Video 1.
Historic, unique Manhattan Project footage from Los Alamos by Los Alamos National Lab
. Source.
Mostly the daily life part of things, but very good, includes subtitles explaining the people and places shown.
Marked with identifier "LA-UR 11-4449".
The first human-made nuclear chain reaction.
Video 1.
Getting funding for the Chicago Pile Edward Teller interview by Web of Stories (1996)
. Source.
Video 2.
German graphite from The Genius Behind the Bomb (1992)
. Source. Graphite was expensive because it had to be boron-free, since boron absorbs neutrons. But a boron process was the main way to make graphite. This type of pure graphite is known as nuclear graphite.
The lab that made Chicago Pile-1, located in the University of Chicago. Metallurgical in this context basically as in "working with the metals uranium and plutonium".
Given their experience, they also designed the important X-10 Graphite Reactor and the B Reactor which were built in other locations.
Its plutonium was produced at Hanford site.
Video 1.
Trinity Test Preparations by AtomicHeritage (2016)
. Source. Appears to be a compilation of several videos, presumably each with their own separate LA-UR, though these are not noted. Credited: "Video courtesy of the Los Alamos National Laboratory Archives", TODO how to search that archive online?
Video 2.
Trinity: Getting The Job Done
. Source. Good video, clarifies several interesting technical points:
Their website, and in particular the recruitment section, are so creepy.
There's not mention of bombs. No photos of atomic explosions. The words "atomic" and "weapon" do not even show up in the front page!!! The acronym AWE is instead used everywhere as an euphemism.
In the recruitment section we can see a bunch of people smiling:, suggesting:
We make nukes, and we do it with a smile!
There's even children outreach!!!
Ciro Santilli is not against storing a few nukes to be ready against dictatorships. But don't be such a pussy! Just say what the fuck you are doing more clearly! You are making weapons to kill people and destroy things in order to maintain the Balance of power. If the public can't handle such facts, then shut down the fucking program.

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