David Tong Updated +Created
A charismatic, perfect-English-accent (Received Pronunciation) physicist from University of Cambridge, specializing in quantum field theory.
He has done several "vulgarization" lectures, some of which could be better called undergrad appetizers rather, a notable example being Video "Quantum Fields: The Real Building Blocks of the Universe by David Tong (2017)" for the prestigious Royal Institution, but remains a hardcore researcher: scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=felFiY4AAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate. Lots of open access publications BTW, so kudos.
The amount of lecture notes on his website looks really impressive: www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/tong/teaching.html, he looks like a good educator.
David has also shown some interest in applications of high energy mathematical ideas to condensed matter, e.g. links between the renormalization group and phase transition phenomena. TODO there was a YouTube video about that, find it and link here.
Ciro Santilli wonders if his family is of East Asian, origin and if he can still speak any east asian languages. "Tong" is of course a transcription of several major Chinese surnames and from looks he could be mixed blood, but as mentioned at www.ancestry.co.uk/name-origin?surname=tong it can also be an English "metonymic occupational name for a maker or user of tongs". After staring at his picture for a while Ciro is going with the maker of tongs theory initially.
École Polytechnique Updated +Created
The "most prestigious French engineering school". Only 3 Nobels though as of 2019, the scientists are mostly at École normale supérieure (Paris). A gazillion CEOs ad politicians however.
Ciro Santilli studied there from 2010 to 2013.
Ciro considers him entering at Polytechnique a small miracle. First, on his second year of University in Brazil, he first had to fail to join the also good but not as good École centrales, which really annoyed him as he saw the "other good students" who wanted to go out get their wish. This also explains why there are so few students from his university going to Polytechnique in the late 2010's: most already went to other locations! Then, on his third year, he tried Polytechnique and got in despite feeling that the others who got in knew much more mathematics and physics than him. Rather, Ciro believes that he got in chiefly due to his intense passion for the sciences which he showed during the interview.
The miracle would have been even greater if it had happened in 2020. At this time, out of 10 Brazilians, 9 are from ITA, the "hardest to get into" university in Brazil, and also military like Polytechnique. Make no mistake, those students are amazing and deserve it without any doubt. But there is more to the story. It could be argued that many of them only go because they don't have any other choice of exchange program. Remember: Ciro had to fail applications on previous universities before getting into Polytech. Also, they don't get any Brazilian degree because ITA has no agreements with Polytechnique, and are therefore extremely likely to never come back. Not that Ciro thinks this is particularly bad for Brazil though, but it does make for a better deal for France overall as well. They also happen to have closer ties across cohorts of different years, and have managed to maintain a Google Doc with scanned past examinations (as of 2020 however, some/all of those examinations have been uploaded publicly, big kudos to them). Also almost all of them are software engineers, which is one of the few disciplines given at the relatively small ITA. This lack of diversity might not be ideal: if I were France, I would rather fish around all top Brazilian schools for "the best".
Besides the amazing funding/opportunities/alumni/staff loop which you can read about elsewhere, Polytechnique is amazing because you can choose what you will study every year to a very large extent.
This is in huge contrast to the crappy systems Ciro had seen e.g. in Brazil's Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, where students have to decide basically all their courses in huge packages, either at university entry (thus when they are completely clueless), or at a single point inside the university studies, changes being much harder.
Life quality was also amazing. Good free accommodation on campus and at the time a no-obligations scholarship for every foreign student great sport facilities. It seems that after Ciro left however more restrictions are added to the scholarships, what a shame! As of 2020 not everyone gets scholarships anymore it seems, mostly only loans that have to be paid back later. And those who are not poor have to pay Polytechnique scholarship fees on top of their living costs. And thus French austerity measures are undermining the greatest long term investment a country can possibly make: that of importing the very best students from other countries into yours. This after their host country has already spent 20 years raising and selecting them. And you won't even pay them 2 years of frugal existence to steal some of them them. Even if those students move away from your country later on, the contacts they made in your country mean they are much more likely to bring businesses over. But some will stay. Basically, France is becoming more like the United States.
This also makes it much more difficult for those students to do a PhD afterwards, where they would get paid very little, and are unable to pay their student debts. A PhD would be where they would possibly bring more of the next big thing to your country. Instead, they are much more likely to just go work for some big American company data wrangling and bring nothing to your country but their student debt dividends instead, which they will be pay to pay for in one year with those amazing salaries. And unsurprisingly many go to into banks. What a big time fail, France.
Sport was mandatory due to the military nature of the school. This did have the upside of getting students together more, although Ciro is against all forms of forced intellectual of physical activities for students. If you liked your sport it would be really cool though. But due to Section "Ciro Santilli's knee", he was forced to give up his first beloved choice which was soccer... life can be cruel. If only Ciro had known cycling at at the time, and if only that had been one of the sports you could choose (but of course it isn't, no school will want the bad reputation of when one of their students gets killed in a car accident).
There were also some useless "military exercises", or special situations in which you had to wear the useless school uniform as a formal "respect social clothing". Ciro Santilli is completely against all that meaningless bullshit, this his just a form of theatrical masturbation to nostalgically remember the good old days of Napoleon when France still ruled the world, and before they tortured the Algerians, see also: Video 4. "Gérard Fuchs interview from Ils racontent la Guerre d'Algérie (1982)". If you are going to do military-like stuff, then at least teach students how to shoot modern rifles and modern warfare tactics (which some of the French students actually do in the pre-school mandatory internship), and not this 18th century bullshit. Ciro favours of course the hoodie-wearing, "I only care about your abilities meritocracy" culture of Silicon Valley. And without the political correctness now associated with it in the 2020s. And no shooting people if possible.
During the time Ciro was at Polytechnique in early 2010's, the school was really isolated in the Plateau de Saclay, there were no shops in 10 minute walking distance! You either had to climb 300 steps to go down to the nearest village, Lozère, or take a bus to the nearest town, Massy. The fact that Times Higher Education ranked it as the second best university in the world in 2019 (archive) makes it good justice, given the small 500 student body. Things started to change a bit after Ciro left however, with the creation of the Polytechnic Institute of Paris, which is bringing other schools to the Lozere area. This is for the best, as it might improve the global rankings of Polytechnique. Also it is a waste to have so few students at a technopole. But it will reduce the mystique of the place. You can't have everything in life.
