This thing is sexy.
Suppose that a rod has is length measured on a rest frame (or maybe even better: two identical rulers were manufactured, and one is taken on a spaceship, a bit like the twin paradox).
Question: what is the length than an observer in frame moving relative to as speed observe the rod to be?
The key idea is that there are two events to consider in each frame, which we call 1 and 2:Note that what you visually observe on a photograph is a different measurement to the more precise/easy to calculate two event measurement. On a photograph, it seems you might not even see the contraction in some cases as mentioned at
- the left end of the rod is an observation event at a given position at a given time: and for or and for
- the right end of the rod is an observation event at a given position at a given time : and for or and for
Measuring a length means to measure the difference for a single point in time in your frame ().
So what we want to obtain is for any given time .
In summary, we have:
By plugging those values into the Lorentz transformation, we can eliminate , and conclude that for any , the length contraction relation holds:
The key question that needs intuitive clarification then is: but how can this be symmetric? How can both observers see each other's rulers shrink?
And the key answer is: because to the second observer, the measurements made by the first observer are not simultaneous. Notably, the two measurement events are obviously spacelike-separated events by looking at the light cone, and therefore can be measured even in different orders by different observers.
Let' see if there's anything in records/mx.xz.
mx.csv is 21GB.
They do have
in the files to escape commas so:mx.pyWould have been better with csvkit:
import csv
import sys
writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout)
with open('mx.csv', 'r') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for row in reader:
writer.writerow([row[0], row[3]])
# uniq not amazing as there are often two or three slightly different records repeated on multiple timestamps, but down to 11 GB
python3 | uniq > mx-uniq.csv
sqlite3 mx.sqlite 'create table t(d text, m text)'
# 13 GB
time sqlite3 mx.sqlite ".import --csv --skip 1 'mx-uniq.csv' t"
# 41 GB
time sqlite3 mx.sqlite 'create index td on t(d)'
time sqlite3 mx.sqlite 'create index tm on t(m)'
time sqlite3 mx.sqlite 'create index tdm on t(d, m)'
# Remove dupes.
# Rows: 150m
time sqlite3 mx.sqlite <<EOF
delete from t
where rowid not in (
select min(rowid)
from t
group by d, m
# 15 GB
time sqlite3 mx.sqlite vacuum
Let's see what the hits use:
awk -F, 'NR>1{ print $2 }' ../media/cia-2010-covert-communication-websites/hits.csv | xargs -I{} sqlite3 mx.sqlite "select distinct * from t where d = '{}'"
At around 267 total hits, only 84 have MX records, and from those that do, almost all of them have exactly:with only three exceptions:We need to count out of the totals!which gives, ~18M, so nope, it is too much by itself...|||
sqlite3 mx.sqlite "select count(*) from t where m = ''"
Let's try to use that to reduce where
from 2013 DNS Census virtual host cleanup a bit further:time sqlite3 mx.sqlite '.mode csv' "attach 'aiddcu.sqlite' as 'av'" '.load ./ip' "select ipi2s(av.t.i), av.t.d from av.t inner join t as mx on av.t.d = mx.d and mx.m = '' order by av.t.i asc" > avm.csv
stands for av
with mx
pruning. This leaves us with only ~500k entries left. With one more figerprint we could do a Wayback Machine CDX scanning scan.Let's check that we still have most our hits in there:At 267 hits we got 81, so all are still present.
grep -f <(awk -F, 'NR>1{print $2}' /home/ciro/bak/git/media/cia-2010-covert-communication-websites/hits.csv) avm.csv
secureserver is a hosting provider, we can see their blank page e.g. at: comments: is the name GoDaddy use as the reverse DNS for IP addresses used for dedicated/virtual server hosting
NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-01-29 +Created 1970-01-01
This post-quantum cryptography competition by NIST is a huge milestone of the field.
It was mind blowing when in 2022, after several years of selection, one of the 7 finalists was broken on a classical computer, not even in a quantum computer! | Breaking Rainbow Takes a Weekend on a Laptop by Ward Beullens. Dude announced he had a break a few days before submission: On Twitter. He's so young. Epic.
Edit: and then, after the third round, things were a bit unclear, so they made a fourth round with 4 choices out of the 7 from round 3, and in August 2022 one of the four was broken again on a classic CPU!!! OMG:
United States diplomatic cables leak by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-01-29 +Created 1970-01-01
Pinned article: ourbigbook/introduction-to-the-ourbigbook-project
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