Online dictionary Updated +Created
Mechanical computer Updated +Created
Rohde & Schwarz Updated +Created
First-move advantage in chess Updated +Created
Shogi Updated +Created
Abjad Updated +Created
Unlike abugida, these actually make you guess vowels, which are mostly or all not written down in any way. Terrible.
E.g.: the main Arabic script.
List of cryptocurrencies Updated +Created
Abraham Pais Updated +Created
This due is a beast, he knows both the physics and the history of physics, and has the patience to teach it. What a blessing: Section "How to teach and learn physics".
Adam Curtis Updated +Created
Ciro Santilli really loved his documentary called Can't get you out of my head by Adam Curtis (2021), and then proceeded to basically watch all of this films.
Abelian group Updated +Created
Easily classified as the direct product of cyclic groups of prime order.
Function problem Updated +Created
A problem that has more than two possible yes/no outputs.
It is therefore a generalization of a decision problem.
Workstation Updated +Created
iproute2 Updated +Created
Decision problem Updated +Created
Computational problem where the solution is either yes or no.
When there are more than two possible answers, it is called a function problem.
Decision problems come up often in computer science because many important problems are often stated in terms of "decide if a given string belongs to given formal language".
I/O device Updated +Created
Keysight Updated +Created
Binary large object Updated +Created
Less evil are BLOBs that come from Reproducible builds.
NCBI open reading frame tool Updated +Created
NCBI online tool to find and view all open reading frames in a given FASTA:
Optical cavity Updated +Created
Physics course of the University of Oxford structure Updated +Created

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