Before 1976, Polytechnique was actually in the center of Paris at the Latin Quarter, so the Lozère mystique is not a traditional thing. But even when in Paris, students were in theory restricted to school grounds a most of the time. Although there are famous stories of a certain tree that could be used to climb the fence to go to Parisian parties when they couldn't stand it anymore. The tree was somewhat intentionally overlooked by school administrators. Polytechnique was drawn to Saclay no doubt because of the gravity of the CEA Paris-Saclay, France's analog to the United States Department of Energy national laboratories.
This made for some good memories though. The isolation favored concentration, and gave the place a mystical feeling. And then when you went to eat amazing Chinese food in Paris it just felt even more special and magic since you were so limited during the week. It was also under those magical circumstances in which Ciro met his wife, another student of the school, see also: Section "The main function of university is sexual selection".
Ciro also agonized about passing courses to get useless grades though! Polytechnique is hard for most Brazilians, specially if you select the more mathematics oriented courses, because the French students were math brainwashed for two years before joining.
Ciro's favorite spots/activities:
  • hide in top corner desk of the library to learn some science. Ciro loves libraries.
  • weekend days in his awesome room learning Chinese
    Figure 1. The room also has a bed and toilet, it was great, and it was free back in those days! Only the kitchen was shared, which is good for meeting people. And for getting your password keylogged in the shared supplies buying system. This actually happened while Ciro was at in Polytechnique, but the keylogger operator was caught, and the semi-secret-unknown-participants-Gestapo-like-but-mostly-head-of-school-approved student association "Khômiss" broke their door (which leads to an internal corridor) with a fire axe, their traditional way of saying that someone fucked up. All students live on campus, which is great for concentration.
  • sit next to the lake in a warm day to relax
    Figure 2. Just imagine this in a perfect sunny weekend day with pure silence, it was just perfect. The lake also has a long area where rowing is practiced.
  • randomly go study at night in one of the small 20 person classrooms that were used in the day and left open at night
    Figure 3.
    A typical small classroom at École Polytechnique
    . Source. The tables are shown in the usual course configuration. Imagine that at night, in pure silence, with some of your best friends studying on a nearby room. The usual course configuration was first a course by the main teacher in a large amphitheater, and then break down into small groups with tutors, known in French as "Petites classes" (PC). In some English-speaking world traditions, such small class system is known as recitation class. While those small classes are a reasonable approach, Ciro Santilli's slow brain would rather just have a book and an online forum where tutors answer questions instead.
Figure 4.
Horny Polytechnicienne mural by Binet BD
Edit: Ciro noticed this mural had been removed as of 2023. Of course it was removed! TODO removal date. TODO photo of the new art that took its place, it seems to be a boring image of R5-D4. Fucking political correctness zealots. A perfectly fine piece of erotica artwork lost forever except for this photo of it. Thanks to Ciro's kinky friend, Mr. F. for in his infinite insight insisting on taking a picture of it.
Every year, student organizations, the binets, get to compete for student elections, and they are allowed to make murals in the school to advertise themselves.
They kinky people from the 1996 Cartoon Binet (BD == Band Dessiné == Cartoon in French) decided to take it to the next level, with the depiction of a horny polytechnicienne, on the corridor near the student bar, the Bôbar, in front of the cartoon library of the Binet BD.
Good old 1996, this would never be allowed in 2019 due to political correctness.
As an engineering school, Polytechnique students were predominantly male up as of 2019.
Let's see how much longer it will last.
How about adding a sexy male polytechnicien suggestively holding his theatrical sword (nicknamed the "tangente") with shirt open instead of removing the lady???
In 2022, sexual aggression accusations at Polytechnique surfaced, will the mural survive them?
Ciro heard of two other mural censorship events orally from younger students during a visit in 2023:
Video 1.
Polytechnicienne by Ecole polytechnique
. Source.
Promotional documentary in French showing the situation of women at Polytechnique. Ciro couldn't resist putting it next to the horny polytechnicienne.
Of particular note is is the footage of the first year in which women were accepted, 1972: youtu.be/IA1kSC_d4R8?t=298, shortly before Polytechnique moved from central Paris to Lozère in 1976.
The fact that Ciro managed to find a wife in this conditions is a statement to his Brazilian seduction skills.
The following promotional videos give an idea of how the school looks like, although they fundamentally miss the little corners that Ciro really loved in that the place and which made it magic:
And a one second Ciro Santilli appearance from a 2016 video made during the annual Brazilian barbecue (or as close as you an get to it) which many ex-Brazilian students attend able: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndX_-A2Rjpo&t=189 wearing a Ring t-shirt.
Video 4.
Gérard Fuchs interview from Ils racontent la Guerre d'Algérie (1982)
French. Title translation: "they tell the story War in Algeria". In this segment at this timestamp, French politician and ancient Polytechnician tells of his experience in Algeria, to which all Polytechnicians were sent for 2 years after graduating as part of their mandatory service to the French state. He is not notable enough to have an English Wiki page however unfortunately.
He mentions that the huge scale military operations they did were useless, they enemies could easily notice and escape before they had closed in. He then chose a job in intelligence, the alternative being special operations, without fully knowing what it was going to be. He then once walked into his colleague during an interrogation where torture had obviously been used. He claims however that he managed to forbid torture under his command. He was then gravely shot, but survived.
He then mentions that when he came back and started digesting the experience, he felt that democracy was not enough, and that to actually stop wars people needed to be better informed and have a more direct democracy (a point Ciro Santilli agrees with), and that kind of made him want to become a politician. He looks like a nice guy.
On a related note, the exact same "Maquis"/"Maquisard" is used in French to describe both French WWII Resistance fighters, as well as the Algerian revolutionaries, as the south of France has a somewhat similiar dry bushy region where the revolutionaries would hide. And the French were like the Gestapo in Algeria.
Eligius pool Updated +Created
Created by Luke Dashjr.
The pool is named after Saint Eligius, patron of miners[ref]
Eligius also means to "choose" or "chosen" in Latin: en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Eligius, same root as "to elect" in modern English presumably.
Emile, or On Education Updated +Created
Figure 1.
Front cover of the first edition of Emile, or On Education.
