Theory of the Energy Distribution Law of the Normal Spectrum by Max Planck (1900).
The Quantum Story by Jim Baggott (2011) page 9 mentions that Planck apparently immediately recognized that Planck constant was a new fundamental physical constant, and could have potential applications in the definition of the system of units (TODO where was that published):This was a visionary insight, and was finally realized in the 2019 redefinition of the SI base units.
Planck wrote that the constants offered: 'the possibility of establishing units of length, mass, time and temperature which are independent of specific bodies or materials and which necessarily maintain their meaning for all time and for all civilizations, even those which are extraterrestrial and nonhuman, constants which therefore can be called "fundamental physical units of measurement".'
TODO how can it be derived from theoretical principles alone? There is one derivation at; but it does not seem to mention the Schrödinger equation at all.
These people are cool.
They use optical tweezers to place individual atoms floating in midair, and then do stuff to entangle their nuclear spins.
Specific type of Josephson junction. Probably can be made tiny and in huge numbers through photolithography.
As of 2021, their location is a small business park in Haywards Heath, about 15 minutes north of Brighton[ref]
Funding rounds:
- 2022:
- 67m euro contract with the German government: Both co-founders are German. They then immediatly announced several jobs in Hamburg: so presumably linked to the Hamburg University of Technology campus of the German Aerospace Center.
- 2021: $10M (7.5M GBP) grant from the British Government: grant is very secretive, very hard to find any other information about it! Most investment trackers are not listing it.The article reads:Interesting!
Universal Quantum will lead a consortium that includes Rolls-Royce, quantum developer Riverlane, and world-class researchers from Imperial College London and The University of Sussex, among others.
A but further down the article gives some more information of partners, from which some of the hardware vendors can be deduced:The consortium includes end-user Rolls-Royce supported by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Hartree Centre, quantum software developer Riverlane, supply chain partners Edwards, TMD Technologies (now acquired by Communications & Power Industries (CPI)) and Diamond Microwave
- Edwards is presumably Edwards Vacuum, since we know that trapped ion quantum computers rely heavily on good vacuum systems. Edwards Vacuum is also located quite close to Universal Quantum as of 2022, a few minutes drive.
- TMD Technologies is a microwave technology vendor amongst other things, and we know that microwaves are used e.g. to initialize the spin states of the ions
- Diamond Microwave is another microwave stuff vendor
The money comes from UK's "Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund" gives some more details on the use case provided by Rolls Royce:The work with Rolls Royce will explore how quantum computers can develop practical applications toward the development of more sustainable and efficient jet engines.This starts by applying quantum algorithms to take steps to toward a greater understanding of how liquids and gases flow, a field known as 'fluid dynamics'. Simulating such flows accurately is beyond the computational capacity of even the most powerful classical computers today.This funding was part of a larger quantum push by the UKNQTP: - 2020: $4.5M (3.5M GBP) Just out of stealth.
- Sebastian Weidt. He is German, right? Yes at from Video 3. "Fireside Chat with with Sebastian Weidt by Startup Grind Brighton (2022)". The company was founded by two Germans from Essex!
- Winfried Hensinger: if you saw him on the street, you'd think he plays in a punk-rock band. That West Berlin feeling.
Homepage says only needs cooling to 70 K. So it doesn't work with liquid nitrogen which is 77 K?
Homepage points to foundational paper:
Symmetry breaking in superconductors by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-01-10 +Created 1970-01-01
As mentioned in True Genius: The Life and Science of John Bardeen page 224, the idea of symmetry breaking was a major motivation in Josephson's study of the Josephson effect.
Maximum current that can flow across a Josephson junction, as can be directly seen from the Josephson equations.
Is a fixed characteristic value of the physical construction of the junction.
Two equations derived from first principles by Brian Josephson that characterize the device, somewhat like an I-V curve:where:
- : Josephson current
- : the Josephson phase, a function defined by the second equation plus initial conditions
- : input voltage of the system
- : current across the junction, determined by the input voltage
Note how these equations are not a typical I-V curve, as they are not an instantaneous dependency between voltage and current: the history of the voltage matters! Or in other words, the system has an internal state, represented by the Josephson phase at a given point in time.
To understand them better, it is important to look at some important cases separately:
- AC Josephson effect: V is a fixed DC voltage
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