Generally, prizes that pay big lumps of money to well established individuals are a bit useless, it would be better to pay smaller sums to struggling beginners in the field, of which there are aplenty.
The most important part about prizes should not be the money, nor the recognition, but rather explaining better what the laureates did. In this, most prizes fail. Thus Ciro Santilli's project idea: Project to explain each Nobel Prize better.
By Zuckerberg. The selection seems decent. And natural sciences only, which is good. A bit more application oriented than the Nobel Prize it seems, e.g. 2022 separates physics and fundamental physics.
Appears to explain award reasoning even worse than the Nobel Foundation. says it is now open to international citizens, but having a quick look at the 2010 awards still suggests that it is very British centric, or at least anglophone centric, much like the society fellowship itself. That's likely the reason why the Nobel prize won, being much more international from the start.
That 15,000 canadian dollar prize though, what a joke! That's what you get when an impoverished scientist, and not a rich industrialist, creates a prize!


More like a "lifetime achievement" though, rather than the Nobel Prize, which tends to be for more specific achievements.
Events that trick young kids into thinking that they are making progress, but only serve to distract them from what really matters, which is to dominate a state of the art as fast as possible, contact researches in the area, and publish truly novel results.
Financially backed by high schools trying to make ads showing how they will turn your kids into geniuses (but also passionate teachers who fell into this hellish system), or companies who hire machines rather than entrepreneurs.
The most triggering thing possible is when programming competitions don't release their benchmarks as open source software afterwards: at least like that they might help someone to solve their real world problems. Maybe.
Some irrelevant people highlight that knowledge Olympiads can have good effects, because they are "an opportunity to meet university teachers and their research organizations". Ciro's argument is just that there are much more efficient ways to achieve those goals.
As an alternative way to get into university, this is not 100% horrible however, e.g. the University of São Paulo accepted students from olympiads in 2019 and then again 2023:
Resources to study for knowledge olympiads:
Hackathons are useless.
If you have a useful project, why would you ever restrict its development to a specific timeframe and with a specific set of contributors?
Just put your project on GitHub and promote it to try and get users and contributors instead!
Instead of announcing organizing hackathons, people should just curate forums where people with similar interests can talk to one another instead, to find new projects that might interest one another.
Restricting intensive development to a few days tends to produce crappy code and not reach real goals.
A waste of time like the rest of the knowledge olympiads.
To be fair, this is one of the least worse ones.
They don't have an actual online judge system, all problems simply have an integer or floating point solution and they just check that you've found the value.
The only metric that matters is who solved the problem first after publication, e.g.: The "language" in which problems were solved is just whatever the user put in their profile, they can't actually confirm that.
Project Euler problems typically involve finding or proving and then using a lemma that makes computation of the solution feasible without brute force. As such, they live in the intersection of mathematics and computer science.
Code solutions by individuals:Basically no one ever had the patience to solve them all. What we need is a collaborative solution. says it started as a subsection in, and in 2006 moved to its own domain. WhoisXMLAPI WHOIS history says it was registered by but details are anonymous. TODO: sample problem on on Wayback Machine? Likely wouldn't reveal much anyways though as there is no attribution to problem authors on that site. holds challenges with an actual judge and sometimes multiple test cases so just printing the final solution number is not enough.
The beauty of Project Euler is that it would serve both as a AI code generation benchmark and as an AI Math benchmark!
TODO: real name? Occupation?
Claude says he's from the UK and has a background in mathematics. Oxbridge feels likely. How I Failed, Failed, and Finally Succeeded at Learning How to Code says he started off on the ORIC computer, which is British-made, so he is likely British.
If your kids are about to starve, fine, do it.
But otherwise, Ciro Santilli will not, ever, spend his time drilling programmer competition problems to join a company, life is too short for that.
Life is too short for that. Companies must either notice that you can make amazing open source software projects or contributions, and hire you for that, or they must fuck off.
Companies must either notice that you can make amazing projects or contributions, and hire you for that, or they must fuck off.
Web of Stories contains amazing interviews with many (mostly American) winners.


Understand and explain amazingly every single Nobel Prize in physics, chemistry and biology. Since in particular the Nobel Foundation is unable to do that for any at all, especially of the key old ones, e.g. Hopeless.
To be fair, those in theoretical physics at least basically come down to reading a bunch of books. But perhaps anything slightly more experimental could have


Cryogenic electron microscopy, which was developped in the 70's.


This could have been a Nobel Prize in Physics as well!
For the discovery of green fluorescent protein.


To Peter D. Mitchell for the discovery of the mechanism of ATP synthesis in the mitochondria, a central part of cellular respiration.


This was almost a two-in-one Nobel for a single dude: both for chemical bond theory and secondary structure theories such as the alpha helix! A beast.



It is quite amusing that the starting point to identifying the heat one was capsaicin, as it stimulates the exact same receptor!!!





This was the most obscene Nobel Prize of all time. They were completely swept away by the AI boom, and gave this ridiculous prize completely unrelated to Physics.
Video 1. . Source. Quick intro. Notably missing is a clearer discussion of the applications.


This one took a while! Major developments were from the 70s! Perhaps it took the Internet revolution to make its importance clear.






This was so hot (no pun intended) and reproducible that the prize was awarded one year after discovery. Quite rare in those days already.



To Brian Josephson for the prediction of the Josephson effect.














Not only did this open the way for X-ray crystallography, it more fundamentally clarified the nature of X-rays as being electromagnetic radiation, and helped further establish the atomic theory.



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