Good summary on the defunct Encyclopedia Britannica: www.britannica.com/topic/Emile-or-On-Education
it is not specifically about schooling but about the upbringing of a rich man’s son, Émile, by a tutor who is given unlimited authority over him. Rousseau’s aim throughout Émile is to show how a natural education, unlike the artificial and formal education of society, enables Émile to become social, moral, and rational while remaining true to his original nature
He learns a trade, among other things. He studies science, not by receiving instruction in its facts but by making the instruments necessary to solve scientific problems of a practical sort.
Book 1:
I do not consider these laughable establishments called Colleges as a public institution.
There are in several schools, and especially in the University of Paris, Professors whom I like, whom I esteem very much, and whom I believe very capable of instructing young people well, if they were not forced to follow established usage. I urge one of them to publish the reform project he designed. We will perhaps finally be tempted to cure the illness by seeing that it is not without a remedy.
Je n’envisage pas comme une institution publique ces risibles établissements qu’on appelle Colleges
Il y a dans plusieurs écoles, & surtout dans l’Université de Paris, des Professeurs que j’aime, que j’estime beaucoup, & que je crois très capables de bien instruire la jeunesse, s’ils n’étoient forcés de suivre l’usage établi. J’exhorte l’un d’entre eux à publier le projet de réforme qu’il a conçu. L’on sera peut-être enfin tenté de guérir le mal en voyant qu’il n’est pas sans remède.
EverybodyWiki Updated +Created
Appears to be a Wikipedia clone but with much lower/no notability requirements guidelines, which overcomes one of Wikipedia's main issues: deletionism.
They do have the interesting idea of importing deleted Wikipedia pages as a source of content, which leads to some epic "most viewed pages" such as en.everybodywiki.com/List_of_erotic_and_sex_workers_with_unnatural_death which currently reads:
Stop Being Pervs, Go Watch Lichfaop/Faoplich Instead and you can also visit MR Info 24 for more details.
We can for example see Ciro Santilli's deleted entry PsiQuantum at: en.everybodywiki.com/PsiQuantum, Wikipedia deletion page: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/PsiQuantum. Their attribution is atrocious however, e.g. it does not seem possible to find any mention of "Ciro Santilli" on the edit history, which just points to the delete article which is not visible anymore. They could really get into trouble for this one day.
Their main use case, as suggested by the website itself, if for people/brands to create pages about themselves.
This combined with the lack of "one version of each page per person" seems like an explosive invitation for unsolvable edit wars.
The website is backed by a French startup: jobs.stationf.co/companies/wiki-valley.
Having more than one natural language is bad for the world Updated +Created
Figure 1.
Tower of Babel by Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1563)
Even the Bible writers already know that multiple languages suck as seen from the Tower of Babel parable
Isn't it incredibly fitting that the building of the European Parliament looks like the Tower of Babel?
The fact that in poor countries a huge number of people do not speak the economically dominating language of the world, the lingua franca, English as of 2020, is a major obstacle to the development of those countries.
Despite us being in the information age, the people in those countries cannot fully benefit from it at all!
Teaching its people English should be the number one priority of any country. Without that, there can be no technological development. Everything else is secondary and can be learnt off the Internet once you know English.
And the most efficient way to do that, is that every country should create amazing free open source English learning material for their own language.
European countries are perhaps the most perfect example of how many languages destroy once powerful countries: Section "European Tower of Babel"
The Sapir–Whorf hypothesis is bullshit outside of poetry, and the ending of Arrival (2016) makes one want to puke, where learning a language changes not only your brain, but also Ciro's precious "laws" of Physics!
Much more likely are To Serve Man/A Small Talent for War events which we have already seen countless times!
Remember that those ideas come from a person who speaks 3.5 languages in 2019, and sees absolutely no practical difference between them.
Of course, like all non-constructed languages, English is not fully optimal in terms of regularity and information density. It could be argued that other languages are better in those aspects.
For example, Ciro does believe that spoken Chinese is a better language than English overall from a purely "ease of learning from scratch point of view" as mentioned at: github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship/tree/6fdeb5aa3826c69f7c058de4e6f652a6924bc08a#does-ciro-santilli-speak-chinese. Chinese writing is completely insane of course, completely out of the question.
However, Ciro just doesn't think that the difference is that great to justify replacing English which is already dominant. How much more efficient can a perfect constructed language be than English? 1.01? 1.001? Such margins don't matter. Once you have learnt it young, it's done, for good.
English-based a posteriori constructed languages that regularize English further are perhaps the only reasonable alternative, like how C++ evolved from C by creating a low cost upgrade path. Although in practice they will never take off unless a dictatorship rules the world:
One interesting anecdote is that Ciro met his wife in French, and talking to her primarily in English feels really weird, so language does matter in love.
Different languages might also good at producing interesting diverse touristic locations, with different diverse and interesting foods. Because that's what tourism is all about. The exotic. The unique. And therefore, also necessarily the inefficient.
People with similar ideas:
Video 1.
English spelling - a bit mad, but perhaps the best system around by Lindybeige (2015)
Source. To be taken as a semi-joke, but he does mention the interesting point that English insane spelling helps disambiguate reading, like an intermediate between Chinese characters and more regular spelled languages.
Kudos Updated +Created
Ahh, Ciro Santilli was certain this was some slang neologism, but it is actually Greek! So funny. Introduced into English in the 19th century according to: www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/kudo.
Les Atomes by Jean Perrin (1913) Updated +Created
Subtle is the Lord by Abraham Pais (1982) mentions that this has a good summary of the atomic theory evidence that was present at the time, and which had become basically indisputable at or soon after that date.
An English translation from 1916 by English chemist Dalziel Llewellyn Hammick on the Internet Archive, also on the public domain: archive.org/details/atoms00hammgoog
Murray Gell-Mann Updated +Created
The way this dude speaks. He exhales incredible intelligence!!!
In the interviews you can see that he pronounces names in all languages amazingly, making acute effort to do so, to the point of being notable. His passion for linguistics is actually mentioned on Genius: Richard Feynman and Modern Physics by James Gleick (1994).
Maybe this obsession is partly due to his name which no English speaking person knows how to pronounce from the writing.
This passion also led in part for his names to some physics terminology he worked on winning out over alternatives by his collaborators, most notably in the case of the naming of the quark.
