Term invented by Ciro Santilli, similar to "nuclear blues", and used to describe the feeling that every little shitty job you are doing (that does not considerably help achieving AGI) is completely pointless given that we are likely close to AGI as of 2023.
Not done yet as of 2020! Will be done one day for sure.
This website basically aims to be a learning management system, allowing in particular a teacher to focus his help on students that he is legally obliged to help due to their job. But it will have the following unusual characteristics in current LMS solutions:
- public first, to allow reuse across universities, rather than paywalled as is the case for most top universities
- students can create material just like teachers, both are on equal footing. Students/teachers will see an indicator "this is your teacher"/"this is your student for this/past semester", but that is the only difference between their interfaces.
Not a fun of giving up control for such a low-maintenance cost venture... but keeping a list just in case...
"Game" is a bit of a stretch as there are no player choices at all.
A more precise word would be simulation.
More precise, this "game" is exactly an absorbing Markov chain.
Qt front-end for FluidSynth.
XML, ain't nobody ever going to write that manually.
Minimum number of elements in a generating set of a group.
Tested on Ubuntu 23.10;
git clone https://github.com/google-deepmind/mujoco
cd mujoco
git checkout 5d46c39529819d1b31249e249ca399f306a108ac
mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
Now let's play. Minimal interactive UI simulation of a simple MJCF scene with one falling cube:Test soure code: github.com/google-deepmind/mujoco/blob/5d46c39529819d1b31249e249ca399f306a108ac/sample/basic.cc. The only thing you can do is rotate the scene with the computer mouse it seems. Mentioned at: mujoco.readthedocs.io/en/2.2.2/programming.html#sabasic
bin/basic ../doc/_static/hello.xml
Some more interesting models can be found under the
directory: github.com/google-deepmind/mujoco/tree/5d46c39529819d1b31249e249ca399f306a108ac/model E.g. the imaginary humanoid robot DeepMind used in many demos can be seen with:bin/basic ../model/humanoid/humanoid.xml
A more advanced UI with a few controls:Test soure code: github.com/google-deepmind/mujoco/tree/5d46c39529819d1b31249e249ca399f306a108ac/simulate. Mentioned at: mujoco.readthedocs.io/en/2.2.2/programming.html#sasimulate
bin/simulate ../doc/_static/hello.xml
A very cool thing about that UI is that you can manually control joints. There are no joints in the hello.xml, but e.g. with the humanoid model:under "Control" you move each joint of the robot separately which is quite cool.
bin/simulate ../model/humanoid/humanoid.xml
There's also a Mentioned at: mujoco.readthedocs.io/en/2.2.2/programming.html#sarecord but TODO that produced a broken video, related issues:
test executable that presumably renders the simulation directly to a file:bin/record ../doc/_static/hello.xml 5 60 rgb.out
ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pixel_format rgb24 -video_size 800x800 -framerate 60 -i rgb.out -vf "vflip" video.mp4
There are unlisted articles, also show them or only show them.