Matters of small concern should be treated seriously by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-01-10 +Created 1970-01-01
As quoted on Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (1999) at 00:23:01:TODO find exact page/section.
Among the maxims on Lord Naoshige's wall there was this one: "Matters of great concern should be treated lightly." Master Ittei commented, "Matters of small concern should be treated seriously."
They actually abolished the original legal requirement for those institutions to have free scholars as set out by their original charity school beginnings!!! WTF!
But the broadening of scope beyond the Church of England/medieval material was a good thing at least.
Another notable reference is in Lost Horse LLC, MacKenzie Bezos's charity instrument.
- 塞翁 sai4 weng1: TODO his name?
- 失马 shi1 ma3: lost horse
- 焉知 yan1 zhi1: who knows, literary
- 非福 fei1 fu2: bad (or) good
In Chinese lit. just "Four Great Masterpieces".
The literal Chinese name says it all: "Fake Mountain". The stones evoke the feeling of the beautiful rock mountains of China.
The term "奇石假山" (qi2 shi2 jia3 shan1, lit. "weird shaped stone fake mountain") is also used, almost as a synonym by many people, since the stones are often chose in interesting shapes. Choosing the right stone is basically an art form in itself.
The stones used are generally limestone, which as a sedimentary rock is weaker, and more likely to be eroded into interesting shapes.
The United Kingdom is a great place to cycle in general as there's plenty of small country roads and interesting new small towns to discover, perhaps much like the rest of Europe, as opposed to the United States, which likely has some huge infinitely long straight roads with a lot of nothing in between.
Of particular interest is the large amount of airfields and small air raid shelters in the fields, an ominous reminder of world war 2. The airfields are in various states, from functional military fields, many converted to civilian usage, some have barely any tarmac left but still see usage. And some were just completely abandoned and decayed and became recreation grounds and farms. The UK is therefore also a great place to be if you want to learn to fly as a hobby!
Good starting point:
Next, you want to decide about nice destinations to reach/go through, and these are good ideas to look into:
- Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
- National Trust
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
There are valid reasons to be pro-Brexit, given the uselessness of the European Union.
The problem was how the campaign was conducted, in a purely nationalistic, populist and fake news manner, and largely supported by business leaders who immediately after still wanted to hire cheap foreign labour, use tax havens and move headquarters to other countries, e.g.:
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