On a new radioactive substance contained in pitchblende Updated +Created
This is the papaer where Marie Curie announced the discovery of Polonium.
Here's a link with OCR on the French Wikisource: fr.wikisource.org/wiki/%C5%92uvres_de_Pierre_Curie/23. It's from a 1908 collection of works, but it is the exact same paper.
First a recap of previous work:
Some minerals containing uranium and thorium (pitchblende, chalcolite, uranite) are very active from the point of view of the emission of Becquerel rays. In a previous work, one of us showed that their activity is even greater than that of uranium and thorium, and expressed the opinion that this effect was due to some other very active substance contained in small quantities in these minerals.
Note the cute terminology "Becquerel rays", which were only later understood to be electromagnetic radiation now known as gamma rays.
Then some more recapitulation of the previously discussed groundbreaking idea that only atom counts matter for radioactivity, regardless of their chemical configuration as in fluorescence:
The study of compounds of uranium and thorium had shown, in fact, that the property of emitting rays which make air conductive and which act on photographic plates is a specific property of uranium and thorium which is found in all compounds of these metals, all the more weakened as the proportion of active metal in the compound is itself lower. The physical state of the substances seems to have a completely secondary importance. Various experiments have shown that the state of mixture of the substances seems to act only by varying the proportion of active bodies and the absorption produced by the inert substances. Certain causes (such as the presence of impurities) which act so powerfully on phosphorescence or fluorescence are therefore here completely without action. It therefore becomes very probable that if certain minerals are more active than uranium and thorium, it is because they contain a substance more active than these metals.
Then the key innovation: they used radioactivity measures to guide their purification work:
We have sought to isolate this substance in pitchblende, and experience has confirmed the above predictions.
Our chemical research has been constantly guided by the control of the radiant activity of the products separated at each operation. Each product is placed on one of the plates of a condenser, and the conductivity acquired by the air is measured using an electrometer and a piezoelectric quartz, as in the work cited above. We thus have not only an indication but a number which accounts for the richness of the product in active substance.
Next they describe in high level their separation process, and I can't understand anything. But that's OK
Finally towards the end, bombs are dropped:
By carrying out these various operations, we obtain increasingly active products. Finally, we obtained a substance whose activity is about 400 times greater than that of uranium.
We have sought, among the bodies currently known, to see if there are any active ones. We have examined compounds of almost all simple bodies; thanks to the great kindness of several chemists, we have had samples of the rarest substances. Uranium and thorium are the only ones clearly active, tantalum is perhaps very weakly so.
We therefore believe that the substance that we have removed from the pitchblende contains a metal not yet reported, close to bismuth by its analytical properties. If the existence of this new metal is confirmed, we propose to call it polonium, from the name of the country of origin of one of us.
They managed to purify it enough to look at the emission spectrum and it seems novel:
Mr. Demarçay was kind enough to examine the spectrum of the body that we are studying. He was unable to distinguish any characteristic line apart from those due to impurities. This fact does not support the idea of ​​the existence of a new metal. However, Mr. Demarçay pointed out to us that uranium, thorium and tantalum offer particular spectra, formed of innumerable lines, very fine, difficult to perceive.
And once again, our radiation-based analytical chemistry technique is new:
Allow us to note that if the existence of a new element is confirmed, this discovery will be uniquely attributable to the new method of detection that Becquerel rays provide.
On a new, strongly radioactive substance contained in pitchblende Updated +Created
This is the paper where Marie Curie announced the discovery of Radium.
It came out only 6 months after the Polonium paper and ended up in the same tome of the Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, number 127 which is funny.
French text on Wikisource: fr.wikisource.org/wiki/Œuvres_de_Pierre_Curie/24. It's from a 1908 collection of works, and it has made minor corretions, such as using "radioactive" without dash instead of "radio-active" to update the terminology a bit, which is a crime!
The original can be found inside the original tome PDF: archive.org/details/ComptesRendusAcademieDesSciences0127/page/n5/mode/2up
Basically they extracted a Barium solution, but were unable to separate Barium and Radium. If you look at a periodic table, you will see that Radium is directly below radium which explains it as they have very similar chemical properties.
Two of us have shown that by purely chemical procedures it is possible to extract from pitchblende a strongly radio-active substance. This substance is related to bismuth by its analytical properties. We have expressed the opinion that perhaps the pitchblende contained a new element, for which we have proposed the name of polonium.
The investigations which we are following at present are in agreement with the first results we obtained, but in the course of these investigations we have come upon a second, strongly radio-active substance, entirely different from the first in its chemical properties. Specifically, polonium is precipitated from acid solution by hydrogen sulfide; its salts are soluble in acids and water precipitates them from solution; polonium is completely precipitated by ammonia.
The new radio-active substance which we have just found has all the chemical appearance of nearly pure barium: it is not precipitated either by hydrogen sulfide or by ammonium sulfide, nor by ammonia; its sulfate is insoluble in water and in acids; its carbonate is insoluble in water; its chloride, very soluble in water, is insoluble in concentrated hydrochloric acid and in alcohol. Finally this substance gives the easily recognized spectrum of barium.
We believe nevertheless that this substance, although constituted in its major part by barium, contains in addition a new element which gives it its radio-activity, and which, in addition, is closely related to barium in its chemical properties.
Like with Polonium they once again found a new spectral line, though it was somewhat weak in this case as they didn't manage to purify as much:
M. Demarçay has consented to examine the spectrum of our substance with a kindness which we cannot acknowledge too much. The results of his examinations are given in a special Note at the end of ours. Demarçay has found one line in the spectrum which does not seem due to any known element. This line, hardly visible with the chloride 60 times more active than uranium, has become prominent with the chloride enriched by fractionation to an activity 900 times that of uranium. The intensity of this line increases, then, at the same time as the radio-activity; that, we think, is a very serious reason for attributing it to the radio-active part of our substance.
Name the thing:
The various reasons which we have enumerated lead us to believe that the new radio-active substance contains a new element to which we propose to give the name of radium.
They did not have enough purity to clearly measure the mass difference:
We have measured the atomic weight of our active barium, determining the chlorine in its anhydrous chloride. We have found numbers which differ very little from those obtained in parallel measurements on inactive barium chloride; the numbers for the active barium are always a little larger, but the difference is of the order of magnitude of the experimental errors.
but it is cute to see that they called radium as "active barium".
