Gene expression profiling Updated +Created
Gauge field Updated +Created
A random field you add to make something transform locally the way you want. See e.g.: Video "Deriving the qED Lagrangian by Dietterich Labs (2018)".
Quantum superposition Updated +Created
Quantum superposition is really weird because it is fundamentally different than "either definite state but I don't know which", because the superposition state leads to different measurements than the non-superposition state.
Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin limit Updated +Created
GIMP Updated +Created
It's not super easy to use at first.
And it sometimes says that the basic drawing thing you want to do is off the project's scope.
But as you learn more about it and further generalize the concepts, there are often reasonable reasons for those design choices.
And the UI looks good :-)
GitHub's replacement of master branch with main (2020) Updated +Created
By GitHub around Black Lives Matter, due to a possible ludicrous relationship with slavery of black people:For the love of God, the word "master" is much more general than black slavery. If you are going to ban it, you might as well ban the word "evil".
Several software projects followed the purge from their codebases, maybe GitHub followed someone else's lead, it's hard to say.
The words "whitelist" and "blacklist" were also targeted.
Ainan Celeste Cawley Updated +Created
His father fought a lot with the stupid educational system to try and move his son to his full potential and move to more advanced subjects early.
A crime of society to try and prevent it. They actually moved the family from Singapore to Malaysia for a learning opportunity for the son. Amazing.
This is the perfect illustration of one of Ciro Santilli's most important complaints about the 2020 educational system:and why Ciro created to try and help fix the issue.
Possible social media
Video 1.
The Most Talented Children And Adults On The Planet by Our Life (2008)
Source. Has some good mentions of Ainan and others.
Video 2.
Ainan Cawley: Child prodigy (2013)
TSMC Updated +Created
One of the companies that has fabs, which buys machines from companies such as ASML and puts them together in so called "silicon fabs" to make the chips
As the quintessential fabless fab, there is on thing TSMC can never ever do: sell their own design! It must forever remain a fab-only company, that will never compete with its customers. This is highlighted e.g. at from Video "How Nvidia Won Graphics Cards by Asianometry (2021)".
Video 1.
How Taiwan Created TSMC by Asianometry (2020)
Source. Some points:
  • UCM failed because it focused too much on the internal market, and was shielded from external competition, so it didn't become world leading
  • one of TSMC's great advances was the fabless business model approach.
  • they managed to do large technology transfers from the West to kickstart things off
  • one of their main victories was investing early in CMOS, before it became huge, and winning that market
Google X Updated +Created
Wikipedia reads:
Any contributor could create and own new Knol articles, and there could be multiple articles on the same topic with each written by a different author.
so basically exactly what Ciro Santilli wants to do on Ominous.
Like any closed source "failure", everything was deleted.
Ruth Lawrence Updated +Created
When Lawrence was five, her father gave up his job so that he could educate her at home.
At Oxford, her father continued to be actively involved in her education, accompanying her to all lectures and some tutorials. Lawrence completed her bachelor's degree in two years, instead of the normal three, and graduated in 1985 at the age of 13 with a starred first and special commendation.
he had tried it once before - with an older daughter, Sarah, one of three children he had by a previous marriage.
That experiment ended after he separated from Sarah's increasingly concerned mother, Jutta. He soon found a woman more in tune with his radical ideas in his next spouse, Sylvia Greybourne
Maxwell's equations are Lorentz invariant Updated +Created
Subtle is the Lord by Abraham Pais (1982) chapter III "Relativity, the special theory" mentions that this fact and its importance (we want the laws of physics to look the same on all inertial frames, AKA Lorentz covariance) was first fully relized by poincaré in 1905.
And at that same time poincaré also immediately started to think about the other fundamental force then known: gravity, and off the bat realized that gravitational waves must exist. general relativities is probably just "the simplest way to make gravity Lorentz covariant".
Note that:
and for that to be true for all possible and then we must have:
i.e. the matrix inverse is equal to the transpose.
Conversely, if:
is true, then
These matricese are called the orthogonal matrices.
TODO is there any more intuitive way to think about this?
How to visualize the commit tree Updated +Created
Generate a minimal test repo. You should get in the habit of doing this to test stuff out.
#!/usr/bin/env bash

mkdir git-tips
cd git-tips
git init

for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do
  echo $i > f
  git add f
  git commit -m $i

git checkout HEAD~2
git checkout -b my-feature

for i in 6 7; do
  echo $i > f
  git add f
  git commit -m $i
gitk Updated +Created
For the newbs.
Slick? No. But gitk does the job, like any one of the other 100 billion free Git UI viewers out there
gitk master HEAD
Many IDEs are also implementing this now (e.g. VS Code, Eclipse. Most free IDE GIt implementations are still crap, but that is the future, because you want to edit, view history, edit, view history, commit, edit.
git log --graph Updated +Created
For the strong.
git log --abbrev-commit --decorate --graph --pretty=oneline master HEAD
* b4ec057 (master) 5
* 0b37c1b 4
| * fbfbfe8 (HEAD -> my-feature) 7
| * 7b0f59d 6
* 661cfab 3
* 6d748a9 2
* c5f8a2c 1
If we also add the --simplify-by-decoration, which you very often want want on a real repository with many commits:
* b4ec057 (master) 5
| * fbfbfe8 (HEAD -> my-feature) 7
* c5f8a2c 1
As we can see, this removes any commit that is neither:
  • under a branch or tag
  • at the intersection of too branches or tags
Google Pixel 3a (2020) Updated +Created
Bought: January 2020 from for 350 pounds.
Front camera video on Android 11: about 100MiB / minute. The encoding is however super inefficient, a FFmpeg re-encode without any options reduces it by 1/3.
For Fastboot mode: Power and Volume down simultaneously for 10-15s. It is OK if screen sleeps. On "no command", power then volume up to see options.
2023-10: touchscreen not registering touches anymore. Still displays images. Manage to regain access with wired USB mouse + a simple USB-C adapter. RIP. Will attempt replacement:, partly to get Authy access which I had never properly tested... Replaced screen, but at exact same status as before: shows image but no touch. thus I wasted my money and time (minus the learning) something else is broken.
Good video game to watch Updated +Created
This is a list of video games that are good to watch other people playing, even if you don't play yourself. And often they are better to watch than to play as you don't have to waste your time as much!
GNU Free Documentation License Updated +Created
GNU screen Updated +Created
Most important things to know:
  • kill window: Ctrl + A K

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