Video 1.
Amazon's Union-Busting Training Video by Whole Worker
. Source.
As of 2021, Ciro Santilli feels strongly that Amazon originals are so much sillier compared to Netflix ones in average.
Of course, everything pales in comparison to The Criterion Collection.
Jeff has spoken a lot in public about Amazon, perhaps even more than other comparable founders, see e.g. Section "History of Amazon". Kudos for that.
Figure 1.
Jeff Bezos Unveiling the Blue Origin Lunar Lander
. Source.
Video 1.
Has the laugh of Jeff Bezos changed as he got rich? by Barış Aktaş (2020)
Video 2.
Order from Bulgaria by Jeff Bezos
. Source. From a 2002 talk at MIT.


Her neck is huge! She also redid her teeth at some point apparently. Some good photos at:
MacKenzie Bezos' new husband after she divorced Bezos.
Science teacher at the Lakeside School in Seattle.
MacKenzie Bezos went on to marry a science teacher who taught their children.
The contrast with Bezos's girlfriend is simply comical. MacKenzie married the idealistic morally upright science teacher, while Bezos went for a silly sex bomb. Ah, bruta flor, do querer!
MacKenzie Bezos's charity instrument. MacKenzie Scott: How the former Mrs Bezos became a philanthropist like no other (2020) has some good mentions:
But as Scott's fame for giving away money has grown, so too has the deluge of appeals for gifts from strangers and old friends alike. That clamour may have driven Scott's already discreet operation further underground, with recent philanthropic announcements akin to sudden lightning bolts for unsuspecting recipients.
The name of the organization is a reference to the old man lost his horse.
I wonder where the spray painted sign went: As mentioned at and elsewhere, Jeff did all he could to save money, e.g. he made the desks himself from pieces of wood. Mentioned e.g. at from Video 4. "Jeff Bezos presentation at MIT (2002)".
Video 1. report by Computer Chronicles (1996)
Source. Contains some good footage of their early storehouse.
Video 2.
Jeff Bezos interview by Chuck Films (1997)
Source. On the street, with a lot of car noise. CC BY-SA, nice.
Video 4.
Jeff Bezos presentation at MIT (2002)
Source. Good talk:
Video 5.
Jeff Bezos Revealed by Bloomberg (2015)
Video 6.
cosine by Jeff Bezos (2018)
PDE mention in another video from 2009:
Full original video from The Economic Club of Washington, D.C. (2018):
Bezos also told PDE stuff in interviews as early as 1999:
  • This is what it was like to work at Amazon 20 years ago (2015). Good annecdotes from the first offices.
Apparently posted to Usenet newsgroup?
Jeff's email was at the time.
First Amazon hire, wrote and led the team that wrote v1.
He looks like an older and more experienced dude compared to Bezos at the time.
. also mentions that unlike California, there's no sales tax in the state of Washington, which is important for selling books.
Video 1.
Shel Kaphan interview by Internet History Podcast (2015)
Video 2. Continues to Grow by NBC 15 (2014)
Source. Features short excerpt of filmed interview with Shel.
Figure 1.
Shel Kaphan
. Source. TODO year. Presumably more or less close to publishing date of source at 2020.
Amazon is apparently notorious for having bought off many competitors, many of them just to kill off the competition and clear the way, not to actually reuse them. from Video "Jeff Bezos Revealed by Bloomberg (2015)" clearly shows Tim O'Reilly saying that very clearly about Bezos.
I do know of a number of cases in which he [Bezos] has acquired companies in order to take out competitors, potential future competitors. Rather than because he actually wants that business to continue.
Perhaps O'Reilly who is the bookselling business is not the greatest fan of Jeff. But still. My God. Amazon's Antitrust Paradox by Lina M . Khan from The Yale Law Journal raises this incredible issue.
Like Google custom silicon, Amazon server operations are so large that with the slowdown of Moore's law, it started being worth it for them to develop custom in-house silicon to serve as a competitive advantage, not to be sold for external companies. Can you imagine the scale required to justify silicon development investment that is not sold externally!