Polonium and radium can be used as a light source without power source, so oops, it looks like we broke the conservation of energy!
The new radio-active substance certainly includes a very large portion of barium; in spite of that, the radio-activity is considerable. The radio-activity of radium then must be enormous.
Uranium, thorium, polonium, radium, and their compounds make the air a conductor of electricity and act photographically on sensitive plates. In these respects, polonium and radium are considerably more active than uranium and thorium. On photographic plates one obtains good impressions with radium and polonium in a half-minute's exposure; several hours are needed to obtain the same result with uranium and thorium.
The rays emitted by the components of polonium and radium make barium platinocyanide fluorescent; their action in this regard is analogous to that of the Röntgen rays, but considerably weaker. To perform the experiment, one lays over the active substance a very thin aluminum foil on which is spread a thin layer of barium platinocyanide; in the darkness the platinocyanide appears faintly luminous above the active substance.
In this manner a source of light is obtained, which is very feeble to tell the truth, but which operates without a source of energy. Here is at least an apparent contradiction to Carnot's Principle.
Uranium and thorium give no light under these conditions, their action being probably too weak.
Later on radium came to be used as a phosphorescent light source for things like watch handles, which led to girls getting cancer in the factories; the Radium Girls.
Quantization as an Eigenvalue Problem Updated +Created
This paper appears to calculate the Schrödinger equation solution for the hydrogen atom.
TODO is this the original paper on the Schrödinger equation?
Published on Annalen der Physik in 1926.
Open access in German at: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/andp.19263840404 which gives volume 384, Issue 4, Pages 361-376. Kudos to Wiley for that. E.g. Nature did not have similar policies as of 2023.
This paper may have fallen into the public domain in the US in 2022! On the Internet Archive we can see scans of the journal that contains it at: ia903403.us.archive.org/29/items/sim_annalen-der-physik_1926_79_contents/sim_annalen-der-physik_1926_79_contents.pdf. Ciro Santilli extracted just the paper to: commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File%3AQuantisierung_als_Eigenwertproblem.pdf. It is not as well processed as the Wiley one, but it is of 100% guaranteed clean public domain provenance! TODO: hmmm, it may be public domain in the USA but not Germany, where 70 years after author deaths rules, and Schrodinger died in 1961, so it may be up to 2031 in that country... messy stuff. There's also the question of wether copyright is was tranferred to AdP at publication or not.
Contains formulas such as the Schrödinger equation solution for the hydrogen atom (1''):
  • In order for there to be numerical agreement, must have the value
  • , are the charge and mass of the electron
Quantum electrodynamics Updated +Created
Theory that describes electrons and photons really well, and as Feynman puts it "accounts very precisely for all physical phenomena we have ever observed, except for gravity and nuclear physics" ("including the laughter of the crowd" ;-)).
Learning it is one of Ciro Santilli's main intellectual fetishes.
While Ciro acknowledges that QED is intrinsically challenging due to the wide range or requirements (quantum mechanics, special relativity and electromagnetism), Ciro feels that there is a glaring gap in this moneyless market for a learning material that follows the Middle Way as mentioned at: the missing link between basic and advanced. Richard Feynman Quantum Electrodynamics Lecture at University of Auckland (1979) is one of the best attempts so far, but it falls a bit too close to the superficial side of things, if only Feynman hadn't assumed that the audience doesn't know any mathematics...
The funny thing is that when Ciro Santilli's mother retired, learning it (or as she put it: "how photons and electrons interact") was also one of her retirement plans. She is a pharmacist by training, and doesn't know much mathematics, and her English was somewhat limited. Oh, she also wanted to learn how photosynthesis works (possibly not fully understood by science as that time, 2020). Ambitious old lady!!!
Combines special relativity with more classical quantum mechanics, but further generalizing the Dirac equation, which also does that: Dirac equation vs quantum electrodynamics. The name "relativistic" likely doesn't need to appear on the title of QED because Maxwell's equations require special relativity, so just having "electro-" in the title is enough.
Before QED, the most advanced theory was that of the Dirac equation, which was already relativistic but TODO what was missing there exactly?
As summarized at: youtube.com/watch?v=_AZdvtf6hPU?t=305 Quantum Field Theory lecture at the African Summer Theory Institute 1 of 4 by Anthony Zee (2004):
  • classical mechanics describes large and slow objects
  • special relativity describes large and fast objects (they are getting close to the speed of light, so we have to consider relativity)
  • classical quantum mechanics describes small and slow objects.
  • QED describes objects that are both small and fast
That video also mentions the interesting idea that:
Therefore, for small timescales, energy can vary a lot. But mass is equivalent to energy. Therefore, for small time scale, particles can appear and disappear wildly.
QED is the first quantum field theory fully developed. That framework was later extended to also include the weak interaction and strong interaction. As a result, it is perhaps easier to just Google for "Quantum Field Theory" if you want to learn QED, since QFT is more general and has more resources available generally.
Like in more general quantum field theory, there is on field for each particle type. In quantum field theory, there are only two fields to worry about:
Video 1.
Lecture 01 | Overview of Quantum Field Theory by Markus Luty (2013)
Source. This takes quite a direct approach, one cool thing he says is how we have to be careful with adding special relativity to the Schrödinger equation to avoid faster-than-light information.
The Water Margin (1998 TV series) Updated +Created
This will likely be the best TV adaptation of Water Margin for all eternity, until AGI deepfakes a better one.
The only downside is the usage of slightly supernatural martial arts.
It must be said that the series gets worse as it progresses. The best part of it is the backstory of individual characters, and how noble men are made fight their government. As things progress however, it becomes more of a mass battles thing, so less interesting. This is perhaps a problem of the novel itself, which an adaption cannot avoid. The good part basically ends with the end of Wu Song's story at episode 22.
One of the most amazing things about this series is learning about how people lived in the past. It feels very realistic. Some amazing details:
  • on the pharmacy, they used a leg powered grinder. Ciro Santilli's wife said she had actually seen one those in use in China
  • to indicate that something is for sale, the would attach some straws around it
  • it is totally fine to talk to an old person about giving them money to buy a nice coffin
  • some dudes drink baijiu from bowls. One wonders how much truth there can be in that.
