- math.stackexchange.com/questions/361422/why-isnt-np-conp "Why isn't NP = coNP?"
- stackoverflow.com/questions/17046440/whats-the-difference-between-np-and-co-np
- cs.stackexchange.com/questions/9795/is-the-open-question-np-co-np-the-same-as-p-np
- mathoverflow.net/questions/31821/problems-known-to-be-in-both-np-and-conp-but-not-known-to-be-in-p
Their status is a mess as of 2020s, with several systems ongoing. Long live the "original" collegiate university!
A person who gives financial advice, notably personal finance advice. Some of them are questinable guru-like beings, and many are on YouTube.
A more photon-specific version of the Bloch sphere.
In it, each of the six sides has a clear and simple to understand photon polarization state, either of:
- left/right
- diagonal up/diagonal down
- rotation clockwise/counterclockwise
The sphere clearly suggests for example that a rotational or diagonal polarizations are the combination of left/right with the correct phase. This is clearly explained at: Video "Quantum Mechanics 9b - Photon Spin and Schrodinger's Cat II by ViaScience (2013)".
Examples under python/sklearn
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install sklearn matplotlib seaborn
@cirosantilli/_file/python/typing_cheat/python/typing_cheat/hello.py Updated 2025-01-06 +Created 1970-01-01
The hello world!
math.mit.edu/classes/18.783, Wow, good slides! Well organized site! This is a good professor! And brutal course. 25 lectures, and lecture one ends in BSD conjecture!
Some points from math.mit.edu/classes/18.783/2022/LectureSlides1.pdf:
- definition of elliptic curves
To Ciro Santilli, a key observation is:Clearly the rich will be much, much more shielded by keeping large parts of their wealth in shares... from this point of view, it is insane to print money!!! Tax the rich instead...
The rich are more easily able to avoid the harm than poor and middle-class people [...] they are more likely to have large amounts of non-cash assets to shield themselves from inflation.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7iAqcFCTQQ shows their base technology:
- laser beam comes in
- input set via of optical ring resonators that form a squeezed state of light. Does not seem to rely on single photon production and detection experiments?
Funding rounds:
- March 2022: 27M Euros
About their qubit:
- alice-bob.com/2023/02/15/computing-256-bit-elliptic-curve-logarithm-in-9-hours-with-126133-cat-qubits/ Computing 256-bit elliptic curve logarithm in 9 hours with 126,133 cat qubits (2023). This describes their "cat qubit".
A quantum algorithm that is thought to be more likely to be useful in the NISQ era of quantum computing.
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