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Front-end only, so infinitely simpler, and generally much less useful than gothinkster/realworld.
You need those because it is hard to do the following:
- client JavaScript sends a request to server
- server sends back data
- client updates what the user sees
This is hard to do notably because when the update happens, several things might need to change on the webpage at the same time.
Notably, new elements might need to be added to the webpage, which in turn means that new bindings such as button clicks have to be added to those, in a way that keeps the page working.
The only way to do this basically is to have a functional dependency graph that keeps everything in the page in working state as updates come.
Every Lie group that has a given Lie algebra is the image of an homomorphism from the universal cover group by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-01-06 +Created 1970-01-01
Cannot update a component while rendering a different component warning in React by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-01-06 +Created 1970-01-01
@cirosantilli/_file/react/react/ref-click-counter.html by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-01-06 +Created 1970-01-01
Dummy example of using a React
This example is useless and to the end user seems functionally equivalent to react/hello.html.It does however serve as a good example of what react does that is useful: it provides a "clear" separation between state and render code (which becomes once again much less clear in React function components.
Notably, this example is insane because at:we are extracing state from some random HTML string rather than having a clean JavaScript variable containing that value.
<button onClick={() => {
elem.innerHTML = (parseInt(elem.innerHTML) + 1).toString()
In this case we managed to get away with it, but this is in general not easy/possible.
This should only be used for things that happen outside of the state that React trackes, e.g.
event handlers.Examples:
Our examples are located under nodejs/next:
- nodejs/next/hello-world: a hello world. There's an in-tree one at:, but ours is truly minimal
- nodejs/next/hoc: shows how to use a higher order component (HOC) to factor out
across two pages: nodejs/next/hoc/pages/index.js and nodejs/next/hoc/pages/notindex.js - nodejs/next/typescript: simple TypeScript example, minimized from:, that shows how
errors are avoided in that case as mentioned at: - nodejs/next/localStorage: a counter that is persistent across page reloads by using
. Used in:
Solved ones:
- solved by preview mode in Next.js 12:
- ISR was basically unusable for CRUD websites because you can't force a one-off immediate page update:
Node Express Sequelize Next.js realworld example app by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-01-06 +Created 1970-01-01
This is the lowest level of abstraction computer, at which the basic gates and power are described.
At this level, you are basically thinking about the 3D layered structure of a chip, and how to make machines that will allow you to create better, usually smaller, gates.
Parent/predecessor of ASML.
This is the mantra of the semiconductor industry:
- power and area are the main limiting factors of chips, i.e., your budget:
- chip area is ultra expensive because there are sporadic errors in the fabrication process, and each error in any part of the chip can potentially break the entire chip. Although there areThe percentage of working chips is called the yield.In some cases however, e.g. if the error only affects single CPU of a multi-core CPU, then they actually deactivate the broken CPU after testing, and sell the worse CPU cheaper with a clear branding of that: this is called binning,5892.html
- power is a major semiconductor limit as of 2010's and onwards. If everything turns on at once, the chip would burn. Designs have to account for that.
- performance is the goal.Conceptually, this is basically a set of algorithms that you want your hardware to solve, each one with a respective weight of importance.Serial performance is fundamentally limited by the longest path that electrons have to travel in a given clock cycle.The way to work around it is to create pipelines, splitting up single operations into multiple smaller operations, and storing intermediate results in memories.
Google searches for known domains and IPs by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-01-06 +Created 1970-01-01
Googling most domains gives only very few results, and most of them are just useless lists of expired domains. Skipping those for now.
has a git at Furthermore, it also contains the IP address "" under the "Technik" tab!Unfortunately that website appears to be split by language? E.g. the English version does not contain it:, which would make searching a bit harder, but still doable.
But if we can Google search those IPs there, we might just hit gold.
IP search did work!
But doesn't often/ever work unfortunately for others.
Googling "" has a git at: which actually contains the IP! But I can't find a reverse IP search method. And perhaps due to having lots of CAPTCHAs, Google doesn't seem to index that website very well... it even has a tiny screenshot! And it also shows some more metadata beyond IP, e.g. HTTP response headers, which notably contain stuff like
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
.Forward search of expired domains appears to often work however, and contains correct IPs and the screenshots. Note that direct access as follows does not work for some reason, you have to type them into the search bar manually:OMG so close. If only Google would index that website we'd be done!!!
- not present
Apparently also mirrored at "dawhois":
Searching on from September 2022 contains some of the links to some of the ones reported by Reuters.
A set of software programs that compile high level register transfer level languages such as Verilog into something that a fab can actually produce. One is reminded of a compiler toolchain but on a lower level.
The most important steps of that include:
- logic synthesis: mapping the Verilog to a standard cell library
- place and route: mapping the synthesis output into the 2D surface of the chip
Given a bunch of interlinked standard cell library elements from the logic synthesis step, actually decide where exactly they are going to go on 2D (stacked 2D) integrated circuit surface.
Sample output format of place and route would be GDSII.
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Welcome to the OurBigBook Project! Our goal is to create the perfect publishing platform for STEM subjects, and get university-level students to write the best free STEM tutorials ever.
Everyone is welcome to create an account and play with the site: We belive that students themselves can write amazing tutorials, but teachers are welcome too. You can write about anything you want, it doesn't have to be STEM or even educational. Silly test content is very welcome and you won't be penalized in any way. Just keep it legal!
We have two killer features:
- topics: topics group articles by different users with the same title, e.g. here is the topic for the "Fundamental Theorem of Calculus" of different users are sorted by upvote within each article page. This feature is a bit like:
- a Wikipedia where each user can have their own version of each article
- a Q&A website like Stack Overflow, where multiple people can give their views on a given topic, and the best ones are sorted by upvote. Except you don't need to wait for someone to ask first, and any topic goes, no matter how narrow or broad
This feature makes it possible for readers to find better explanations of any topic created by other writers. And it allows writers to create an explanation in a place that readers might actually find it. - local editing: you can store all your personal knowledge base content locally in a plaintext markup format that can be edited locally and published either:This way you can be sure that even if were to go down one day (which we have no plans to do as it is quite cheap to host!), your content will still be perfectly readable as a static site.
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