Personal name by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
HTML canvas by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Allows us to draw with JavaScript pixel by pixel! Great way to create computational physics demos!
Here is an animation demo with some useful controls:
HTML snippet:
new class extends OurbigbookCanvasDemo {
  init() {
    this.pixel_size_input = this.addInputAfterEnable(
      'Pixel size',
        'min': 1,
        'type': 'number',
        'value': 1,
  draw() {
    var pixel_size = parseInt(this.pixel_size_input.value);
    for (var x = 0; x < this.width; x += pixel_size) {
      for (var y = 0; y < this.height; y += pixel_size) {
        var b = ((1.0 + Math.sin(this.time * Math.PI / 16)) / 2.0);
        this.ctx.fillStyle =
          'rgba(' +
          (x / this.width) * 255 + ',' +
          (y / this.height) * 255 + ',' +
          b * 255 +
        this.ctx.fillRect(x, y, pixel_size, pixel_size);
WebGL by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
HTML snippet:
new class extends OurbigbookCanvasDemo {
  init() {
    super.init('webgl', {context_type: 'webgl'});
    this.ctx.viewport(0, 0, this.ctx.drawingBufferWidth, this.ctx.drawingBufferHeight);
    this.ctx.clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    this.vertexShaderSource = `
#version 100
precision highp float;
attribute float position;
void main() {
  gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
  gl_PointSize = 64.0;

    this.fragmentShaderSource = `
#version 100
precision mediump float;
void main() {
  gl_FragColor = vec4(0.18, 0.0, 0.34, 1.0);
    this.vertexShader = this.ctx.createShader(this.ctx.VERTEX_SHADER);
    this.ctx.shaderSource(this.vertexShader, this.vertexShaderSource);
    this.fragmentShader = this.ctx.createShader(this.ctx.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
    this.ctx.shaderSource(this.fragmentShader, this.fragmentShaderSource);
    this.program = this.ctx.createProgram();
    this.ctx.attachShader(this.program, this.vertexShader);
    this.ctx.attachShader(this.program, this.fragmentShader);
    this.ctx.detachShader(this.program, this.vertexShader);
    this.ctx.detachShader(this.program, this.fragmentShader);
    if (!this.ctx.getProgramParameter(this.program, this.ctx.LINK_STATUS)) {
      console.log('error ' + this.ctx.getProgramInfoLog(this.program));
    var buffer = this.ctx.createBuffer();
    this.ctx.bindBuffer(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
    this.ctx.vertexAttribPointer(0, 1, this.ctx.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
  draw() {
    this.ctx.bufferData(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([Math.sin(this.time / 60.0)]), this.ctx.STATIC_DRAW);
    this.ctx.drawArrays(this.ctx.POINTS, 0, 1);
ARM Cortex-M by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
One-time pad by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
The only perfect cryptosystem!
The problem is that you need a shared key as large as the message.
Systems like advanced Encryption Standard allow us to encrypt things larger than the key, but the tradeoff is that they could be possibly broken, as don't have any provably secure symmetric-key algorithms as of 2020.
CSS flex by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
  • css/flex.html: illustrates basic flex usage, including:
  • flex-grow: if there's space left, this determines how much extra space will be given to each.
  • flex-basis: the size the items want to be. But if there isnt' enough space, this can be cut up.
    Note that the minimal space required by children of the flex children cannot be necessarily cut up, and might lead things to overflow out of the container.
  • flex-shrink: if there's space missing, this determines how much extra space will be removed from each flex-basis
Other examples include:
That example calculates and displays the final widths via JavaScript, making it easier to understand the calculations being done.
@cirosantilli/_file/webpack/webpack/template by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
webpack/template contains a reasonable starter template.
This will produce, under dist/ the following minimized files:
You can also run this test with the development server on localhost:9000:
npm start
which uses unminimized outptus, and automatically push reloads the page whenever you change any of the input files!
@cirosantilli/_file/webpack/webpack/sass by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
This example shows how to use @cirosantilli/_file/webpack/webpack/sass.
To make things simple, it generates a completely separate dist/index.js and dist/main.css which are manually included from index.html, and does not do any type of injection (neither Js into HTML nor CSS in Js).
@cirosantilli/_file/webpack/webpack/no-js-inject by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
This example shows how you could manually include the dist/index.js that is output from webpack into your index.html.
This is generally not what you want to do, because what you actually want to do is to use a Js output name with a hash in it, so that browsers only need to refetch when the name changes.
