Amazon anticompetitive acquisition Updated +Created
Amazon is apparently notorious for having bought off many competitors, many of them just to kill off the competition and clear the way, not to actually reuse them. from Video "Jeff Bezos Revealed by Bloomberg (2015)" clearly shows Tim O'Reilly saying that very clearly about Bezos.
I do know of a number of cases in which he [Bezos] has acquired companies in order to take out competitors, potential future competitors. Rather than because he actually wants that business to continue.
Perhaps O'Reilly who is the bookselling business is not the greatest fan of Jeff. But still. My God. Amazon's Antitrust Paradox by Lina M . Khan from The Yale Law Journal raises this incredible issue.
Amazon custom silicon Updated +Created
Like Google custom silicon, Amazon server operations are so large that with the slowdown of Moore's law, it started being worth it for them to develop custom in-house silicon to serve as a competitive advantage, not to be sold for external companies. Can you imagine the scale required to justify silicon development investment that is not sold externally!
China Record Corporation Updated +Created
The most important publisher, AKA "CRC Jianian". TODO meaning of Jianian?
Chinese government owned unfortunately.
Their website takes forever to load:, and features mostly Communist shit, and I can't find the decent traditional music listed there.
Chuck Easttom Updated +Created
ISBN: 3031664760.
Certainly he looks after his image very strictly, endlessly saying how good he is. And he is definitely a high flying bird. Perhaps it is hard to differentiate genius from mad applies.
Video 1.
EC-Council Certified Encryption Specialist (ECES) with Chuck Easttom
. Source. Check saying how amazing he is.
Ciro Santilli's bicycle wisdom Updated +Created
Sometimes, these are more than just mechanics, but also have deeper life analogues. The title of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance comes to mind. Sometimes they are just mechanics.
With more philosophical metaphors:
  • when your bike breaks, that provides an unique opportunity to learn how to fix it: try to fix your own bike before taking it to the shop
  • if the wind is blowing against you on the way out, it will likely blow behind you on the way back. But remember that the other way around also applies.
  • always take one extra clothing layer than what you think you will need in your back pocket or sport bag, especially when time is changing fast in Sprint and Autumn. The weather on the road outside of town can change very quickly!
  • if you took a turn, and it feels wrong, stop to check the map, and possibly backtrack to safety. When it feels wrong, it usually is a bad idea, e.g. roads where cars are too fast/too many. But if you take a wrong turn and it feels right, then follow it without fear and see what it leads to!
  • don't carry a speedometer on your bike. Analysis can be done afterwards on Strava. The only measurement that matters is "how awesome am I feeling right now?". Live in the moment instead of checking your speedometer every 10 seconds.
  • cycle when you body calls it out of addiction, not out a goal that you've made up that must be reached
With less philosophical metaphors:
  • learn how much water and food you need to take for a trip. Otherwise, you will bonk at some time, when you least expect, it happens very suddenly.
    And then you better hope to God that you can find a food shop nearby. Luckily this was the case for Ciro's first and only bonk so far.
    And besides bonking all out, being tired and hungry makes you make stupid decision, especially where traffic is involved!
    Food is safety. Light is safety. Time is safety. Calm is safety. Chocolate bars and candy cannot count as lunch food, only delay lunch. A sandwich with ham cheese and salad is food. A bag of M&M's with a can of soda can bring you back from the dead.
    When you are not in familiar grounds, take twice as much as you think you might possibly ever need. Hofstadter's law.
    You will also learn that, surprise surprise, carbohydrates that you ate one or two days before a ride stay stored in your liver and muscles, and also greatly affect how quickly you will bonk, thus the concept of carbohydrate loading.
    Video 1.
    How Not To 'Hit The Wall' Or 'Bonk' – GCN's Guide To Fuelling While Cycling by Global Cycling Network (2016)
    And surprise surprise: heat can also make you bonk! Who would have thought!
  • correct saddle hight is fundamental, your legs must be almost fully stretched at the bottom position
  • it is impossible to reach the correct tire pressure with (cheap?) hand pumps, their only purpose is to fill up a flat tire so you can get home after a long ride. But a track pump.
  • clean and lube your chain. The speed benefit is instantaneous and mind blowing. It also greatly improves gear shifting.
    This also prevents the chain from rusting, because the lube takes up the place where water would stay, and the muck makes it harder for water to evaporate.
    This is the most common bike maintenance mistake you see on the streets: people with that high pitched overly dry chain noise.
    Video 2.
    How To Get A Perfectly Clean Chain by GCN (2016)
  • when a piece on your bike breaks and has no clear name written on it, you can try to identify it Google images
  • the more you watch YouTube maintenance videos without haste, the more you end up learn random new stuff that unexpectedly saves you later
  • if you took a turn, and it feels wrong, stop to check the map, and possibly backtrack to safety. When it feels wrong, it usually is a bad idea, e.g. roads where cars are too fast/too many
  • public place with lots of people are bicycle parking Hell, because due to anonymity and the large number of distractions, it becomes exponentially more likely that someone will fuck you bike somehow, e.g. by dropping it on the ground. Always search a bit for a reasonable place to park, and avoid overcrowded parking spaces at all costs.
  • gear change matters
    • when you get on your bike to start riding, start riding slowly and gradually switch up pedal forces and gears. Things may have shifted in a weird position as it gets kicked around in parking. Ciro managed to bend his derailleur like that!