Video 1. . Source.
Features the amazing theme song "Hero song" (好漢歌) by Liu Huan (劉歡). Makes Ciro Santilli want to cry. Lyrics on mojim: mojim.com/cny105509x7x2.htm. The opening sentence is particularly remarkable:
The big river flows to the West
The stars in the sky gather with the Big Dipper
If you say we go, then we go. You have a grip (?), you have everything
If on the road we see an injustice and someone shouting
When it is time to deal with it, we'll deal with it
We'll energetically rush through the Nine Provinces
The Big Dipper is reference is made in the novel itself as part of a dream one of the leaders of the rebellion has. The dream is a premonition of the number of men that will gather to plot to steal expensive birthday gifts corrupt officials are sending one another.
The song perfectly captures the camaraderie shown in the novel, the immediacy with which sworn brothers follow one another into the riskiest of tasks, and the fight against injustice, which is the central theme.
To get an idea of its popularity, Ciro Santilli's mother-in-law is able to complete sentences of the song by herself in her late 60's, and she isn't exactly a scholar! This was from before she stopped "having fun" (see also "No time for fun" from from the Orange Papers) and started watching nothing but Falun Gong media.
Video 2.
Wang Jin beats Gao Qiu theme music from The Water Margin
. Source. Chinese: 王进打高俅. One of the leitmotifs, played to great effect on the suona throughout the series in moments where the good guys have a victory, e.g.: youtu.be/lnshzmF6sY4?list=PLJxTQiKLmBibFit3q-SbRBjxiKtOJz5na&t=417. Amazing, so moving.
Video 3.
Ruan Xiao's Seven Fish song 阮小七渔歌)
Source. Used when they show Liangshan at one point, this song is particularly cool. www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Xg4y1b7qj/ shows the scene where a closely related song is sang. Lyrics at baike.baidu.com/item/阮小七渔歌/20358999 with all noises removed:
虽然生得泼皮身哪 杀贼原来不杀人
quick translation by Ciro Santilli:
The heroes cannot read poetry
They only live at Mount Liang marsh
Although he was born sloppy (lit. with a course leather body)
They only kill bandits, they don't kill people
  • Gao Qiu
    • 1 the rise of Gao Qiu:
      • Gao Qiu and his gang bully a street performer. Wang Jin, a military officer responsible for training the troops, beats the fuck out of the gang upon seeing the scene.
      • Gao is politely fired from the pharmacy and given a recommendation letter for a new position somewhere else. He is bounced again, and finally accepted as assistant to a wealthy household. The actor and the way Gao Qiu is portrayed is very subtle. Makes you almost like him or feel sorry for him. Good job.
      • while delivering two small jade statues to a wealthy friend of his current master, he stumbles upon the friend playing cuju with some attendants, and shows off his incredible abilities. The friend soon asks his current master to give him over, and the old master complies.
      • the new master much appreciates Gao Qiu because of his playing. Gao Qiu's old gang of misfits comes looking for him, and he invites them to restaurant the next day. But at the restaurant, he menaces his old friends who adore him, saying that they must never try to find him again. Gao then orders his men to beat the old friends with sticks. He asks the men to not beat the old friend who adored him the most so as to look as if he were an accomplice with Gao, and the other old friends then beat him up as well themselves.
      • Gao's new master becomes the emperor for some reason. The new master, now emperor, then also promotes Gao, of whom he is very fond of, to a very high military rank for which he has no qualifications. Want Jin learns of this as Gao will now be his boss, and foreseeing trouble asks for fake sick leave on the first day that Gao will be there.
      • Upon learning about the sick leave, Gao remembers Wang Jin, and calls him in regardless, and orders his men to beat him severely with sticks as a punishment for faking to be sick. An advisor pleads him to stop as that would look bad in his first day in charge.
      • while Wang Jin's mother nurses him to recovery, they decide that it is best if they escape to another city to avoid Gao's persecution. Wang Jin the flees carrying his mother on a wheeled cart. Upon learning of this, Gao orders Wang to be arrested for leaving his post. The shirtless scene in which Wang is treated by his mother shows how physically prepared the actor was, well done. Might be on steroids.
  • Lu Zhishen
    • 2 Beating up the Lord of the West.
      A Shi Jin comes to a new city, Weizhou (TODO modern location) looking for Wang Jin, and instead finds another officer called Lu Zhishen.
      Lu was doing a feat of super Strength by saving some damsel in distress from a cart with out of control horses by simply holding the cart up, which impresses Shi Jin.
      Shi Jin then tells Zhishen how he met Wang Jin by chance who coached him in the martial arts, and some more backstory that is impossible to follow. Shi Jin's story is told properly in chapter 2 and 3 of the novel according to Wikipedia, before Lu's own story is told on chapters 3-7, but this adaptation skips it.
      While they are talking, there is some lady crying nearby, and Zhishen ends up helping her out. She had been deceived by the butcher Zheng, and now ows him money and cannot leave town.
      Butcher Zheng is a ruthless fellow, one amazing scene shows him throwing a knife at a dog that was stealing some of his meat, and telling his men to skin the dog so they can eat it, saying:
      You eat from me for free, so I eat from you for free!
      in Chinese:
      Next morning, Shi Jin leaves whil Zhishen is sleeping his drunkenness off, and when Zhishen wakes up he goes to escort the damsel out of town. When he arrives, Lu's hotel keeper underling is causing trouble, and he slaps him hard and forces him to massage his legs while the lady can escape.
      After that, he pays butcher Zheng a visit. First he pisses Zheng off by making an order of 5 kg of lean minced meat. Minced meat was produced by cutting it up with two meat cleavers, a rather tiring job Ciro's mother in law sometimes did that when there was no pork mince but there was a piece of pork laying around, can you believe it!
      Lu then asks Zheng to produce 5 kg of minced fatty, a weird request, but to which Zheng complies, causing him much effort.
      Lu then finally asks for 5 kg of minced bones! Zheng understands that Lu is not trying to buy from him, and a fight ensues, in which Lu soon kills Zheng with his bare fists, and then escapes to avoid justice.
      Lu ends up finding the damsel he had helped earlier in another town, and she's doing fine as the concubine of a wealthy man, who then helps him become a monk to avoid justice, but entering a monastery to which the man had donated money.
    • 3 Lu can't follow the monastery rules, notably not drinking alcohol and not eating meat, and gets kicked out, sent to find work in another monastery at the Capital
  • Lin Chong
    • 4 Lu arrives at the new monastery at the capital and is assigned to take care of the vegetable garden that was being pilfered, which he does well. In a remarkable scene, he shows his might to the thieves by uprooting a willow three. Later on, while demonstrating his fighting skills to his new acquired followers, Lin Chong is passing by and takes notice. The two fight a few rounds to measure each others strengths and are impressed by one another.
    • 5 The magistrate, possibly after some bribing, does not dare accuse Lin of attempting murder, which would mean the death sentence. So he reduces it to 20 beatings with a stick and banishment to TODO Chang something. They then plan to kill him on the way and make it look like an accident.
    • 6 On the way to prison which is in another town, while crossing a forest, the two underlings attempt to murder Lin Chong, but Lu Zhishen appears and saves him.
      He intimidates the men by breaking a tree with his staff, Lu really has something against trees it seems. Lin Chong decides to still go to prison so as to not become a fugitive, and arrives safely in prison.
    • 7 Men from the capital are sent to the prison to kill Lin Chong. They transfer him to a barn, and try to set the barn on fire, but Lin Chong happens to be staying at a small nearby temple in which he made an offer to the Gods of the mountain. The killers then come by to take cover, and Lin Chong murders them with his spear, thus sealing his fate as a fugitive forever. The killing is represented in this painting: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Yoshitoshi-Lin_Chong.jpg
    • 8 Lu's followers lure Gao Qiu's adopted son into a trap, and cut off his genitals. Lin Chong goes to Mount Liang marsh. He head of the bandit group there does not want to take him in afraid that he will steal his leadership post, but his second in commands badly want Lin Chong to stay, recognizing his worth. The leader asks him to kill someone to prove his commitment, but Lin refuses to kill innocent people. Still, ends up staying having nowhere else to go. At the end, the Yang Zhi, the Blue Faced Demon, passes by the Mount Liang marsh. Je has just lost a stone shipment for the Emperor's stone garden due to a storm while he was on boat. The garden is a useless pursuit directly supervised by Gao Qiu.
  • Chao Gai and the original 7:
    • 9 The Blue faced demon returns to the capital. He tries to bribe bribe Gao Qiu for forgiveness for losing the stones, but it fails and he is thrown into jail. He is then forced to use all his money to bribe his way out of jail, and after leaving has to sell his precious family inherited sword to eat. A local bully who often eats merchants food without paying, because he has connection to corrupt officials, asks to see the sword. Although the does not appear serious about buying, the Blue faced demon displays it to him and the crowd. The incredible sword can:
      • cut copper without denting. He demonstrates this on some copper coins
      • cut a hair placed on it by simply blowing the hairs
      • cut through a man without being stained by blood
      In order to demonstrate the cutting of a man, the demon asks for someone to bring a dog, but the bully keeps insisting that a man must be used. When he starts to get physical, the demon kills the bully by semi-accident with the sword. After being cut and just before dying, the bully recognizes that the sword is truly a magnificent weapon.
      The demon turns himself in for the killing, but because it was a semi accident with many witnesses to support him, all of which hated the bully, he is exiled to another city rather than put to death. Upon arriving in the new city, the governor of the new city seems happy to have him as a great warrior and releases him and gives him a good reception, having him demonstrate his weapon skills to court.
    • 10 The Blue faced demon is tasked by his new master with delivering some expensive birthday gifts from the new city to the capital, a dangerous task. He proposes transporting the gifts as ordinary goods in cheap looking packages to divert the attention of thieves.
      The scene then cuts to the Red Haired Devil and other men plan to steal the gifts, which is morally justified because they are being sent from one corrupt official to another. The leader of the group of thieves dreams about the Big Dipper and the number of stars coincides with the number of accomplices that ends up forming somewhat by chance. The band makes a formal oath to their goal and intentions, in which they burning papers (presumably with written promises) and drink baijiu ritually. The seven are:
    • 11 The gifts are stolen after the party carrying them is tricked into drinking poisoned baijiu which makes them sleepy.
  • Song Jiang becomes a murderer
    • 12 The investigation to find the gifts discovers who the culprits are, but they manage to escape to Mount Liang marsh after Song Jiang tips them off that the authorities are coming.
    • 13 The thieves reach Mount Liang marsh to seek refuge. The boss is hesitant about taking them in, because their crime is so serious that it would lead to increased attention from the emperor, and also because he's afraid they would take up his place. Lin Chong on the other hand is happy they came, since he's in a similar situation to them. He also tries to separate the men, but they simply refuse to be put apart, as they are sworn brothers. It is quite homoerotic. He eventually gets so mad he murders the chief, and declares Chao Gai as chief.
    • 14 Song Jiang marries some cute unfortunate chick who sings and plays the pipa really well just to help her out. But unlike his clerk, he doesn't want to fuck her, he's likely thinking about his brothers all sweaty in the marsh. One day he even invites the clerk to stay with his wife because he's not interested. Unwise. The clerk then sings to her, as he also sings and plays pipa very well. The red haired devil drops buy and wants to give 100 taels of gold to both Song Jiang and to the captain that let Chao Gai escape. Song Jiang refuses, taking only 1 bar as a token. The captain accepts. Song Jiang's wife then willingly confesses that she is having an affair, and Song Jiang doesn't care, he gladly signs a divorce agreement, and gives her the house. She later finds the letter from Chai Gai which would implicate Song Jiang with the bandits. She tries to bribe Song Jiang into fucking her, only then will she give the letter back, but Song Jiang is not happy with that, and instead pulls out a knife, and in the struggle kills her by semi accident. People in this novel should really learn not struggle around with open blades!!
  • Wu Song
    • 15 Song Jiang escapes to his father's home, and his father hides him. The authorities were supposed to arrest his father and torture him in-lieu of the missing son, but the father has an official document in which he had previously cut ties with his son. Song then goes to Lord Chai. At Lord Chai's he meets martial artist Wu Song, who is about to leave Chai to go home.