Page contains a good summary of their hardware to date. They seem to still be the centerpiece of silicon development. There are still however people outside of Israel doing it, e.g.: says as of 2021:
My team develops software for our next-generation Machine Learning accelerators: HAL, firmware, and SoC models.
2021: networking chip reports emerge:, presumably contesting with the likes of Cisco?
ARM-based servers.



One of the least evil of the big tech companies of the early 21st century, partly because Sergey Brin's parents fled from the Soviet Union and so he is anti censorship, although they have been tempted by it.
Google only succeeds at highly algorithmic tasks or at giving infinite storage to users to then mine their data.
It is incapable however of adding any obvious useful end user features to most of its products, most of which get terminated and cannot be relied on:
This also seems to extend to business-to-business: ex-Googler tells how they lost the cloud to Amazon.
More mentions of that:
Too many genius engineers. They need some dumber people like Ciro Santilli who need to write documentation to learn stuff.
Ciro Santilli actually attempted two interviews to work at Google in the early 2010's but very quickly failed both on the first phase, because you have to be a fast well trained coding machine to pass that interview.
Ciro later felt better about himself by fantasizing how he would actually do more important things outside of Google and that they would beg to buy him instead.
He was also happy that he wouldn't have to use Google crazy internal tools: someone once said that Google's tools make easy tasks middle hard, and they also make impossible tasks middle hard. TODO source.
The 1997 Wayback Machine archives are just priceless: I'm so glad that website exists and started so early. It is just another university research project demo website like any other. Priceless.
In August 1998 they had an their first investment of $100,000 from Andy Bechtolsheim, Sun Microsystems co-founder. Some sources say September 1998. This was an event of legend, the dude dropped by, tested the website for a few minutes, said I like it, and dropped a 100$ check with no paperwork. Google wasn't even incorporated, they had to incorporate to cash the check. They were apparently introduced by one of the teachers, TODO which. Some sources say he had to rush off to another meeting afterwards:
Tried to sell it for 1 million in early 1999... OMG the way the world is. It would be good to learn more about that story, and when they noticed it was fuckup.
One of Google's most interesting stories is how their startup garage owner became an important figure inside Google, and how Sergei married her sister. These were the best garage tenants ever!
Video 1.
Google garage (1998)
Source. Description reads: "The company's sixth employee made this video tour of the office in 1998" so this should be Susan's garage, since the next office move was only in 1999 to 165 University Avenue in Palo Alto.
Video 2.
Andy Bechtolsheim's 100.000 check by Discovery UK (2018)
Source. Contains interviews with Andy Bechtolsheim and David Cheriton. The meeting happed in David Cheriton's porch. Andy showed up at 8AM, and he had a meeting at 9AM at Cisco where he worked, so he had to leav early. Andy worked at Cisco after having sold his company Granite Systems, which David co-founded, to Cisco. Particularly cool to see how Andy calculated expected revenue quickly on the back of his mind.
Video 3.
Larry Page interview on the choice of name "Alphabet" by Fortune Magazine (2015)
Source. Shows his voice situation well, poor guy.
This was the original name of Google Search.
One wonders if this name has some influence from the LGBT culture in San Francisco! The sexual innuendo is palpable.
"Back" is of course a reference to "backlinks", since Google Search relies on incoming links (AKA backlinks) to a webpage to determine its importance.
The guy who coded the initial version of BackRub, the first version of Google Search, but left before the company formed. TODO how did he meet Largey Brage? Why did he leave Google?
In 1997 he cofounded eGroups, a mailing list management website, together with the mysterious Carl Victor Page, Jr., Larry Page's older brother. eGroups was sold to Yahoo! in 2000 for $432m, just before the Dot-com bubble burst.
As of 2021 his net worth was of "only" $1b, even though his original Google shares would have been worth $13b. He must have sold too much too early to do other cool stuff.
When Mr. Page and Mr. Brin founded Google in 1998, Mr. Hassan bought 160,000 shares for $800. When Google went public in 2004, the shares were worth more than $200 million. The shares, now in Google’s parent company, Alphabet, would be valued at more than $13 billion today [2021].
Did Largey give him this nice deal as a way to thank him for helping start the company, or was it just that they had no big hopes and $800 seemed right? suggests the stocks were part of his compensation for 3 months of coding work. Also mentioned at:
In 2001, Scott married a Vietnamese chick called Allison Huynh from university and they had three children.
In 2014 Hassan asked for a divorce, and the proceedings were a shitshow, lasting more than 7 years.
In 2004 he tried strike a $20 million[ref] post-nuptial after Google went public, which she declined, so things were already crappy back then.
Then, during the divorce, Scott even created a revenge website for her as well. He's so petty! Down as of 2024 of course. There are only some weird redirect archives now:*/ redirecting to
To be fair, he did work on a lot of cool stuff after BackRub for which he deserves credit, not the least the company that created the Robot Operating System, which is a cool sounding open source project, which is awesome. But this divorce story is so damning! He should just own up to it, split the cash, and move on... The fact that the Google money came from an investment before marriage likely complicates things.
The fact that he does not have a Wikipedia page as of 2022 is mind blowing, especially after divorce details. Maybe Ciro Santilli will create it one day. Just no patience now. OK, done it June 2022: let's see if it lasts. The page lasted but ended up being Ciro Santilli's first Edit war, how exciting:
Looking a the history, he just kept revealing different IPs and continuously reverting, which other people put back in. Another of his IPs:
  • is marked as being from Las Vegas online.
There is also an interesting edit from 2600:1700:5470:5c50:7566:9580:1b60:ab41 which mentions without source the little known fact
after working at Washington University's Medical Libraries Group (having been recruited out of SUNY Buffalo for the summer).
so it could be Hassan adding some actually good and interesting information to the article. That one however also has an edit to so maybe it's not him.
Figure 3.
Screenshot of by the Daily Mail
. Source.
Scott Hassan's ex-wife. She is a "Vietnam immigrant who attended Stanford University on a full scholarship".[ref]
Video 1.
Why former Obama donor Allison Huynh is backing Trump by The Daily Signal
. Source. 2024, before the 2024 United States presidential election, possibly language barrier.
Video 2.
Silicon Valley Billionaire's Divorce Makes Headlines by NBC Bay Area
. Source. 2021.
Allison Huynh's zombie gaming company.
Their flagship seems to have been this game: "MyDream", a Roblox-like. This is seen in 2015 at on web archive.
They had a child educational focus and also made some attempts in cryptocurrency.
Company co-founded by Scott Hassan, early Google programmer at Stanford University, and Carl Victor Page, Jr., Larry Page's older brother.
They were an email list management website, and became Yahoo! Groups after the acquisition.
The company was sold to Yahoo! in August 2000 for $432m and became Yahoo! Groups. They managed to miraculously dodge the Dot-com bubble, which mostly poppet in 2021. After the acquisition, Yahoo started to redirect them to: as can be seen on the Wayback Machine:*/ The first archive of is from February 2001: and it unsurprisingly looks basically exactly like eGroups.
Scott Hassan's shitty telepresence robot startup. Looking at the demos it is so painfully obvious why they failed, that feeble tall screen on wheels. But hindsight is 20/20... It is almost as bad as OurBigBook.
The most notable usage of the product is Snowden Snowbot, which is sad, the product name seems to have been "Beam". Who would use that if not for theatrics with an exilee when everyone already has a screen in front of their face all the time?[ref]
At least this phase produced some of the only videos of Hassan in existence such as:He's got a perfect american accent, so likely not a first generation immigrant.
Has some good mentions, but often leaves you wanting more details of how certain things happened, especially the early days stuff.
Does however paint a good picture of several notable employees, and non-search projects from the early 2000's including:
  • the cook dude
  • porn cookie guy
  • the unusual IPO process
Paints a very positive picture of the founders. It is likely true. They gave shares generously to early employees. Tried to allow the more general public to buy from IPO, by using a bidding scheme, rather than focusing on the big bankers as was usual.
The introduction mentions that Google is very interested in molecular biology and mining genetics data, much like Ciro Santilli! Can't find external references however...
Two of the most compelling areas that Google and its founders are quietly working on are the promising fields of molecular biology and genetics. Millions of genes in combination with massive amounts of biological and scientific data are an excellent match for the Google search engine, the tremendous database the company has in place, and its immense computing power. Already, Google has downloaded a map of the human genome and is working closely with biologist Dr. Craig Venter and other leaders in genetics on scientific projects that may lead to important breakthroughs in science, medicine, and health. In other words, we may be heading toward a time when people can google their own genes.
The book gives good highlight as to why Google became big: search was just an incredibly computationally intensive task. From very early days, Largey were already making up their own somewhat custom compute systems from very early days, which naturally led into Google custom hardware later on. Google just managed to pull ahead on the reinvest revenue into hardware loop, and no one ever caught them back. This feels more the case than e.g. with Amazon, which notoriously had to buy off dozens of competitors to clear the way.


They scanned a bunch of books, and then allowed search results to hit them. They then only show a small context around the hit to avoid copyright infringement.
When they disabled this from Chromium, it was one of the things that prompted Ciro Santilli to switch to Proton Pass.
Very similar to!
People who worked on it:
Video 1.
How to use Google Knol by Hack Learning (2011)
Source. One of the last users of the website for sure! The owner of that YouTube channel is a Mark Barnes:
Video 2.
Jimmy Wales on Google's Knol (2008)
Replying to a listener phone-in question WNYC radio, mediated by Brian Lehrer.
It was about to launch it seems, and it was not clear at the time that anyone could write content, as opposed to only selected people.
Jimmy then corrects that misinformation. He then clearly states that since there can be multiple versions of each article, including opinion pieces, like, Knol would be very different to Wikipedia, more like blogging than encyclopedia.
Video 3.
Google Knol: the future of academic journals? by Doug Belshaw (2010)


Wikipedia reads:
Any contributor could create and own new Knol articles, and there could be multiple articles on the same topic with each written by a different author.
so basically exactly what Ciro Santilli wants to do on Ominous.
Like any closed source "failure", everything was deleted. Google's quantum-focused Sandbox division is being spun off (2022)
Video 1.
Do A Moonshot by Jack Hidary (2016)
When Ciro finally understood that this is a play on Larry Page's name (of course it is, typical programmer/academic humor stuff), his mind blew.
This section is about more "open" PageRank implementations, notably using either or both of:
As of 2025, the most open and reproducible implementation appears to be whatever Common Crawl web graph official PageRank does, which is to use WebGraph. It's quite beautiful.
As of 2025 Common Crawl web graph also dumps its own PageRank for each release. See e.g. the file cc-main-2024-25-dec-jan-feb-host-ranks.txt.gz from at: The first 20 rows are:
#harmonicc_pos  #harmonicc_val  #pr_pos #pr_val #host_rev
1       3.4626736E7     3       0.005384977821460953    com.facebook
2       3.42356E7       2       0.007010813553170503    com.googleapis.fonts
3       3.007577E7      1       0.008634952900502719
4       3.0036014E7     4       0.004411782034463272    com.googletagmanager
5       2.9900088E7     5       0.0036940035989790525
6       2.9537252E7     6       0.0032959808223701      com.instagram
7       2.9092556E7     9       0.0027616338842143423   com.twitter
8       2.7346152E7     7       0.0032101332824200743   com.gstatic.fonts
9       2.6818654E7     11      0.0017699438634060259   com.linkedin
10      2.5383126E7     8       0.0027849243241515574   org.gmpg
11      2.3747762E7     12      0.0016577826631867043
12      2.3514198E7     15      0.0013399414238881337   com.googleapis.ajax
13      2.3504832E7     16      0.0012791339750445332
14      2.337092E7      47      3.794876113587071E-4    be.youtu
15      2.2925148E7     14      0.0013857916784687163   com.cloudflare.cdnjs
16      2.2851038E7     18      0.0012066313543285154
17      2.2833728E7     13      0.0015745738381307273   org.wordpress
18      2.2830926E7     36      6.02400471665468E-4     com.pinterest
19      2.27056E7       45      4.001342924757244E-4
20      2.2687704E7     24      9.381217848819624E-4    net.jsdelivr.cdn
so quite plausible, except for org.gmpg. What the fuck is that and why is it ranked so high? Is it a quirk with the hosts inside subdomains?
Perhaps a more relevant dump might be the domain-only one cc-main-2024-25-dec-jan-feb-domain-ranks.txt.gz:
#harmonicc_pos  #harmonicc_val  #pr_pos #pr_val #host_rev       #n_hosts
1       3.1238044E7     3       0.01110707704411023     com.facebook    3632
2       3.0950192E7     2       0.016650558868491434    com.googleapis  3470
3       3.000803E7      1       0.01749148008448444      14053
4       2.7319046E7     5       0.00670112168785935     com.instagram   789
5       2.7020862E7     7       0.005464885844102939     1628
6       2.6954494E7     4       0.007740808154448889    com.googletagmanager    42
7       2.6344278E7     8       0.0052073382920908295   com.twitter     712
8       2.5414934E7     6       0.0058790483755603844   com.gstatic     171
9       2.4803688E7     11      0.0038589161241338816   com.linkedin    690
10      2.4683842E7     10      0.004929923081722034    org.gmpg        2
11      2.3575146E7     9       0.005111453489231459    com.cloudflare  951
12      2.2735678E7     14      0.002131882799792225    com.gravatar    98
13      2.2356142E7     12      0.002513741654851857    org.wordpress   1250
14      2.2132868E7     15      0.0019991529719988496       3261
15      2.2095914E7     31      0.0010706467268355303   org.wikipedia   2099
16      2.2057972E7     21      0.0015644264715267535   com.pinterest   360
17      2.1941062E7     40      8.52391305373285E-4     be.youtu        15
18      2.1826452E7     16      0.0018442726685905964   net.jsdelivr    40
19      2.1764224E7     34      9.747994384099485E-4  951
20      2.1690982E7     35      9.740295347556525E-4    com.vimeo 
But nope, org.gmpg is still there! comments on it:
for instance, is the reference for a vocabulary that describes relationships
so it appears to be a computer-readable ontology mechanism in the lines of Resource Description Framework which interlinks many websites. The article also mentions another interesting noise in which every Chinese website is required to link to for their ICP license.
The source code for it seem to be at: and seems to use the Java version of the WebGraph quite directly on their BVGraph dump. There is apparently no CLI for PageRank however unfortunately, they have to use a bit of Java code. That would be so awesome!
This appears to be the direct precursor project of the Common Crawl web graph official PageRank
This section is about:
Did not contain either of or as of 2025!
Based on Common Crawl 2012, and they don't seem to be updating it regularly...
This section is about:
TODO is their source code open source?
Top 10 million websites: Can be downloaded as CSV. Contained both and as of 2025!
Get values for some websites:
This is the family of algorithms to which PageRank
Just image being famous only for being 44 years too early to a party.
The downside of "Katz centrality" compared to PageRank appears to be that if if a big node links to many many nodes, all of those earn a lot of reputation, regardless of how outgoing links there are:
Was adopted by AskJeeves in 2001.
The Google Story Chapter 11. "The Google Economy" comments:
As they saw it, generation one was AltaVista, generation two was Google, and generation three was Teoma, or what Ask Jeeves came to refer to as Expert Rank. Teoma's technology involved mathematical formulas and calculations that went beyond Google's PageRank system, which was based on popularity. In fact, the concept had been cited in the original Stanford University paper written by Sergey Brin and Larry Page as one of the methods that could be used to rank indexed Web sites in response to search requests. "They called their method global popularity and they called this method local popularity, meaning you look more granularly at the Web and see who the authoritative sources are," Lanzone said. He said Brin an Page had concluded that local popularity would be exceedingly difficult to execute well, because either it would require too much processing power to do it in real time or it would take too long. mentions
ExpertRank is an evolution of IBM's CLEVER project, a search engine that never made it to public.
The difference between PageRank and ExpertRank is that for ExpertRank the quality of the page is important and that quality is not absolute, but it's relative to a subject.
There are other more recent algorithms with similar names, and are prehaps related:
PageRank was apparently inspired by it originally, given that.



Google has put considerable effort into custom hardware to greatly optimize its stack, in a way that is quite notable compared to other tech companies.
E.g. in 2022.
The Google Story suggests that this practice existed in academia, where it was brought from. But I can't find external references to it easily:
At Google, the preference is for working in small teams of three, with individual employees expected to allot 20 percent of their time to exploring whatever ideas interest them most. The notion of "20 percent time" is borrowed from the academic world, where professors are given one day a week to pursue private interests.
Video 1.
Attempting Google's hidden coding challenge by codemastercpp (2022)
Video 2.
Google's Secret Programming Challenge by srcmake (2018)
The outcome of Larry Page and Sergey Brin performing a Dragon Ball fusion dance.
Both of them attended Montessori education at some point. Interesting! Mentioned in a talk by Sergey and highlighted at The Google Story.
As The Google Story puts it about Largey:
Scholarship was not just emphasized in their homes; it was treasured.
Ciro Santilli likes that.
Larry Page's father.
Carl is mentioned in The Google Story Chapter 2 "When Larry Met Sergey".
He divorced from Larry's mother Gloria in 1980 or 1981, "when he [Page] was eight years old" according to The Google Story. He then moved on to Joyce Wildenthal, another MSU professor. Larry had a good relation with both Gloria and Joyce:
Larry came to feel that he was showered with love and wisdom from two mothers: his real mom, and Joyce Wildenthal, a Michigan State professor who had a long-term relationship with his dad.
His obituary on the website of the Michigan State University, where he taught most of his life:
Page served as CSE’s [MSU Department of Computer Science and Engineering] first graduate director and had a critical role in promoting the department’s research mission. In 1967, when he joined MSU, the computer science program consisted of only undergraduate courses. Just three years later, the department offered eighteen graduate courses in computer science.
Page taught courses in Automata and Formal language theory and Artificial intelligence. He was a beloved teacher and mentor to innumerable students until his death in 1996.
Figure 1.
Carl Victor Page's obituary by Matt Collar
. Source.
Presumably printed on the The State News, student newspaper of the Michigan State University.
Found by Googling into his Wikidata entry: which cites this random German Wikipedia page: which cites the obituary from this WordPress blog: TODO find the page of the blog that uses that image.
Figure 2.
Carl Victor Page Memorial World Wide Web Page
. Source.
Another useful hit from found by... Googling! Contains the best photo of Carl we've found so far. The screenshot seems to be a Ctrl + P of some website, if only the author knew about Wayback Machine! The links on that screenshot would be of interest. The screenshot also mentions other family members:
Larry Pages's older brother.
It is hard to find information on this little bugger! Not a single photo online!
As suggested by the "Jr.", he is named after Larry's father, Carl Victor Page.
Carl Jr. is mentioned in a few places in the book The Google Story. The full name "Carl Victor Page Jr." is never given in that source, only "Carl Page Jr." is used. These crazy Anglo-Saxons and their semi-optional middle names!
The Google Story does not cite its sources, but it likely got much of its insider information through interviews, e.g. Chapter 2. "When Larry Met Sergey":
Carl Jr. recalls Larry as an inquisitive younger brother with wide-ranging interests
which suggests the authors actually interviewed Carl Jr., since interviews with Carl Jr. cannot be found anywhere else on the Internet. It would be interesting to know more how they got that level of access.
Chapter 2 mentions that Carl Jr. is nine years older than Larry. Therefore, he must have been born in 1963 or 1964. It also states that Carl studied at the University of Michigan, like his father and like Larry would also do later on:
He also enjoyed helping Carl Jr. - who was nine years older - with his college computer homework when Carl came home from the University of Michigan during breaks.
Their father was a professor at the Michigan State University, which is a different university from the University of Michigan, and not in the same city, so by breaks they mean term breaks.
Chapter 2 also mentions that he was working in Silicon Valley by the time their father died in 1996:
Despite his grief [for the death of their father at the early age of 58], Larry remained enrolled at Stanford. It helped that his older brother, Carl Jr., lived and worked in Silicon Valley. They had each other, so Larry wasn't left to bear the loss alone, and the two spent time together, fondly recalling their dad and reflecting on their childhood memories.
In 1997, Carl co-founded the mailing list management website eGroups together with Scott Hassan, programmer of an early version of Google when he was a research assistant at Stanford University. Carl and Scott presumably met through Larry, but we don't have a source. The company was sold to Yahoo! in 2000. The Google Story Chapter 8. "A Trickle" mentions:
Google's deal with Yahoo!] had special significance for Larry Page, since his brother, Carl Jr., also was in serious negotiations with Yahoo! over a major business transaction. The following day, June 27, Yahoo announced plans to buy eGroups, a technology firm that Carl Page had co-founded, for $413 million.
Carl is listed as a co-founder in the SEC filing: as "Carl Page". He does not appear on the 5% stockholders however, poor Carl.
In 2006, he brought a company he founded called "Handheld Entertainment" public through a reverse merger with a shell company: "Handheld Entertainment" made an iPod competitor apparently. SEC filing:
September 27, 2023 marked Google's 25 th aniversary and the page had a small surge of views according to Google Analytics. On that day, this page was one of the top Google search results for "Carl Victor Page, Jr."[ref]. Wikipedia also had a large bump in searches for "Larry Page" on the same day:|Dog|Larry_Page which must be the root cause, Larry actually managed to beat "Cat" and "Dog" on that day.
She's truly passionate about health research and keeping healthy, almost obsessed by it. Also she's strong willed, and energetic. Good traits for founding 23andMe.
As puts it well:
The Wojcickis grew into Silicon Valley royalty. It’s the sort of family, Anne jokes, where “you’re only a viable fetus once you have your Ph.D.
Video 1.
Anne Wojcicki interview by Talks at Google (2018)
Source. She's athletic! As mentioned at: And despite the name, and unlike Sergey, she's completely american as seen from her perfect accent!
There is basically no information about them online, only some uncited sources such as:



ChatGPT produces:
  • Heather Cairns (Employee #4) - Joined in 1998. She handled HR and was one of the earliest administrative hires.
  • Harry Cheung (Employee #5) - Joined in 1999. An early engineer.
  • Gerald Aigner (Employee #6) - Hired in 1999. Worked as a software engineer.
  • Susan Wojcicki (Employee #16) - Joined in 1999. She rented her garage to Larry and Sergey in 1998 and later became an integral part of Google's business and advertising teams.
  • Marissa Mayer (Employee #20) - Hired in 1999. Played a major role in Google Search and design.
Omid Kordestani - Joined in 1999 as Google’s first business hire, focusing on sales and revenue generation.
Video 1.
How Google began by Craig Silverstein part 1 (2006)
Source. Talk given at the University of North Carolina. A possibly official invitation from the time:
He stayed there for 25 years. What a beast.


Video 1.
Blitzscaling 18: Brian Chesky on Launching Airbnb and the Challenges of Scale
. Source.


Video 1.
Polar Music Talks 2013 interview with Martin Lorentzon
. Source. Fun to watch our ADHD friend fidged around in his chair. Also either he's a dwarf, or the interviewer is a giant. Likely a dwarf because his heels don't touch the floor while seated.

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