    • spin to win, AKA learn to user your gears
    • it is not shameful to ride on your lower gears on a hill. You can actually go surprisingly fast with them, and conserve energy for later. Learn when to use each gear ratio.
  • learn to identify your suppliers:
    • in Europe, this is best place to buy clothing from, and also good for some bike parts. It is the most organized website, and contains non-generic shit which Amazon is full of.
      For bike parts Amazon is also worth looking into however. Bike parts a bit different from clothing because you have to make sure that stuff fits, so you hopefully know exactly the part name before before buying it, and therefore website organization is not as crucial.
      Wiggle is however guilty of shameless: discounts that happen more often than not
  • always take your lights off the bike into your bag when you park, anywhere, and for any amount of time, even if a quick stop. Drug addicts are everywhere, always ready love to steal and resell them.
  • sometimes you do something stupid like going into a really muddy path, and it is really fun, because you've never been there in your life. But then your bike gets really dirty, and your feet are wet and freezing, and you promise yourself you will never do something that stupid again. But then you do it again in a different location, because it was too much fun. Once more unto the breach just comes to Ciro's mind every such time. Embrace this.
Kross bicycle (2017) Updated +Created
Trekking bike bought second hand in 2017. Seller confirmed it is this one (archive) but male version (now shown clearly on website, but both exist).
2024-02: noticed pump was finally stolen. Certainly the drug addicts can't even get 1 dollar for it. TODO identify and rebuy.
2023-08: redoing drivetrain: Shimano HG51 8 Speed cassette 11-32t, Shimano HG40 8-speed chain, Shimano FC-M311 48T/38T/28T 175mm cranckset, first two from Amazon, last from does not include elivery but still was the cheapest I could find, 4 pounds. Likely not worth the signup effort, but we gotta fight Amazon when they are beaten on prices for moral reasons...
2023-03: Rebuying HG40 8 speed chain 116L, Never paid attention to link counts before, dude said I might have to remove two. There are three options 114L, 116L and 118L
2022-08 I can't take the cassette out anymore again... first tried to remove correct side, didn't manage. Tried the other side, wrong one, and it ticked about 10 times. Then saw video, and initial side was correct. That piece is extremely asymmetric... it is a problem.
2022-08: front mudgard was unbearably noisy, put on the new one I had bought long ago. Asked bike shope person to cut 2.5cm from each metal stick which was way way too long, measured this quickly by placing the new one on top of the new one without attaching. After I got home, noticed it was still too long. At home I noticed one was better than the other, this is because the attach point is not centric on the wheel like on the back, so it requires different cuts. Going to cut again 1cm on one side, 2cm on the other, so total from start would have been 3.5cm and 4.5cm.
Got a puncture on back tire, perfect little point, but on the interior. Could not determine cause. Noticed that the "thumbs up" patch sets that came with the COZYROOMY tire lever were kind of crap, barely held. Made test to see if will deflat or not. Bought a Weldtite cure-c-cure puncture repair kit instead: Looks good.
seatpost making clicking noises again... seems to be from collar area, since already changed several time seatpost. Went to shop and they: 1) cleaned surfaces with rag and some cleaning oil 2) aligned hole in tighenener thing with that of frame 3) tightened well. Let's see. People also recommend greasing the clamp bolt:
2022-08: Topeak Aero Wedge saddle bag stolen in city center, bought many years ago, don't have exact product. Quite incredible that something so cheap, unsellable, and unusable except by a sportsperson would be stolen. Looks like this:, not like the identically named 2022 produc with two zippers. Rebuying the new two zipper model: Edit: was wrong one, medium is humongous, likely wanted small 18 - 11 - 8.5 instead, two zipper is not a new model, it is a medium vs small issue rather. Exchanged for the small.
Rebuying HG40 8 speed chain.
2022-05: weighed the bicycle for the first time. 17 kg without any optionals
Broke front part of front mudgard when trying to put bicycle in bike bag without front wheel. Fuck. Surprisingly brittle.
2022-04: could not remove pedals with small 10cm wrench, preparing for trip. Took it to mechanic, they removed without any problem with a Park Tool PW-4, and greased. Glad to see it was not stuck. After that, I was able to remove myself with my 10cm non specialized wrench. Considering getting the Park Tool PW-5 instead of PW-4 which is half the price and just a bit less long. OK Bought it.
2022-03: changed chain after it reached the limit. Very slight slippage on gear 6 as usual, but did not seem enough to require changing the cassette, but rebuying it as soon as I find a good price for next chain for sure, rebuying Shimano HG51 8 Speed 11-32t. OMG it is so expensive now, stocks our out everywhere!
Besides that, have been hearing some noises from the seat post that are worrying me... it never ends... rebuying a Brand-X Layback Seatpost 27.2 diameter 350mm length post to debug.
Also getting Shimano SM-SH56 cleat, there was a deal with 3 pairs so getting 3 pairs now.
2021-11: seatpost making noises again... going to try a Brand-X Layback Seatpost 27.2 diameter, which does not have the useless suspension, and has a double bolt system, and sells on wiggle which is a good sign.
2021-11: 3 days after a ride, tire was empty, thought it was vandalism. Inspected, could not see any issues, did a 75km ride, and left a gain, and again it lost air quickly. Opened up tire, and found a thorn of some plant pierced inside, almost invisible from the outside. It also feels like the thorn stuck in place and reduced the rate of air loss, after removing the tube it lost air quite quickly. Could not fully remove thorn, can still feel it with my finger, but too well stuck in tire, but I don't think it is enough to pierce again, I just put a patch set on top of it, and new tube Schwalbe 700C 28'' AV 17, got two of those.
2021-11: trickling noise coming from front wheel. Going to get a new one without the generator which I have use anyways and see if it solves it: M Part Shimano Deore Hub On Mavic A319 700c Rim Complete Wheel. Getting Raleigh TRT701 Wheel Rim Tape - Red, 700c
2021-10: changed chain for new one. Found out that the one I bought did not have a quicklink... Also, it did not come in the original package, but in a sealed plastic bag, presumably to reduce shipping costs. have to be more careful next time. Lost the Shimano 500ml bottle, was strapped on back carrier of bike, but not safe enough, and I went through rough terrain. Had seen it fall off once before another time, but very rare. When I noticed, had no idea where it had fallen off and didn't go back for it. Buying:
Fit perfectly. Luckily Amazon made me buy two Versamounts, because I needed to use one for each bottle, as the holes on the frame were too close to the bottom and made it impossible to fit both otherwise.
2021-09-05: chain reached 0.75, rebuying HG40 8. Also buying second set of break pads, front is gone, and back almost, gonna swap both at once.
2021-08: back side of teeth of seat post wore off, and the seat is rotating vertically. Identification: markings: ELC (maybe middle letter worn off). 27.2 diameter / 350, 350 is the length from Googling. Has a simple shock absorber system and a single pin to attach the seat. OK, something very similar or the same: BESNIN Suspension seatpost. Full markings are: HARD MDU INSIDE under seat clamp, these match exactly. Tube markings are a bit different.
2021-08: noticed that there was a stone stuck inside back tire. Luckily didn't puncture. TODO was it in the same place as the previous puncture? Not far from Schwalbe mark. Rebuying... and answering Going to buy Shoe Goo as well to see if it works:
2021-08-12: after putting new chain on, if I step hard on pedal on 6th gear, by far the most used, it skips. Seems to be the same symptom as 2020-12 when cassette was worn off, as the shifting itself seems fine. says hg51 is compatible, so getting that newer model. 11-34t was much more expensive/less common than 11-32, so getting 11-32. Managed to install it without any problems.
2021-08: bought Shimano HG40 8 speed chain and put it on bike
  • rear shift cable snapped inside shifter during rid, same as 2020-10, same symptom that could never index higher tension gears well bought new cable
  • chain reached 0.75+
  • tried to put front mudgard on, but several problems on this one. The screws needed are wider than those that come. Could keep old ones. But then on top of that, the metal bars are too long and would need cutting about 2 cm, so keeping the old front mudgard for now, which is working perfectly.
2021-06-05: finally removed the old bottom bracket and installed installed the one I had bought a few months back. What triggered this was the clicking noise back again. It appears that the noise got louder with the heat. The clicking noise went away after changing the new bottom bracket. The old bracket seemed fine after inspecting it closely after removal. There was a bit of dirt/earth inside, and some small chippings came out of one side, not sure if from BB or from the frame itself. There are still some other much less loud noises left however, but they are likely a different source, and not a big issue. The clicking noise:
2021-05: got the first flat tire ever on the back wheel! A perfectly shaped pointed triangular rock slotted perfectly into the thread and managed to perforate the inner tube. Managed to patch it up perfectly on the road, 2 hours away from home! The inside of the tire is basically intact, so I'm going to keep using it. The next day I put back an old intact inner tube I had replaced preemptively earlier on with this new one that was punctured.
2021-04: put on the Bluemels mudgard on the back. It wasn't hard, and their system seems quite easy to adjust. Chain reached 1.0 stretch, gotta get a new one.
2021-03: clicking noise when pedalling strong driving me crazy. Likely bottom bracket: or maybe pedal. Re-buying the exact same Shimano BB-UN55 Bottom Bracket - Silver, 68-118:
2021-03: buying mudgard replacement, going for: SKS Bluemels Shiny 45 mm 28" Mudguard Set Silver 28 pounds with delivery, which looks like the most similar to the old one. Partially choosing that seller because they are the only ones capable of using the precise product name as shown on the SKS website so I'm sure what I'm getting. It does not have flaps though. But flaps fall off and get lost, so fuck it. SKS range:
Only for side wall machined rims. Performs especially well in wet conditions and may pass DIN standard. Tend to be low noise, low rim wear and fade.
It appears that "non-machined rims" don't exist anymore:
  • buying another Schwalbe Men's Marathon Plus Tour Hs404 Performance Line Rigid Tires Size: 700 x 40C for the front wheel which is completely worn off like the back one was: 33 pounds.
2021-03-07: one of the wires of the rear mudguard broke due to vibrations! It still kind of works, but gotta get a new one.
2021-02-20: replaced new wheel. Worked fine. Also measured chain stretch between 0.5 and 0.75.
2021-02-14: in preparation for wheel switch, also getting Shimano M-System M600 Pair Of Brake Blocks. More precise markings: M70T3 Deore LX, AL (aluminium) Reads: "Performs especially well in wet conditions and may pass DIN standards. Gives off less noise, but the pad is heavier, faster rim wear and tends to fade. "
2021-02-11: tried to put the new wheel in. Made a few discoveries:
  • I can't take the cassette out anymore again, even though I put it on myself, and the day I put it on, I took it off once to check if I could, so rebuying Shimano Claris CS-HG50-8 11-34t, and if I ever have to take the old one off, I'll take it to the store again
  • the tire on the old wheel was on the reverse direction, had been ridden for a very long time like that, and the threads are extremely worn
  • after making insane efforts earlier to put the tire on the wheel, and knowing about directionality, when I actually took it down I noticed I had at some point of my suffering swapped sides and put it on the wrong way in......
  • I weighted the wheel for fun, assembled with unfilled tire and without the cassette was about 2.5kg
2021-01: ETC Rim Tape 700 40C for the new wheel. No packaging, but possibly:
2021-01: moved the saddle forward a bit to 1.8cm was still feeling scapulas before, now seems perfect. Not much effort on hamstrings, but I don't know how to fix both, and not having pain is more important
2020-12: moved the saddle forward back to 2cm, was feeling too much pressure on lower back, and on previous ride, the most tired part of body was behind scapulas, so presumably due to overreach. Felt immediately better.
2020-12-22: felt like rear hub had a bit of friction, can't fix vibration, going to try the buying a new whole wheel:
  • Found by Googling same rim as original "Mavic A319". Site markings: WLC503 M PART SHIMANO DEORE / MAVIC A319 SILVER / DT SWISS P/G 36 HOLE 700C HYBRID REAR WHEEL. Cannot find a single website that gives exact rear hub model, but hopefully Deore will match, looks the same. 70 pounds. Does not come with rim tape.
  • Schwalbe Men's Marathon Plus Tour Hs404 Performance Line Rigid Tires Size: 700 x 40C. Just going to get the entire thing to have leave a backup wheel.
2020-12-21: put in the new cassette, chainring and chain. Shifting is amazing once again. When pedalling strong on the test run it felt like something on the back hub was vibrating... gotta debug that. Maybe not enough force on closing the cassette?
2020-12-20: tried to replace entire drive chain after over stretched chain destroyed teeth. Chainring and pedals came off nicely, but cassette was stuck, but I took it to the shop and they managed:
2020-12: moved saddle back to 2.5cm mark to try and get more hamstring action, but back started hurting. Moved to 2.2cm half way through ride, and it seemed perfect.
2020-12: moved seat post down after mentioned that saddle too high causes greater asymmetries which I had felt. With dhb Dorica MTB Shoe (2020-12) with cleats straight on 2-mark. First down 15mm from max, but felt really too low. Then down only 7.5mm, and felt great, possibly better than before.
2020-12: moved 2020-04 Giro Rumble VR Off Road Shoe cleats all the way back, and turned the left one a bit outward to better fit let. Got more tired on hamstrings than on quads now, gotta improve that later on maybe for better balance.
2020-12: put more WD-40 on front shifter. Let it dry, then "WD-40 Bike, All Conditions Lube Bicycle". After next four hour ride, shift to 3rd was still working perfectly. Found the culprit.
Put back the rear mudguard. Wheel not hitting it for now. Lost the extra appended protector thingy, was sure I saw it during installation, so maybe it just fell off during next ride? Can't find it at home. Does not make much different for me, might help others behind me though.
2020-12-05: 4 hour ride, very wet and dirty, on start could get into third perfectly, but at end couldn't anymore!!! So it must have been an issue with lubrication on the bottom shift mechanism.
  • test rode 3rd gear shift, completely smooth now!
  • put back the new saddle Selle Royal Scientia, and inspired by moved the saddle to 2cm position because I had never felt my hamstrings. It did feel much better! I felt my hamstrigs more, and butt took much longer to get soggy, maybe only around 2 hour mark! Started feeling lower back more though.
  • fixed the can't get into 3rd gear problem. Did the following:
    • without cable tension, it changed easily
    • sprayed HD40 on shifter and hinges near bottom bracket
    • still didn't shift
    • reduced tension. This made me manage to change to the 3rd. It must be highlighted how sensitive this was to tension. 5 quarter screws on the shifter barrel were the difference between being able to shift or not
    • one more thing Ciro noticed, is that he had possibly previously held up the front gear before attaching the cable, therefore possibly overly tensioning it. It might be better to just instead pull the end of the cable with a pair of pliers to remove slack, but wihtout making the gear move up, that is enough. Then finish tuning on the shifter arrel adjuster
    • then since everything was out and ready, also changed shift cable just in case. The new one had a bit less friction, but not a lot less, so it did not feel like it was what solved the problem
  • also better inspected the chainrings. Middle one is visibly worn due to the century old chain, even more so than the teeth of the cassettes on the back.. so here we go again, more Shimano FC-M311: Can't find how to buy just chainring itself.
2020-11-28: can't stand slippage anymore, going to change cassette too, rebuying Shimano Claris CS-HG50-8 11-34t: 20 pounds
2020-11-26: left hand large gear almost impossibly hard to switch to largest gear. The gear switches on chainring, but it won't click and stay in place, related:
2020-11-22: put back old saddle, one inch from back, did 6 hour ride, it is more comfortable than new one. Butt was soggy at some points, but much less than new saddle.
2020-11-19: noticed that chain slips if I pedal very strongly, and especially if I try to stand up: Does not happen on the largest chainring. Have to check the smallest one, as it is harder to check there. Took to shop, they said chain worn out with tool measurement, and cassette worn out.
Bought Shimano CN-HG71 8 speed chain 19 pounds, with quicklink: |, it is from the Acera line. The price in-store was good, on Amazon Prime, would have been 27 pounds! There were two chain options, a cheaper 12 pound one, and the more expensive. TODO difference? Maybe the cheap one is CN-HG40, which is from the Tourney line?
I inspected the cassette myself later on, but it did not appear significantly worn out in my newbie opinion.
2020-11-08: used park Tool PAW-12 adjustable wrench and park Tool BBT-22 to remove bottom bracket to debug noise. After putting everything together, it seemed gone on a very short test ride. The bottom bracket itself seemed fine. There was a bit of dirt, but didn't seem critical. What felt more off was that the drive side cranck arm came off much more easily than the non-drive side one, suggesting it was not tight enough. "Crank Removal and Installation - Three Piece Crankset (Square Spindle, ISIS, Octalink)" by Park Tool (2015) suggests that this is a common cause of noise, so maybe removing the bottom bracket wasn't needed after all this time. But it's done at least.
  • moved saddle backwards a bit to 1 cm mark, was feeling like butt was falling off the back a bit at 0 cm. After this, it felt better, but still a bit mushy after 4 hour ride
  • been hearing a clicking noise when pedalling, left foot at about 7 o'clock. Going to open it up.
2020-10-04 bought a new inner shift cable for the rear derailleur from bike shop, bulk without visible branding. The plastic shifter casing screw was stripped, could not get it off. OMG I had done that just yesterday on the road for the diagnosis! How is it possible? So soft!!!! I just proped the plastic open with a flat screw driver and managed to insert the cable. However, the previous problem still remains: I can't get smooth shift to faster gears on the rear.
2020-10-03 was having rear shifting issues for a while, and today it stopped working completely. Opened and noticed that the shift cable had ruptured inside the shifter!!! Related: This has been only 11 months since last change.
2020-08: buying Selle Royal Scientia M2 saddle: based on 60 degree riding position and 110mm sitbone distance Ciro Santilli's body. Had felt a little bit of pain on butt muscle but it passed. But also noticed that the UNICLO shorts ripped a bit, and it might be due to the terrible state of the saddle. Felt good on first ride around the block. Harder than previous, and narrower. Feels higher quality and better fitting.
2020-06-06: replaced front brake pads with the Jagire ones previously bought (one pair already been put on rear brakes)
2020-04-19: tried to remove left pedal again with 2020-04 DECARETA Pedal Spanner, put more force, and the tool itself actually got dented and started spinning freely around the pedal. I give up, will change crank arm. Can't find just the left crank arm, and not sure if 170/175, so just buying the entire thing: Shimano Altus FC-M311 Crank set 48T/38T/28T with chaingard: | | at 175mm which is the correct one for my height as mentioned at:
2020-04: bought Shimano Deore PD-M324 pedals in preparation for flat to SPD switch: (archive) |, since I'll remove the pedals at somepoint anyways, first learnt at: can be used with normal shoes too. SPD/plataform double side chosen to so I can both commute with on regular shoes and ride further for sport with SPD shoes. Cleat type: SM-SH56. Praying to God that the thread size is universal as mentioned at: When they arrived noticed they felt quite heavy! 533g. Let's see. The non double sided is 455g though: And a full roadie one like PD-RS500 SPD-SL weights 320g.
2020-04: attempted to use 2020-04 DECARETA Pedal Spanner to remove left pedal that would not come off with generic short wrench and has been clicking a bit for several months, and now sometimes appears to do false spins! The think must be completely destroyed. Failed, too hard.
2020-04: was trying to remove left pedal with short wrench I had, impossible. Later noticed that the kick up stand was a bit bent! Tried to turn it around, but did not manage to make it improve much. Later during a ride, the new position was too close to the spokes, and started to hit the spokes! When I got home, tried to remove the fucking kickstand, but it had a flat bolt in a deep place between the rear tubes, and I couldn't do it with my simple wrenches. Went to bike shop next day, and they removed it, likely with a deep wrench. The piece was thrown away.
2020-03: finally installed the new derailleur after long suffering, including new cables and casing on front and back derailleurs and on back brake. Took 3 1-2 hour sessions, but it became amazing.
2020-03: screw on left shifter (yes, the bloody screw) broke when trying to open it to take out cable. Buying left and right since the right one was broken from previous fall. SHIMANO ST-EF65-8 EZI FIRE STI SHIFTERS 24 SPEED (3 x 8), 25 pounds
2020-02: Bought unbranded bike bell sold in bulk from bike shop, 1.50 pound. Markings: SX. Old bell made louder sound. This type of simple mechanism:
2020-01-13: Parked on city center, shitty low diagonal place, crowded. When came back, bike on floor, had dropped hard since front wheel twisted on axis, untwisted with leg. When got home, noticed that right gear shifter was half coming off. Later found out that the piece broken on one of the screws, hanging only by the other screw. Next day morning, noticed that the bell had come off, and was lost, went back on evening but obviously could not find it.
2019-11: Jagire brake pads 2x V 11.50 pounds: (archive)
2019-11: Can't index rear derailleur, buying:
TODO exact model. Polish brand. Hybrid style bike:
2019-08-29: rear derailleur fell off, later found it was bent: Many bikes were parked together, I think other bikes put gear wires were a bit off, and I started pedalling very strong, and it immediately fell off. Went to repair shop, replaced it likely with: (archive) "Shimano Cambio Post. 6/7v RD-TY300 Tourney TX Att. Dir.". Visible markings: "Shimano Tourney Paid 35 pounds, receipt said 25 for piece 10 for service, but piece actually cost 18 on Amazon, and with Prime / larger buys only 7 pounds. I'm also a bit worried because my back cassette is 8 speed, not 7... On official website RD-TY300-SGS: (archive)
2019-07-26: the front crank was sometimes making loud cracking noises when I pedalled hard. Then, after two weeks, it also started making very loud screeching noises, and then finally I couldn't pedal anymore, and I took it to the shop. They changed the bottom bracket, 45 pounds, 30 for the piece, a Shimano BB UN55 bottom bracket markings: SEALED CARTRIDGE UNIT, SHIMANAO BB-UN55, VIA INDONESIA, 68 QC BC1.37x24, L XL118 R:Photo of the piece that was taken out, notice some broken metal pieces and one of the ball bearing that were left: Replacement/servicing:
2019-08: front mudguards were making too much noise, cannot find brand. Removed them. Then in 2019-10 rain started, and I bought a new one.
2019-06-30: fill tires, using 90PSI, was TODO
2019-06-20: right gear wire broke, when opened for fixing was rusty near hand shifter
2019-04-07: fill tires, using 90PSI, was 40PSI. Also on Giant Flourish.
2019-03-30: repair bearings back wheel, true back wheel, remove rust from chain. Result: 50 pounds:
Tick on back wheel stopped. Back brake did not get better. Gears not improved. Rust remained, was told too hard to remove, and not on teeth, so should not matter.
2018-09-02: spoke + minor brake work 41 pounds full work
2018: front tire blew up and was replaced by TODO.
2017: bought, specs:
Bottom bracket: TODO, have a picture after it broke later on and was removed by shop, but did not catch full markings, visible: JIS DIN EN-14777. JIS stands for Japanese Industry Standard (JIS), related:
Saddle: completely destroyed when he decided to identify it for replacement in 2020. Website said "Selle Royal Freedom Royalgel". Markings (badly worn out): "yalgel", freeDom inscribed on saddle, so that's it.
Frame markings: Trekking (two stylized trees on left, one with two triangles and the other 3 triangles), Frame Size: M. Feels more or less the right size for me. Maybe L would be better, as my butt tends to go off the back of the saddle, which I always cranck to the most backward position possible. Markings under bottom bracket: on metal: LY2B 016042 KROSS EN1746. On a sticker, badly worn off: K828130 2?Z018 0004.
Gear shifters: don't know exact model since could not find markings (fuck you Shimano?) but from photos online, seems to be one of the ST-EF* family EZ FIRE, e.g. ST-EF65-8 or ST-EF500.
Back wheel: quick release.
Front wheel: no quick release, wrench size 15mm.
Back tire: Schwalbe Marathon Plus Tour 42-622 (28 x 1.60, 700x40C) (archive)) Puncture resistant.
Back hub: Shimano FH-RM30, so possibly FH-RM30-8-QR mentioned at
Rear rim markings: Mavic, A319, Made in France, inserted in 36 hole marking, therefore presumably Aluminium alloy 6106
Back light: AXA Basta Ray LED Rear Light. Markings read: "basta X-Ray Steady STANDLICHT Z K 257 TP RBi 1017". Powered either by 2 AAA bareies in series or by the front hub dynamo: |
Front tire: did not take note, was later changed.
Front light: AXA Sprint 10 Switch LED Front Light Wire connector for back light: "Crimp Quick Disconnect Terminals". Tried 2.5mm but too large, size refers to each left/right wrinkle.
Grips: Herrmans Primergo, looks like this:
Pedal: flat/platform crap :-) Markings: "FP-910", exactly like the photo: (archive) but can't find the brand, very generic.
Crankset: markings "Shimano", "FC-M311", "Hyperdrive", "Dual SiS index", from Google part of Altus: (archive). There are two possible tooth counts, I counted 48T on largest, so it is the 48/38/28 one. There are two arm sizes though, 170mm vs 175mm, not sure which one mine is, very hard to measure, I think it was 170mm. Installation at: (archive) says to use "8 mm Allen key or a cotterless crank extractor (TL-FC10)". Identification: "Three Piece Crank of type Square Tapered Spin"
Front derailleur: markings Shimano Altus, 66-69 degrees, blue circle with two balls hyperdrive logo on top. Possibly Shimano Altus Front Derailleur FD-M310:
Mudguards: markings "Orion"
Stem: it is a "adjustable quill style" stem, comparable to this one: but not exactly the same thing. Another comparable one: Another: very close to as shown on that video.
Computer Updated +Created
The artistic instrument that enables the ultimate art: coding, See also: Section "The art of programming".
Much more useful than instruments used in inferior arts, such as pianos or paintbrushes.
Unlike other humans, computers are mindless slaves that do exactly what they are told to, except for occasional cosmic ray bit flips. Until they take over the world that is.
Video 1.
A computer is the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds by Steve Jobs (1980)
Source. Likely an excerpt from an interview done for a documentary in 1980. TODO exact source.
Video 2.
Steve Jobs talking about the Internet (1995)
The web is incredibly exciting, because it is the fulfillment of a lot of our dreams, that the computer would ultimately primarily not be a device for computation, but [sic] metamorphisize into a device for communication.
Secondly it exciting because Microsoft doesn't own it, and therefore there is a tremendous amount of innovation happening.
then he talks about the impending role for online sales. Amazon incoming.
Computers basically have two applications:
  • computation
  • communication. Notably, computers through the Internet allow for modes of communication where:
    • both people don't have to be on the same phone line at the exact same time, a server can relay your information to other people
    • anyone can broadcast information easily and for almost free, again due to servers being so good at handling that
Generally, the smaller a computer, the more it gets used for communication rather than computing.
The early computers were large and expensive, and basically only used for computing. E.g. ENIAC was used for calculating ballistic tables.
Communication only came later, and it was not obvious to people at first how incredibly important that role would be.
This is also well illustrated in the documentary Glory of the Geeks. Full interview at: It is apparently known as the "Lost Interview" and it was by Cringely himself: for his Triumph of the Nerds documentary.
EC2 instance type Updated +Created
Amazon's informtion about their own intances is so bad and non-public that this was created:
History of Amazon Updated +Created
I wonder where the spray painted sign went: As mentioned at and elsewhere, Jeff did all he could to save money, e.g. he made the desks himself from pieces of wood. Mentioned e.g. at from Video 4. "Jeff Bezos presentation at MIT (2002)".
Video 1. report by Computer Chronicles (1996)
Source. Contains some good footage of their early storehouse.
Video 2.
Jeff Bezos interview by Chuck Films (1997)
Source. On the street, with a lot of car noise. CC BY-SA, nice.
Video 4.
Jeff Bezos presentation at MIT (2002)
Source. Good talk:
Video 5.
Jeff Bezos Revealed by Bloomberg (2015)
Video 6.
cosine by Jeff Bezos (2018)
PDE mention in another video from 2009:
Full original video from The Economic Club of Washington, D.C. (2018):
Bezos also told PDE stuff in interviews as early as 1999:
  • This is what it was like to work at Amazon 20 years ago (2015). Good annecdotes from the first offices.
Jeff Bezos Updated +Created
Jeff has spoken a lot in public about Amazon, perhaps even more than other comparable founders, see e.g. Section "History of Amazon". Kudos for that.
Figure 1.
Jeff Bezos Unveiling the Blue Origin Lunar Lander
. Source.
Video 1.
Has the laugh of Jeff Bezos changed as he got rich? by Barış Aktaş (2020)
Video 2.
Order from Bulgaria by Jeff Bezos
. Source. From a 2002 talk at MIT.
Nerds 2.0.1 Updated +Created
Very very good. Those nice pre-Dot-com bubble vibes.
Part 1 - Networking The Nerds talks about the TCP/IP and early machines implementing it:
  • 21:00: shows inside The Pentagon. The way the dude who works there opens a his locked office door with an electric switch is just amazing. Cringely also mentions that there's an actual official speed limit in the corridors as he rides a carrier bike slowly through them.
  • 21:45: the universities weren't enthusiastic, because people from other locations would be able to use your precious computer time. But finally ARPA forced the universities' hands, and they joined.
  • 24:24 mentions that some of the guys who created ARPANET were actually previously counting cards at Casinos in Las Vegas, just like in the 21 (2008) film
  • one of the centerpieces of development was at UCLA. The other was the BBN company. 33:55 shows the first router, then called them Interface Message Processor
  • the first message was from UCLA to Stanford University. He was trying to write "Login", and it crashed at the 'g'. Epic. They later debugged it.
  • towards the end talks about ALOHAnet, the first wireless computer communication done
Part 2 - Serving the Suits
  • Robert Metcalfe. He's nice. Xerox PARC. Ethernet.
  • Explains what is a "Workstation", notably showing one by Sun Microsystems. This is now an obscure "passé" thing in 2020 that young people like Ciro Santilli have only heard of in legend (or in outdated university computer labs!). Funny to think that so many people have had this idea before, including e.g. the Chromebook
  • 10:46 mentions that all of Cisco, Silicon Graphics and Sun Microsystems and where founded at Margaret Jacks Hall, Building 460, at Stanford University.
  • he then talks a lot about Sun. Sun became dominant in Wall Street.
  • 19:05: Novell, from Utah. How they almost went bust, but were saved at the last moment by Ray Noorda, who refocused them to their NetWare product which was under recent development. It allowed file and printer sharing in IBM PCs. 22:55 shows how they had a live radio host for people waiting on customer support calls!
  • 33:56 mentions how The Grateful Dead had in impact on the Internet, as people wanted computers to be able to access The WELL online forum. They still own the domain as of 2022: It is interesting how Larry Page also liked The Grateful Dead as mentioned at The Google Story, his dad would take him to shows. Larry is a bit younger of course than the people in this documentary.
  • 37 show McAfee
  • 43:56: fantastic portrait of Cisco
Part 3 - Wiring the World:
  • Berners-Lee at CERN and the invention of the URL.
  • 1992: US Government allow commerce on the Internet
  • Web browser history, Mosaic and Marc Andresseeen.
  • 20:45: America Online
  • 23:29: search engines and Excite. Google was a bit too small to be on his radar!
  • 25:50: porn
  • 27: The Motley Fool and advertising
  • 30: Planet U grocery shopping
  • 31:50: Amazon
  • 33:00: immigrant workers, Indians playing cricket, outsourcing, Wipro Systems
  • 41:25: Java
  • 46:30: Microsoft joins the Internet. The Internet Tidal Wave Internet memo. Pearl Harbour day talk.
  • 56:40: Excite Tour. If they had survived, they would have been Google with their quirky offices.
Shel Kaphan Updated +Created
First Amazon hire, wrote and led the team that wrote v1.
He looks like an older and more experienced dude compared to Bezos at the time.
. also mentions that unlike California, there's no sales tax in the state of Washington, which is important for selling books.
Video 1.
Shel Kaphan interview by Internet History Podcast (2015)
Video 2. Continues to Grow by NBC 15 (2014)
Source. Features short excerpt of filmed interview with Shel.
Figure 1.
Shel Kaphan
. Source. TODO year. Presumably more or less close to publishing date of source at 2020.
Silk Road (marketplace) Updated +Created
Ciro Santilli has become slightly obsessed with this story, and the main mastermind Ross Ulbricht.
Figure 1.
Ross Ulbricht's open laptop shortly after his arrest at the Francisco Public Library
. Source. He was running some GNOME based distro, could be Ubuntu from that photo, and likely is given that Ross once recommended Ubuntu to his flatmate.
The best article available so far is: (archive) which summarizes what one of the investigators said in a 2019 French computer security conference.
The key living posts are:
The big question is of course how libertarian free market ideologically motivated the website was, and how purely criminal greed it was.
The magnitude of the early operational security mistakes does make Ciro think that Ross did it "because he could" and "for the lolz" in a real world Breaking Bad way.
The entry in Ross' diary does resonate a lot with Ciro and any entrepreneur, full diary at: (archive).
[i]n 2011," [I believe I will be] "creating a year of prosperity and power beyond what I have ever experienced before,
Silk Road is going to become a phenomenon and at least one person will tell me about it, unknowing that I was its creator."
Having this kind of feeling, is the greatest thing any human can have, and what motivates all great things.
Capitalizing in illegal things though is a cheat, big things take longer than a few years to reach, but reaching them is that much more satisfying as well.
Other interesting quotes:
I hated working for someone else and trading my time for money with no investment in myself.
which Ciro also feels, see don't be a pussy, and:
Everyone knows I am working on a bitcoin exchange. I always thought honesty was the best policy and now I didn't know what to do. I should have just told everyone I am a freelance programmer or something, but I had to tell half truths. It felt wrong to lie completely so I tried to tell the truth without revealing the bad part, but now I am in a jam. Everyone knows too much. Dammit.
Also very worth reading is the San Francisco flat mate account: (archive).
The murder for hire allegations are also interesting:, he paid 80k dollars to undercover DEA agents!
Except for the fact that Ross was an 80 million Dollar drug lord, those accounts sound exactly like what you would expect from any other nerdy startup founder! The:
  • "just do it" strategy effectively going to a minimal viable product (manual transaction management!), while making many mistakes along the way, including hiring mistakes and successes when scaling is needed
  • the hardship of self bootstrapping your own social network (here with some kilos of mushrooms)
  • the variety of periods, from relatively calm, to hair pulling stress during big changes
It is also amusing to see very concretely the obvious fact that the FBI can get a subpoena for all accounts you ever had, e.g. they knew his laptop model from Amazon and brought a corresponding power cable to the arrest! If you are going to be a cyber criminal, don't use your real name, ever!
Should justice be blind? Maybe. But it does hurt for mere non-blind men to see it sometimes. Especially when drug liberalization is involved.
Video 1.
One Mistake Took Down a 29-Yr-Old Dark Web Drug Lord by Newsthink (2022)
Source. Wow nice video, covers most of the interesting annecdotes and the (alledged) investigation procedure.
The Google Story Updated +Created
Has some good mentions, but often leaves you wanting more details of how certain things happened, especially the early days stuff.
Does however paint a good picture of several notable employees, and non-search projects from the early 2000's including:
  • the cook dude
  • porn cookie guy
  • the unusual IPO process
Paints a very positive picture of the founders. It is likely true. They gave shares generously to early employees. Tried to allow the more general public to buy from IPO, by using a bidding scheme, rather than focusing on the big bankers as was usual.
The introduction mentions that Google is very interested in molecular biology and mining genetics data, much like Ciro Santilli! Can't find external references however...
Two of the most compelling areas that Google and its founders are quietly working on are the promising fields of molecular biology and genetics. Millions of genes in combination with massive amounts of biological and scientific data are an excellent match for the Google search engine, the tremendous database the company has in place, and its immense computing power. Already, Google has downloaded a map of the human genome and is working closely with biologist Dr. Craig Venter and other leaders in genetics on scientific projects that may lead to important breakthroughs in science, medicine, and health. In other words, we may be heading toward a time when people can google their own genes.
The book gives good highlight as to why Google became big: search was just an incredibly computationally intensive task. From very early days, Largey were already making up their own somewhat custom compute systems from very early days, which naturally led into Google custom hardware later on. Google just managed to pull ahead on the reinvest revenue into hardware loop, and no one ever caught them back. This feels more the case than e.g. with Amazon, which notoriously had to buy off dozens of competitors to clear the way.