    The scene then follows Wu Song. He goes into a bar and drinks superhuman amounts of baijiu: 18 bowls, and in a place that prides itself for having a specially strong baijiu, the bar is called "3 bowls and you can't cross the bridge". When leaving, the bar keeper tells hims that here is a tiger on the loose, but he's not scared. While he sleeps, the tiger comes, and after some struggle he manages to kill the tiger by beating it to death with his bare hands!
    The scene then cuts to a dwarf Wu Dalang that sells some king of bun, and who has a beautiful wife. They call the buns 炊饼. Here they ask if those are mantou or not: www.zhihu.com/question/20248788. They show their deep love for each other, despite being poor. Rape incoming.
    • 16 Wu Song arrives in the city that was offering a bounty for the tiger and is received as a hero. He was about to go off searching for his brother in another town, but surprise, Wu Dalang is his brother. So he takes a job from the local magistrate who appreciated him having killed the tiger, and starts to live with his brother. The beautiful wife then starts to become sexually interested in him, the scenes that show that are very good. At the end of the episode, she proposes openly to Wu Song, in a cliffhanger ending.
    • 17 Wu Song refuses her and moves out and does not tell his brother what happened Wu Song then is sent for a few months in a task At the same time another rich dude Master Ximen from the city has become interested and asks the older innkeeper lady who lives nearby how to fuck the wife This is where she drops the porn quote from Wikipedia
    • 18 The wife starts fucking the rich dude regularly. They hide it from Wu Dalang but gossip is already out on the street and the pear seller friend warns Dalang who doesn't believe it One day he comes home early to check but he misses them and the wife lies and pretends to be offended With the help of the pear seller Dalang finally catches them however but the rich dude just kicks the dwarf and walks away This cause serious internal injuries to the dwarf and the wife appears ashamed and goes buy medicine But unfortunately the rich dude owns the medicine shops in town and they proceed to continue fucking in the medicine shop The dwarf says that hell annul the marriage so they can do it legally but he is still very sick and if he dies before his brother comes back Wu Song is going to kill everybody. They then decide to poison the dwarf instead and the proceed killing him. The rich dude bribes the coroner and some men beat up the pear seller to keep him shut.
    • 19 Wu Song returns home and finds his brother died. The big character on the grave is 祭 (dian4) from 祭奠 (make an offering to the dead). Everyone is avoiding him. The pear seller and his father moved away to another place. But he stumbles upon the boy who tells the truth. The coroner then confirms, and says he was forced to make a false statement, but already has a letter ready with the truth, including samples as proof. Wusong takes the proof and witnesses to the local magistrate, who basically dismisses the case. Guards are posted at Dalangs home to protect the wife from Wu Song, but also to prevent the wife from confessing.
      Wu Song starts inviting the neighbours to come over to eat one day. They try to avoid him, but he insists. They come. He asks for them to say who the killer is. The old lady tries to deny it, but the wife is so guilty she cant even speak. Wu Song cuts her throat in front of the little offering place for his brother. Wu Song sends the head of the to the rich dude, and then proceeds to murder him. He does put up a fight though. everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting. Wu Song then burns his brothers belongings to return it to them, and places both heads, of the wife and rich dude, on the altar. He then hands himself in to the authorities, and is sentenced to a beating plus exile, the usual.
    • 20 Wu Song is being transported to prison. They just take the cangue off, as he is so strong he could escape anyways. They arrive at an inn run by Sun Erniang, an innkeeper lady that makes mantou out of human meat. Before they arrive, we see a scene of two random men refusing to stay at the tavern because they've heard humours of the human meat thing. But Wu Song's party don't know about it and decide to stay and drink regardless. She tries to drug them but Wu Song only pretends to drink and fall asleep. They then fight a bit and he wins. Her husband arrives, discovers that he is Wu Song, asks for excuse, and they become good friends, since they are all justified criminal. Wu Song asks her to spare the guards, who wake up next morning both having dreamt that they were on a chopping board. The arrive at the destination, and due to Wu Songs reputation, he is treated extremely well by the prison ward, given food and even a bath. The reason for this is that the warden needs him to beat up some business rival, and so Wu Song beats up the bully.
    • 21 A general comes and takes Wu Song from the constable pretending to like him. But in the end the general was in collusion with the bully, and frame Wu Song for theft. He is re-exiled somewhere else. On the way, they try to kill him, but Wu Song kills all the killers instead. He then goes to the general's home and murders everyone.
    • 22 Wu Song is helped escape by the human meat mantou lady who dresses him as a taoist monk as a disguise. Wu Song meeds Song Jiang on his way to Mount Erlong, which is where Lu Zhishen is staying. But Song Jiang is going to Qingfeng Fort, a new place never mentioned before.
    The story now follows Song Jiang. He reaches some other bandit dude Qingfeng Fort. After another evil woman, they take over Qingfeng Fort, it is quite trivial and boring. Song Jiang receives a letter saying that his father died, and he returns home ashamed for not having been there when he died, the other men go to Mount Liang marsh. Song Jiang gets home, but finds that his father is still alive, it was a trick just to bring him home. But his father is a bit sick to be honest.
  • Song Jiang joins the outlaws definitively
    • 23 Song Jiang's father asks him to serve sentence to not become an outlaw forever, he complies. There's also the fact that a new emperor took power, and so they usually grant a general amnesty. So here we go again, exile to some random place. The brothers from Mount Liang even take out the two guards he's with, but he insists on going through with it. When will they learn. In the end, the amnesty is declared, but he's not included.
    • 24 Song Jiang learns that he wasn't pardoned because they believe he is collusion with Mount Liang, and rebellion is an unpardonable crime. Song Jiang drinks a lot and writes a rebellious poem on the wall of an inn, and signs it. Someones sees it, and they arrest him for real, and ask the Capital how to punish them. The messenger however is in Song Jiang's side, and brings the letter to Mount Liang instead. They then fake a reply from the capital telling to bring Song Jiang over, and planning to free him in transit. Just after the messenger leaves, the rebels notice that they didn't fake the letter well enough, and that it will be found to be a fake.
    • 25 Due to circumstances the execution is expedited. But the rebels still manage to come in time and save Song Jiang and the messenger who was going to be killed with him while they are being taken to the execution ground. Song Jiang reveals his banner, 替天行道 ("Enforcing the Way in Heaven's Name")
Urban Dictionary Updated +Created
What you Google-into when trying to understand English slangs as of 2020.