And to do that, we have to let webpack dynamically inject that unpredictable hash as done in webpack/template with:
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
  filename: 'index.html',
  // Inject the include to our hashed filename,
  // since it is not deterministic due to the hash.
  inject: true,
  template: path.resolve(__dirname, 'index.html'),
Push technology by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Chromium (web browser) by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Google is trying to kill it as of 2021: The lack of sync is a major major blow. So selfish. Google makes billions, and it won't give in a little bit of settings storage...
Chrome Android extension by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Lol it is note possible what a joke. Notably this makes it harder to have of a superior third party password manager like Proton Pass (though there seems to be an autocomplete app as an alternative path), and an ad blocker. Fuck Google.
Also, Chromium is not available on Google Play by default, you can install the apk, but you will miss updates:
A blog in every web framework by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
A (multi-user) blog is the hello world of the web, so creating one of those is the best way to quickly evaluate web technology, i.e. time to Hello World.
Some new frameworks like FeathersJS are making a chat app instead, as that highlights the push notifications a bit better.
gothinkster/realworld by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Basically puts together every backend with Front-end web framework to create the exact same website.
The reference live demo can be found at: It is based on Angular.js as it links to: TODO backend?
There are however also live demos of other frontends, e.g.:
Note that all those frontends communicate with the same backend.
As of 2021 Devs are seemed a bit too focused on monetizing the project through their "how to use this project" premium tutorial, and documentation could be better: just getting the hello world of the most popular backend with the most popular frontend is not easy... come on. asks for community support, as devs have moved on since unfortunately.
  • by default, the frontends hardcode the upstream public data API: so you have to hack their code to match the port of the backend. And each backend can have a different port.
  • when you switch between backends, you must first manually clear client-side storage cookies/local new run will fail due to authentication issues!
Important missing things from the minimum base app:
First you should the most popular backend/frontend combination running, which is the most likely to be working. We managed to run on Ubuntu 20.10, React + Node.js Express.js as described at
Then just:
npm install
npm start
on both server and client, and then visit the client URL: localhost:4100/
One cool thing is that the main repo has unified backend API tests:
git clone
cd realworld
git checkout e7adc6b06b459e578d7d4a6738c1c050598ba431
cd api
APIURL=http://localhost:3000/api USERNAME="u$(date +%s)" ./
so the per-repository tests are basically useless, and that single test can test everything for any backend! There is no frontend testing however: so newb.
Avery-MacLeod-McCarty experiment by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Pinned article: ourbigbook/introduction-to-the-ourbigbook-project
Welcome to the OurBigBook Project! Our goal is to create the perfect publishing platform for STEM subjects, and get university-level students to write the best free STEM tutorials ever.
Everyone is welcome to create an account and play with the site: We belive that students themselves can write amazing tutorials, but teachers are welcome too. You can write about anything you want, it doesn't have to be STEM or even educational. Silly test content is very welcome and you won't be penalized in any way. Just keep it legal!
Video 1.
Intro to OurBigBook
. Source.
We have two killer features:
  1. topics: topics group articles by different users with the same title, e.g. here is the topic for the "Fundamental Theorem of Calculus"
    Articles of different users are sorted by upvote within each article page. This feature is a bit like:
    • a Wikipedia where each user can have their own version of each article
    • a Q&A website like Stack Overflow, where multiple people can give their views on a given topic, and the best ones are sorted by upvote. Except you don't need to wait for someone to ask first, and any topic goes, no matter how narrow or broad
    This feature makes it possible for readers to find better explanations of any topic created by other writers. And it allows writers to create an explanation in a place that readers might actually find it.
    Figure 1.
    Screenshot of the "Derivative" topic page
    . View it live at:
    Video 2.
    OurBigBook Web topics demo
    . Source.
  2. local editing: you can store all your personal knowledge base content locally in a plaintext markup format that can be edited locally and published either:
    • to to get awesome multi-user features like topics and likes
    • as HTML files to a static website, which you can host yourself for free on many external providers like GitHub Pages, and remain in full control
    This way you can be sure that even if were to go down one day (which we have no plans to do as it is quite cheap to host!), your content will still be perfectly readable as a static site.
    Figure 5. . You can also edit articles on the Web editor without installing anything locally.
    Video 3.
    Edit locally and publish demo
    . Source. This shows editing OurBigBook Markup and publishing it using the Visual Studio Code extension.
    Video 4.
    OurBigBook Visual Studio Code extension editing and navigation demo
    . Source.
  4. Infinitely deep tables of contents:
    Figure 6.
    Dynamic article tree with infinitely deep table of contents
    Descendant pages can also show up as toplevel e.g.:
All our software is open source and hosted at:
Further documentation can be found at:
Feel free to reach our to us for any help or suggestions: